Sex Glossary: P

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panderer: A person, usually a man, who procures and recruits women into prostitution.

pansexual: Responding to all forms of sexual stimuli.

papilloma viruses: A group of viruses that cause genital and other warts, and are suspected of causing cervical cancer.

Pap smear (Pap test): A screening test for the detection and diagnosis of premalignant and malignant conditions of the female genital tract (cancer of the vagina, cervix, and endometrium).

paraphilias: Those sexual actions that are pleasurable and gratifying, yet whose object (with whom or what one has intercourse) and/or aim (a goal other than seeking intercourse) deviate from the norm.

paraplegia: Paralysis of the lower portion of the body and of both legs.

paresis: Paralysis and mental symptoms resulting from damage to the brain and spinal cord by the spirochetes of syphilis.

passionate love: A strongly emotional state occurring early in relationships; the loved person is idealized and is intensely sexually exciting.

pathogen: A disease-causing agent.

pedophilia: A sexual paraphilia in which an adult is sexually attracted to and sexually aroused by prepubertal children.

“Peeping Tom”: See voyeurism.

peer group: Persons who are relatively equal in terms of age and social rank.

pelvic inflammatory disease: (PID): A uterine and pelvic cavity infection.

penile chordee: Painful downward curvature of the penis on erection.

penile glans: The tip, or head, of the penis. The urethral orifice, or opening, is at the center of the glans.

penile prosthesis An implant of a mechanical: device within the penis to aid in erection.

penis: External male reproductive organ through which urine and sperm pass; erects during sexual excitement.

perineum: The area between the anus and scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vaginal opening in the female.

personhood: A person’s highest fulfillment.

petting: Noncoital sexual activity such as stimulation of the breasts and genitals.

Peyronie’s disease: Hardening of the cavernous bodies of the penis causing a distortion or deflection of the penis, especially when: erect.

pheromones: Chemical odors produced by certain female animals during their fertile periods that communicate reproductive readiness.

phimosis: The condition of such foreskin tightness that it cannot be retracted over the coronal ridge.

phylogenetic: The evolutionary relationship between different groups of animals, or animals and humans.

physiology: The study of the functions of living organisms.

pimp: A man who lives off the earnings of prostitutes, manages their time and money, pretends to protect their interests, and keeps them in line and working.

pituitary gland: An endocrine gland attached to the base of the brain; secretes a number of hormones regulating many body processes.

placebo: A chemically inactive substance given to satisfy a patient’s demand for medicine.

placenta: The organ that unites a fetus to its mother’s uterus; it secretes hormones, and it facilitates gas exchange, nutrition, and waste removal.

plateau phase: The second phase of the sexual response cycle in which vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure increase.

Pneumocystis carinii: A protozoan that often causes pneumonia in AIDS victims, but rarely in the general population.

pornae: Early Greek women who were hired to provide sexual gratification; prostitutes.

pornography: The depiction of erotic behavior with the intent to cause sexual excitement through material such as books, photographs, or films.

postpartum: The days and weeks following childbirth.

premature ejaculation: A sexual problem in which a male cannot maintain voluntary control over the ejaculatory reflex and may ejaculate early and unintentionally.

premenstrual syndrome: The physical discomforts and/or emotional mood swings that some women experience before menstruation.

prenatal: Before birth.

prepared childbirth: Childbirth following a series of classes intended to prepare a woman for active participation in the delivery and to minimize the need for analgesic drugs.

prepuce: The fold of skin (foreskin) over the penile glans in the male; the fold of the labia minora that covers the clitoris in the female. See clitoral hood.

priapism: Prolonged and uncomfortable penile erection without sexual desire.

primal scene: In psychiatry (especially psychoanalysis), a child’s first observation of sexual intercourse.

procreation: Sexual intercourse for the sole purpose of reproduction.

progesterone: A hormone secreted by the ovaries and placenta that promotes the growth and maintenance of the uterine endometrium, mammary glands, and placenta.

progestin: A synthetic progesterone- like drug.

projection: The attribution of one’s own thoughts, feelings, or actions to others.

prolactin: Pituitary hormone that directs the synthesis of milk in the mammary glands of nursing mothers.

prolactin-inhibiting hormone (PIll): Hypothalamic hormone that blocks the release of prolactin, keeping the mammary glands milk-free. The stimulus of nursing reflexively blocks the release of prolactin inhibiting factor, allowing prolactin to be secreted and the mammary glands to synthesize milk.

promiscuity: Indiscriminate, transient, sexual intercourse with many persons for the relief of sexual tensions, rather than for feelings of affection.

prophylactic: See condom.

prostaglandin: One of a group of fatty acid derivatives produced by the body that is extremely active biologically. It affects the contraction of the uterus.

prostate: A gland that surrounds the neck of the bladder and urethra in the male. It secretes the fluid that initiates the movement of sperm.

prostatectomy: Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.

prostitution: The profession of performing sexual acts with others for pay.

prurient interest: Extraordinary concern with nudity, sex, or excretion that goes beyond normal curiosity.

pseudohermaphroditism: A congenital abnormality in which one possesses gonads of one sex but external genitals of the other sex. (True hermaphroditism is having both ovaries and testes, a very rare condition among humans.)

psoriasis: A condition which leaves the skin scaly.

psychogenic: Conditions having a mental Origin.

psychosexual: Pertaining to the emotional or mental aspects of sexuality.

puberty: The period of life during which one becomes functionally capable of reproduction.

pubic lice: Small insects that infect the pubic and other coarse body hair; commonly called “crabs.”

pyromania: A fetish that involves obtaining sexual gratification from compulsive fire setting.

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