Developing a Wiring Diagram (Circuit #2)

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  • Develop a wiring diagram for circuit #2 using the schematic.
  • Connect this circuit.

Circuit #2, shown in Ill. 1, is the same as the schematic shown in Ill. 1, except it has been labeled with numbers. Ill. 2 shows the components of the wiring diagram. The numbers used to label the components in the wiring diagram correspond to the numbers in the schematic. For instance, the schematic shows the numbers 1 and 8 beside normally open contact TR1. The wiring diagram also shows the numbers 1 and 8 beside normally open contact TR1.

The numbers used with each component shown on the schematic have been placed beside the proper component shown in the wiring diagram.

Ill. 3 shows the wiring diagram with connected wires. Notice that the wiring diagram shows motor connections while the schematic does not. Al though it's a common practice to omit motor connections in control schematics, wiring diagrams do show the motor connections.

Ill. 1 Circuit #2. Schematic with components numbered.


1. Referring to the circuit shown in Ill. 1, would it be possible to change the components that have been numbered with an 8 to a number 9, and the components that have been numbered with a 9 to a number 8, without affecting the operation of the circuit?

Ill. 2 Components have been numbered to match the schematic.

Ill. 3 Wire connections are made by connecting like numbers.

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