Important Health and Medical Topics 16

Sleep Apnea Symptoms
Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder characterized by episodes of disturbed or interrupted breathing during sleep resulting in recurrent arousals and awakenings.

Sleep Apnea Treatment
The goal of treatment for sleep apnea patients is to keep the airway open and prevent pauses in breathing during sleep.

An Introduction to Snoring
Someone who snores can often become the butt of jokes. But jokes aside, snoring is no laughing matter. Nearly 90 million Americans snore, most of them men, and very often snoring affects those over the age of 60.

Why You Should Stop Snoring
If you or your sleeping partner snores, you may think of snoring as merely an irritant. But, snoring can have serious social and health consequences. So, there is every reason why one should attempt to stop snoring.

A Review of Recommended Snoring Cures
There are probably as many cures for snoring as there are people complaining about someone snoring. Over 300 anti-snoring devices and cures have been registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Offices. They include the familiar remedy -- a tennis ball in a sock sewed on the back of your pajamas, which supposedly keeps you from rolling over on your back and snoring. Sticky strips to hold your nostrils open, mouthwashes and nasal sprays are other commonly advised cures.

Popular Snoring Remedies
For reducing snoring there are a number of simple suggestions or home remedies. Let's take a look at some of the options or popular snoring remedies, in addition to the ubiquitous tennis ball cure.

A Look at Snoring Treatments
If your own efforts to stop snoring do not help, consult your physician or an otolaryngologist -- or a doctor for the ear, nose, and throat. If you choose to try a dental appliance as a snoring treatment, you will need to see a dentist specializing in these devices. Some medical snoring treatments are continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), oral devices (including dental appliances and lower jaw positioners), and surgery.

How to Prevent Snoring
You probably know at least one person who snores. It could be your partner, parents, grandparents, or even Uncle Ed or Aunt Emma that makes that sawing wood sound. Some laugh and make jokes about it, but it can be a symptom of a serious disorder.

Cause of Stretch Marks
The actual causes of stretch marks are still largely unknown. Fundamentally, the depletion of collagen causes skin integrity to reduce and the end result can be stretch marks. The rupturing of minute blood vessels is also involved in causing the earliest pink discolorations of such blemishes.

Home Remedies For Stretch Marks
The generally held medical standpoint is that there is no clear-cut treatment for stretch marks. We are not talking of major cosmetic surgery or otherwise radical intervention here, of course - those are definitely possible approaches, but highly expensive ones that are by no means free of inherent complications. Before one considers medical or surgical alternatives, it makes sense to examine the most favored home treatments.

Laser Stretch Marks Removal
There is a lot of controversy about the efficacy of laser removal of stretch marks. The main bone of contention is that lasers are only useful in breaking down or vaporizing tissue, not in actually repairing it. In fact, even surgical intervention is apparently only useful if actual skin is excised. This goes along with the general medical standpoint - there is no cure for stretch marks.

Prevent Stretch Marks
There are certain circumstances under which stretch marks are almost guaranteed. To be forewarned and not forearmed is therefore foolhardy - especially considering the near impossibility of getting rid of them later on. Without doubt, pregnancy in women and intentional weight loss in both sexes are the most danger-prone times.

Stretch Marks
Human skin is an organ in itself, considering the many functions it performs. It protects from internal infection, warns of possible physical damage by means of sensory pain signals and cools the entire body via sweat glands. And, of course, it is the main canvas of physical beauty.

Stretch Marks and Pregnancy
Pregnancy brings some unavoidable problems with it - backache, fatigue, queasiness, and, almost invariably, stretch marks. As the term of childbearing progresses (usually during the 6th or 7th month) something like 80% of all women can expect to find red striations to appear on the skin of the abdomen. Depending on the degree of change in weight gain, stretch marks can also develop on the upper thighs and waist.

Stretch Marks Cream
No clear-cut conclusions have been reached on whether creams, lotions and the other assorted potions for stretch marks really help. Some scorn them, others swear by them. It is quite possible that those who actually benefit would have eventually healed anyway. The damage that causes stretch marks happens at a level of skin that no cream or lotion can hope to penetrate to.

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