Home | ![]() Anti-Inflammation Zone: Reversing the Silent Epidemic That's Destroying Our Health by: Barry Sears Topics include: From AudioFile From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Zone, comes a groundbreaking look at how inflammation is the silent source of almost all disease - and how to stop it using the Zone dietary plan and fish oil supplements. The Anti-Inflammation Diet provides convincing evidence that shows the deleterious effects of long-term inflammation-and specific plans to combat it. Whatever your health concern, you'll learn that we are only now beginning to understand the mechanisms that make us sick. And most important, you'll have a clear blueprint toward health that starts with the Zone. Reviews: Barry Sears' latest book, THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE (2005), is a provocative read for anyone seeking improved health--both mentally and physically. This work builds upon the cumulative, decade-long body of "Zone" guidance the author began dispensing with his best-selling THE ZONE (1995). Much, if not all, that Sears discusses here is scarcely unprecedented; not only did the author himself touch many of the same bases ten years ago, but still earlier works from other writers treated, in varying degrees, most of the same issues. Nonetheless, Sears possesses an undeniable knack for tackling an "old" topic and revamping it into something ostensibly new and undeniably intriguing. For anyone not already acquainted with Sears' "Zone" diet--which is actually not a "diet" but a lifelong mode of eating and living--the basic premise is that you should think of food, collectively, as a "drug" deserving fully as much respect and care as any doctor-dispensed, pharmaceutical prescription; and by carefully yet easily balancing or apportioning every meal or snack into three primary macronutrients (40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins, and 30% fats), you can maintain your crucial insulin level in an optimal "zone" that is neither too high nor too low. Eating thusly, Sears' asserts, engenders a longer, more productive, disease-free life. From the get-go Sears' books have collectively stressed that thusly (dietetically) maintaining your metabolic state in "the Zone" optimizes the all-important balance of (a class of) hormones known to science as "eicosanoids"; of these, the author labels some "good" eicosanoids, and others "bad" eicosanoids. Along with proper diet, three complementary things Sears has long endorsed in his books are: regular exercise (both aerobic and anaerobic); relaxation/meditation techniques; and, not least, ingesting omega-3 fatty acids (not only via eating certain species of fish but, more especially, via high daily doses of refined, "pharmaceutical-grade" fish-oil). In THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE Sears continues to advocate all the above things, which collectively comprise the "Zone" lifestyle. But, more emphatically than before, he links them--especially the fish-oil supplementation--to the reduction of what he heralds as the "epidemic that's destroying our health": silent inflammation. Perhaps "heralds" is a moot word in this context, given that, for many years, numerous authors have spun book after book featuring the word "inflammation" in the title. Indeed, one thing I've noticed about Barry Sears' body of (literary) work is that only occasionally has he presented anything categorically original. Instead, his genius is in recycling and reconstituting "old" topics or trends into a (more or less) "new" system all his own. [In this light, one book that I suspect Sears might have perused with keen interest before (co-)writing THE ZONE a decade ago is THE OMEGA=3 PHENOMENON (1987), co-authored by Donald O. Rudin, M.D. Although there are admittedly many absolutely fundamental points of departure between Rudin's earlier work and that of Sears, some of the general resemblances seem, at times, interesting. But perchance this is merely my mistaken supposition. In any case, it seems likely that Barry Sears' own "Zone dietary technology" owes at least some modest debt to published antecedents. Now, that doesn't significantly diminish Sears' formidable flair for transforming "old news" into "new" systems. Indeed, were it not for his popular books (and audiobooks), countless "Zone" adherents--including this reviewer--would surely never have altered their wonted, lifelong, dietary habits in such fundamentally healthy ways as to finally shed many pounds of unhealthy body fat while feeling, functioning and looking better. Indeed, I myself owe a debt to Mr. Sears' various books and audios for helping provoke me to lose over 17 pounds since adopting his "Zone" diet two months ago. I won't say that it's been "100%" easy, but I can report that it's easier, by far, than any prior "diet" I'd tried. But never forget that, in "the Zone", the term "diet" should be understood in its best etymological sense, meaning a permanent way of life. In THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE Sears explains that chronic inflammation within our bodies can be insidiously "silent" insofar as it's "below the perception of pain," and "that's what makes it so dangerous; you don't know it's there, although it is constantly