Advanced Solid-State Logic:
Flip-Flops, Shift Registers, Counters, and Timers:
Solution to Job Assignment

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Your solution for the job assignment should include using a clocked flip-flop similar to the one used to control the two air compressors in Fig. 6. The solution should also include a set of flip-flops that provides counting capability like the ones in Figs. 8, 9, 17, and 18. If you choose to use an up/down counter, the good parts sensor should be connected to the up-count input, and the bad parts sensor should be connected to the down-count input. Each time the good parts sensor transitions, the count is incremented (1 is added to the total), and each time the bad parts sensor is transitioned, the count is decremented (1 is subtracted from the total). A self-contained industrial counter could be used for this part of the application.

If your solution includes a shift register to track the automotive bodies, it should look like the example in Fig. 11 or 12. A sensor should detect whether or not a body is present and this information is loaded into the shift register. The robot welders would take the place of the spray-painting nozzles as outputs. If a FIFO register is used to keep track of alarm conditions, it should look like the example in Fig. 15 or 16. Determine the alarm conditions that your alarms will monitor.

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