Sex Glossary: D

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date rape: A form of acquaintance rape in which the assault occurs while the assailant and victim are on a date together.

deception: The act of deceiving or tricking someone by lying or failing to reveal a truth.

decriminalization: The legalization of acts previously held to be illegal.

desexualize: To render less sexual. diabetes: A disease caused by an insulin deficiency.

dial-a-porn: The use of telephones to convey erotic messages.

diaphragm: A soft, shallow, dome- shaped contraceptive device that is positioned inside the vagina over the cervix during coitus to serve as a barrier to sperm.

diethyistilbestrol (DES): A synthetic estrogen.

dilation and curettage (D and C): Surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the uterine lining is then gently scraped with a metal instrument (curette); sometimes used as a form of abortion during the first trimester.

dilation and evacuation (D and E): A second trimester abortion procedure in which the cervix is dilated and the fetus is removed through a combination of vacuum aspiration and the use of forceps.

dildo: An artificial penis.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): A self-replicating molecule that controls inheritance and protein synthesis.

double blind: A research technique in which neither the participants in an experiment nor their evaluators know who is in the experimental group or who is in the control group.

douching: Use of a liquid to flush the vagina.

dyadic: Between two partners.

dysfunctions: In a sexual sense, disorders that make it impossible for a person to have or to enjoy sexual intercourse.

dysmenorrhea: Painful menstrual flow.

dyspareunia: Painful intercourse.

dysphoria: The condition of feeling ill at ease; gender dysphoria refers to any degree of difficulty in gender identity.

dysplasia: Abnormal development of tissue.

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