eroding your wellness until chronic disease erupts decades later." Sears proclaims, "Diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's consume the vast bulk of our heath care resources. Yet they all have a strong inflammatory component. This inflammation is relentlessly driving your body toward chronic disease. Control that inflammation, and you have gone a great distance to minimizing, if not reversing, the symptoms of those chronic diseases, moving you back to a state of wellness." Regarding the usefulness of his book to the reader, Sears states: "The continuous control of inflammation is the foundation of the Zone. However, it usually takes at least a year before such habits become ingrained in your lifestyle. So, view this book as a wellness manual that you will refer to constantly to reinforce the necessary dietary and lifestyle skills." To put into perspective Sears' latest book, it will be helpful to recall the continual evolution of his prescribed "Zone" approach to better health. After all, not all of his many "Zone" books have been, relatively speaking, "breakthrough" works. Those of his titles that particularly stand out as signposts of key modifications to, or extensions of, his "Zone" formula include the following: THE ZONE (1995). Although, in retrospect, Sears' inaugural work covered a remarkable range of "Zone" territory (laying, in fact, the foundation for virtually all "Zone" topics that followed), it chiefly focused on dietary means to maintaining your hormones (most especially insulin) at a healthy point of equilibrium, i.e., "in the Zone". MASTERING THE ZONE (1997). Although his second book--continuing to emphasize dietary matters--wasn't exactly a "breakthrough," it did introduce some key diagrams starkly contrasting the (then current) USDA "Food Pyramid" with Sears' own "Zone Food Pyramid". Whereas the government-sanctioned pyramid included "bread, cereal, rice and pasta" as the very foundation of a "healthy" diet, Sears protested that such (mostly) refined, high-sugar carbohydrates should be either limited or avoided altogether. His own "Zone pyramid" included sufficient daily "water" intake as its foundation, with "vegetables and fruits" placed one level higher, and (above, respectively, "low-fat proteins" and "monounsaturated fats") the "breads, grains, starches, and pasta" group perched atop the very apex--meaning that the latter foods should be considered not essential but merely optional "condiments," permissible only in extremely limited amounts. THE ANTI-AGING ZONE (1999) augmented Sears' own (above-delineated) "Zone pyramid" by simply placing it entirely within a still larger paradigm that included "moderate exercise" and, finally, "meditation" as the topmost components of a an all-inclusive "Anti-aging Zone Lifestyle Pyramid." In other words, albeit diet was still considered, by far, the most effective means of establishing and maintaining your body's hormonal balance, exercise and relaxation techniques could add benefits in their own rights. THE OMEGA-RX ZONE (2002). Suddenly Sears' "pyramid" was given a brand-new foundation: "High-dose Fish Oil." The still higher tiers were, respectively, the "Insulin-control Diet"; "Moderate Daily Exercise"; and "Meditation". Sears hailed the then recently invented "pharmaceutical-grade" fish oil supplements as being "as close to a medical miracle as we will see in the 21st century." Seemingly, there were few conditions that could not be improved via the "omega-3" fatty acids in such amazingly potent fish oil. All of which returns us to Sears' latest book, THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE. The reader may justly inquire exactly what is altogether "new" or "special" about this most recent installment of ongoing "Zone" guidance? Well, other than its conspicuous amplification of the "inflammation" theme (which Sears had already mentioned in some considerable degree in THE OMEGA-RX ZONE and had touched upon in still earlier writings), basically there's not much here amounting to an utter departure from the author's previously published body of "Zone" work. This is not altogether a bad thing. For not only does the "inflammation" topic itself merit greater focus, but also Sears sporadically injects elements of other "new or modified" information throughout the book, including his latest "take" on the importance of including high-quality, "extra-virgin" olive oil in one's diet as an anti-inflammatory food. [Olive oil, being largely a monounsaturated fat, has been generally advocated as an ideal "Zone" oil even as early as Sears' 1995 book.] He explains that such extra-virgin olive oil contains the healthful phytochemical hydroxytyrosol. Noting the extremely low rate of heart disease among the Cretan people (in the Mediterranean region), and noting that that "population consumes more than 40% of their calories as fat (primarily extra-virgin olive oil)," Sears observes, "They are basically taking liquid aspirin." Regarding extra-virgin olive oil, Sears maintains that "most of the good stuff never leaves Italy" and that you should "expect to pay in the range of $20 to $30 b bottle" but "isn't the reduction of silent inflammation worth it?" He mentions a web site where you can order "the good stuff." However, he