Sex Glossary: R

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random selection: Selection of experimental and control subjects for a research project in an entirely random manner, such as drawing names or numbers from a paper bag.

rape: A sexual assault with penile penetration of the vagina under the use or threat of force that overcomes the earnest resistance of the victim.

receptor site: A point on a target cell that binds a chemical molecule to exert its biological effect.

rectovaginal: Concerning the rectum and vagina.

reflexogenic: Caused by a reflex action.

refractory period: The period in the male immediately following ejaculation during which further orgasm is physiologically impossible; there is no such period in the female response cycle.

replication: Repetition of an experiment.

resolution phase: The fourth phase of the sexual response cycle in which the sexual systems return to their nonexcited state.

retarded ejaculation: The delay or absence of ejaculation following an adequate period of sexual excitement; also known as ejaculatory incompetence and inhibited male orgasm.

retrograde ejaculation: A condition in the male in which orgasm is not accompanied by an external ejaculation of semen; instead, the ejaculate goes into the urinary bladder.

Rh factor: An antigen (chemical) that may be present on the surface of the red blood cells.

Rh negative: Lacking the Rh blood group or antigen on the surface of one’s red blood cells.

Rh positive: Possessing the Rh blood group or antigen on the surface of one’s red blood cells.

rhythm methods: Methods of conception control based on the abstinence from coitus during the calendar days of highest female fertility.

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