Sex Glossary: K

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Kaposi’s sarcoma: A cancer of the connective tissues, common in persons with AIDS but rare in the general population.

karyotype: A systematic arrangement of the chromosomes of a single cell in the metaphase stage of mitosis.

“kiddie porn”: See child pornography.

Kinsey, Alfred: A biology professor at Indiana University who in the I 940s conducted massive survey research on human sexual activities and beliefs.

kleptomania: A fetish that involves obtaining sexual gratification from compulsive stealing of objects that usually have no value to the person other than as a source of sexual arousal.

Klinefelter’s syndrome: Chromosomal abnormality resulting from the presence of two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (XXY) in a human cell; individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome have male internal and external genitals, but their testes are very small and nonfunctional.

klismaphilia: Sexual arousal through receiving of enemas.

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