likewise stipulates that you can put any extra-virgin olive oil to the following, simple test: "Take a teaspoon of olive oil and put it in your mouth. It should have a buttery taste, as opposed to a bland oil taste. Now swish the oil along the top of your mouth with your tongue until it hits the back of your throat. You should notice a very pepper-like taste." I must report that when I applied Sears' test to the bottle of extra-virgin olive oil that I'd bought at my local Aldi grocery for somewhat over three bucks, it passed with flying colors on both counts! But perhaps my palate is less discerning than Dr. Sears'? Now, I frankly don't know if Barry Sears has any financial stake whatsoever in prompting folks to purchase that aforementioned, pricey olive oil (via the web site he mentions), but I naturally wonder. In a somewhat analogous vein, it's become pretty obvious that Sears seemingly has been, for the past several years, relentlessly steering readers toward purchasing his brand of (outrageously expensive) fish oil, despite the fact that various competing brands of "pharmaceutical-grade" fish oil have become available at much lower prices. Even supposing, for the moment, that Dr. Sears were indeed indulging in a bit of old-fashioned capitalism, I personally would not be unduly perturbed by that inclination--not so long as the main body of his "Zone technology" still rests, as I like to think it does, on trustworthy ground. Throughout much of THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE, Sears repeatedly stresses the importance of supplementing your diet with (only the most highly refined, contaminant-free varieties of) fish oil. He provides countless intriguing explanations of why and how such oil--containing highly concentrated proportions of the healthful "long-chain, omega-3" fatty acids EPA and DHA--helps to ward off diseases (including heart disease, cancer, dementia, arthritis, and diabetes) and augment mental and physical functioning, not to mention longevity. Arguably, Sears does not, however, sufficiently stress what I've read elsewhere about fish oil, namely that, given that it's a fairly powerful vasodilator or "blood-vessel expander" (which is presumably a primary reason it can improve circulation in the majority of people), it might actually be detrimental to exceptional users' health. While it is perhaps unlikely that you will suffer any adverse affects whatsoever from using contaminant-free, refined fish at the dosage levels Sears recommends, it still might be a good idea to check first with your physician. On a personal note, I myself have been tolerating very well approximately Sears' recommended daily dosage (albeit not his own brand) of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil for nearly two months, even though I have a history of being susceptible to headaches. Only once or twice have I experienced fleeting suspicions that the high doses of fish oil had worsened or even caused one of my typical, occasional headaches. On the whole, I'm comfortable with, and expect to continue, my large daily, fish-oil doses. Given that both of my late parents (at very advanced ages) suffered terribly from Alzheimer's, I naturally pay attention when Sears writes that the Big A is one of those maladies that are largely preventable via high doses of fish oil (not to mention the Zone diet and lifestyle). But I will continue to monitor this, and I suggest you apply a comparable modicum of common sense and alertness if you, too, elect to add such fish oil to your daily regimen of dietary supplements. Regarding fish oil generally, for my part I will also remain alert for further news from sources other than Sears himself. For I don't know that the proverbial jury is yet out on this issue. There surely needs to be still more in the way of clinical trials, not to mention much greater federal-government oversight of all manufacturers of (so-called) "pharmaceutical-grade" fish oil, lest consumers unwittingly ingest dangerous amounts of (manmade) contaminants that more or less accumulate in the bodies of fish. About 36 pages of THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE comprise a well-illustrated tutorial of physical exercises that employ no costly or space-requiring gear or machinery. While this section of the book is perfectly nice (and I personally appreciate the black-and-white photos of the lovely, smiling, photogenic Leah Garcia who demonstrates the motions), this section can hardly be considered highly original. It could be argued that amounts to a bit of padding, albeit agreeable padding. But if it serves to prompt even one reader actually to perform some of those routines regularly, then "well and good"! Likewise, comparable to virtually all Sears' foregoing books, about 54 pages of THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE comprise Zone-favorable meal recipes. I personally get little good from most of the provided recipes, whether here or elsewhere. Instead, using my own favored foods, I merely consult the "food-block" (i.e., the permitted weights or portion sizes per meal) appendix that can be found in most of the previous Zone books. Unfortunately, I don't see that THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE's own appendices are as