Important Health and Medical Topics 21

Sleeping Disorders
If you find it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep or are falling asleep at inappropriate times, you could very well be suffering from a sleeping disorder. According to studies, there are over one hundred types of sleep orders, some more serious than the others. Common types of sleeping disorders include insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome or RLS.

Sleeping Pills
There are two types of sleeping pills. You can find many brands of sleeping pills sold over the counter, and there are those that can only be prescribed by a doctor. Many people have difficulty getting adequate sleep due to tension, depression and pain, while others suffer from insomnia. Sleeping pills may be very effective for some but could be dangerous for others. That is why it is important to know how a sleeping pill works and what the possible side effects of are.

Bad Breath
Halitosis is the medical term used to describe noticeably unpleasant odors that are exhaled during the breathing process. In some cases, bad breath is only prominent while talking.

Bad Breath Cure
A simple trip to the dentist can help identify the cause of bad breath. If the cause is poor dental hygiene, the dentist will recommend a proper cleaning regimen, which will include regular brushing, rinsing and flossing. Treatment may also include repairing or removing infected cavities, which can be rather unpleasant. No wonder the saying, 'Prevention is better than cure' has become so common!

Cause Of Bad Breath
Bad breath is a problem most people face today. Most bad breath problems begin in the mouth, and are a result of poor dental hygiene. Others are indicative of internal infections such as kidney failure, malfunction of the liver, disorders of metabolism, and infection of the sinuses or lungs.

Stop Bad Breath
Most bad breath problems begin in the mouth, and are a result of poor dental hygiene. Persistent bad odor from the mouth is indicative of the presence of bacteria that coat the teeth and gums. Food particles lodged in the cavities and back of the tongue decay and release sulfur compounds, which cause of bad breath. In order to stop bad breath, one must follow a proper cleaning regimen that includes brushing regularly, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash.

Laser Vision Correction
Laser vision correction, or refractive surgery, is the latest technology used for the treatment of vision loss. High success rates and the involvement of minimal surgical procedures have made laser correction a popular choice. It is now considered a simple and safe alternative form of surgery.

The eye is the first component of the sensory system of vision. Despite its small size, the eye is a very complex organ. The retina performs the first stage in visual perception. The optic nerve and the visual cortex of the brain are the next stages of visual perception.

Vision Care
Over one million Americans over the age of 40 face the threat of blindness or are currently blind. Another 2.4 million are visually impaired. These numbers are expected to double in the next 30 years.

Vision Correction
From ordinary spectacles to contact lenses and laser surgery, vision correction has come a long way since the first pair of spectacles was made in the 13th century. These new methods of correction can potentially restore vision back to normal. They attempt to reduce any refractive error by making light rays focus properly on the retina.

Bifocal Contact Lenses
People suffering from presbyopia, which makes people unable to read at the usual distance from the eyes and need to place the reading material at a distance further away, were initially prescribed bifocal glasses that could be used to correct two different kinds of problems with the eyes. These bifocal were difficult to manage, so scientists designed contact bifocals for people who wanted to avoid the hassles of bifocal glasses.

Colored Contact Lenses
Colored contacts lenses are specialized contacts that are not specifically used for correcting any eye problem. They are primarily used for cosmetic purposes. Many of them do not correct vision and are used to change the color of a person's eyes, but some colored contact lenses are available for those who need vision correction while enriching their looks.

Contact Lenses
Recent market trends show an almost revolutionary boom in the field of contact lenses, not just as a substitute for glasses, but also as cosmetic accessories, such as colored contacts. As the name suggests, the lens comes in direct contact with the pupil do not slip, move, or fall off like glasses.

Discount Contact Lenses
Contact lenses are more expensive than regular glasses. Even when the lenses are available on sale, the solutions to keep them clean and the eye drops would make up for the rest. Despite the high price, many people prefer contacts to glasses.

Disposable Contact Lenses
People must take good care of their contact lenses. Cleaning the contact lenses and storing them in solution must be a daily ritual to keep them clean and soft and not let them get dry. Also, this would ensure that the lenses are dust free and would not cause any irritation or itchiness in the eyes.

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