Sex Glossary: F

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fallopian tube: The tube or duct that connects the ovary to the uterus; serves to convey the ovum from the ovary to the uterus and the sperm from the uterus toward the ovary.

fantasy: Any daydream with an elaborate script; known as sexual fantasies when associated with sexual scenarios.

feedback system: The return of some output, or substance, in the body to the place of its origin by the system that receives it.

fellatio: Oral stimulation of the male genitals.

fertile period: The period of time each month during which a woman’s ovum has been released and can be fertilized by sperm.

fertilization: The union of the sperm cell nucleus with the nucleus of the ovum.

fetal alcohol syndrome: A variable series of psychomotor disturbances, facial characteristics, and growth deficiencies found in the children of women who drank alcohol to excess during their pregnancy.

fetishism: The use of specific inanimate objects or body parts for sexual arousal.

fetus: The developing child from about the eighth week after conception until birth.

fimbriae: Fingerlike projections that form a fringe around the entrance to a fallopian tube.

flaccid: Not erect, such as with the penis.

follicle: The small sac or cavity enclosing an ovum in the ovary.

follicle-stimulating hormone: (FSH): A gonadotropin secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the development of an ovarian follicle in a female or the production of sperm in a male.

foreplay: Any type of sex play that precedes coitus.

fornication: Sexual intercourse between unmarried heterosexual adults; a violation of the law in some states.

fraternal twins: Twins developing from separate ova fertilized by separate sperm.

frenulum: A highly sensitive thin strip of skin connecting the penile glans to the foreskin.

Freud, Sigmund: Austrian physician (1856-1939) who theorized on the nature and influence of the unconscious mind.

frottage: Sexual arousal from rubbing or pressing against the body of a fully clothed person in a crowded situation.

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