HOME Other Health Articles A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z madam: A woman who manages prostitutes. mammary glands: Glands in the breast that secrete milk when an infant is nursing. mammography: X-ray examination of the breast. marital rape exemption: A law that exempts a husband from being prosecuted for raping his wife. masochist: One who obtains sexual pleasure from being physically or mentally abused or dominated. masseur: A man whose work is massaging. masseuse: A woman whose work is massaging. mastectomy: Surgical removal of the: breast. Masters, William: In partnership with Virginia Johnson, pioneered observational sexual research and developed new methods of sex therapy. masturbation: Stimulation of one’s own genitals to create sexual pleasure. meiosis: The process of cell division by which ovum and sperm cells are formed. menarche: The first menstrual period of a female during puberty. menopause: That period which marks the permanent cessation of menstrual activity. menstrual cycle: The monthly reproductive cycle in women; each cycle terminates with menstruation. menstruation: The monthly flow of bloody fluid from the uterine lining tissue. midlife or middle age: Variously defined portion of one’s life, often viewed as ranging from about age 35 to 55. midwife: Someone, other than a physician, who aids in the delivery of babies. milk ducts: Ducts within the breast that conduct milk from the mammary glands to the nursing infant. minipill: A contraceptive pill containing only progesterone in a low dosage. miscarriage: Interruption of pregnancy by spontaneous expulsion of the embryo or fetus during the first or second trimester. mistress: A woman whose life-style as a sex partner is maintained by a man to whom she is not married and who does not provide her with immediate payment for her services. mitochondria: Small oval structures found in cells; the source of cellular energy. mitosis: The process by which all body cells of multicellular organisms multiply. monogamy: Being married to only one person at a time. mons veneris: Fatty, hair-covered pad over the pubic bone in the female. moral values: Those values that relate to a person’s behavior or conduct with and treatment of other people. morning-after pill: A high dosage of estrogens or progestins taken orally after unprotected coitus to prevent implantation. mucus method: A method of detecting the time of ovulation each month in a woman by her observing the changes in vaginal mucus secretions. Müllerian ducts: Ducts in the embryo that develop into the fallopian tubes, the uterus, the cervix, and possibly the upper part of the vagina in the female. Müllerian inhibiting hormone: A hormone produced by the testes that stops formation of female internal genitals. multiejaculatory: Repeated orgasm and ejaculation without the male refractory period. multiple orgasm: The experience of more than one orgasm within a short period of time and without dropping below the plateau level of sexual arousal. myotonia: Increased muscle tension. |