SHIPPING INCLUDED Are you struggling to develop an exercise program? Having trouble sticking with your current program? Dissatisfied with the results youre seeing-or not seeing? Your Personal Trainer gives you customized, expert training advice that will help you get the results you want. And it does so at a fraction of the cost of hiring your own trainer! Douglas Brooks-one of the top personal trainers in the United States-shares his no-nonsense, results-oriented approach to training. He offers no quick fixes, but what he does offer are proven effective exercise programs and techniques similar to those he prescribes to his clients every day. Your Personal Trainer provides individually tailored programs, structured workouts, and planned training cycles, all featuring the latest exercise information available to help you achieve your fitness goals. Heres just a sampling of the many features youll find: Guidelines for scheduling your workouts Recommended stretches and strength exercises Interval training models Warm-up and cool-down techniques Advice on cross-training Nutrition tips Hints for building in rest and recovery Self-tests for tracking your progress Through it all, Brooks will keep you motivated and make your exercise program fun, not drudgery. Regardless of your fitness level, the time-tested techniques in Your Personal Trainer will give you a training advantage and empower you to take control of your fitness and health. If youre a personal trainer, you too can use Your Personal Trainer to better serve your clients. Youll find state-of-the-art advice on how to build a training regimen around your clients specific needs, limitations, and goals. Plus, youll learn Brooks techniques for motivating clients. About the Author Known as the "trainers trainer," Douglas Brooks is one of the premier personal trainers in the United States. Hes widely recognized through his numerous appearances on home shopping networks, infomercials, the Cable Health Club Network, and fitness videos. An ACE-certified personal trainer since 1983, Brooks is also the fitness training director at Snowcreek Resort and Athletic Club and the co-owner of Moves International, a provider of educational resources, continuing education, and live workshops for fitness professionals. Brooks has also authored Going Solo: The Art of Personal Training-a landmark publication written during personal trainings infancy-and Program Design for Personal Trainers: Bridging Theory Into Application, as well as numerous educational manuals. He is active in many professional organizations, including IDEA-The Health and Fitness Source, the International Sports Trainers Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He also conducts lectures and workshops throughout the United States and internationally on the topics of personal training, strength training, kinesiology,