Guide to Electric Motor Maintenance and Troubleshooting -- Contents and Intro

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  1. The DC Machine
  2. Troubleshooting and Testing the DC Machine
  3. AC Electric Motor Theory
  4. The Single-Phase Motor
  5. The Three-Phase Induction Motor
  6. Troubleshooting Three-Phase Motors
  7. Troubleshooting Less Common Motors
  8. Test Instruments and Services
  • Troubleshooting Single-Phase Motors
  • Troubleshooting the DC Machine


This guide contains ...

  • ... coverage of small to industrial-size electric motors
  • ... new details on three-phase motors and the latest test instruments
  • ... useful illustrations and photos

Worldwide competition has forced big changes in industry. Predictive and preventive maintenance programs have replaced reactive maintenance. These programs are important factors in the profit and, in numerous cases, the survival of many industries. The cost per hour of downtime clearly illustrates the need for such programs.

This guide explains electric motor theory and troubleshooting techniques.

Its intent is to inform the technician in direct language without needless math and cross-references.

Effective electric motor maintenance and troubleshooting require a complete understanding of a motor's internal structure. The electric motor theory in this text is directly relatable to maintenance and troubleshooting.

The math and motor theory are not meant to be used as exact formulas for designing or redesigning a motor or an electrical system. Instead, they are directly applied to motor problems and solutions.

The guide covers all types of AC and DC motors. DC motor and generator operation (and components) will be explained first, followed by AC single-phase motors, and then three-phase motors. Connections and their numbering systems are included with the description of each machine.

Two troubleshooting procedures will be presented. The first procedure tests the machine's components to quickly see if it should be removed for repair. The next procedure locates the problem inside the machine.

Although electric machine problems can be difficult, there is no problem that does not have an explanation and a solution. It's just a matter of gathering all the facts, and applying the appropriate logic.

Also see: Guide to Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motors

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