all-inclusive in this regard. For example, although there's an appendix regarding `Zone Carbohydrate Blocks", there's an inexplicably conspicuous lack of the corresponding guidelines for proteins and fats. This seems an incomprehensible omission. On the other hand, for those Zone followers who have had trouble thinking in terms of food "blocks," THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE introduces an alternative "points" method of measuring food portions. Some folks might, indeed, find this approach significantly preferable, even justifying buying this book. Indeed, I can perceive some real merit in the new "points" approach, albeit I don't personally have any trouble with the old, tried-and-true "food-block" system, which actually is not as complicated as it may sound. The final two chapters are entitled "What Will Our Future Be" and "Avoiding the Coming Collapse of the Health Care System." The latter theme is actually nothing new for Sears, as he'd already addressed it a decade ago in THE ZONE. Before closing, I must confess that I've not really addressed various other, significant chapters and sections of the book that, collectively, serve to make THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE much more than the sum of its motley parts. For example, there are successive, focused passages regarding particular diseases and how daily doses of highly refined fish oil (together with the "Zone diet" and "Zone lifestyle") can help with alleviation or prevention. Just as Sears' best-selling premier of 1995 was somewhat "rambling" in its arrangement of chapters and sections, a bit of that quality manifests in THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE. Nonetheless, any longtime "Zone" adherent will not want to miss this latest installment of compelling guidance from "Doctor" Sears who, despite the implication conveniently engendered by the publisher's subtle reworking of the author's name on the covers of his two most recent books, is actually not an "M.D." bur rather a "medical researcher" with a Ph.D. Moreover, even for your average "Zone" neophyte this book could serve as a fairly effective introduction to Zone basics. However, in that regard, an absolute beginner would be better served by the author's A WEEK IN THE ZONE (2000), a more easily portable paperback whose overriding purpose is that of "Zone primer" and whose layout and discussion seem a bit friendlier. After having thusly digested the basics, any reader should greatly benefit from going on to peruse (most portions of) THE ANTI-INFLAMMATION ZONE. Recommended! My first suggestion is for anyone deciding between buying the hardcover or the e-book edition. I bought both. Amazon's listing says the e-book is printable, but it didn't say that in a seven day period one is only allowed to print a certain number of pages, about one-tenth of the book. So it would take me about 10 weeks to get my printed e-book copy. I sent an email about this to Amazon.com and in about a week received a refund. My second tip is about the high cost of the fish oil capsules and the extra-virgin olive oil which are key to the Zone program. Dr. Sears refers to a website of the International Fish Oil Standards Program,at www.ifosprogram.com. There one can find the brands and batches of refined fish oil capsules of the highest quality. I found on the website that most of the batches were for the author's affiliated brand. However, there was a recent batch for my favorite supplement source, the Life Extension Foundation buyer's club. I think one will find that for the same month's supply of top rated capsules, the latter source will be about half the price. That's important to a lot of people if we're talking about a range of about $18 to $23 a month compared to $42 to $52. (The range spread relates to number of bottles or purchase plan). Barry Sears' book is overall the most useful one for me in learning about inflammation and health. However, I prefer to eat lesser amounts of meat, when possible, and still get a good amount of protein. Tofu seems to be about it for protein from vegetable sources in this Zone book by Sears. I've found two other books about a life-plan for wellness with a balance in the body's hormonal system. These two life-plans rely less on animal source proteins. They are "The Metabolic Plan", by Stephen Cherniske, M.S. and "Perfect Balance", by Robert A. Greene, M.D. The former has some relation to the Life Extension Foundation perspective and to their products catalog from which I now buy refined fish oil capsules. The book "Perfect Balance" is oriented towards women, but its view on protein sources has general application, of course. Finally I want to mention 4 other books on this subject of inflammation and health. They are "The Inflammation Cure" by William Joel Meggs, M.D. and "Stopping Inflammation" by Nancy Appleton, PhD. Also, "Inflammation Nation" by Chilton and "The Inflammation Syndrome" by Jack Challem. I am able to get 6 of these books at my local library, and so far I've I bought copies of the books by Sears and Chilton. I've been a reader and fan of Barry Sears since his first book and never fail to learn something from his books. Sears was the first to really pull together various forms of cutting edge information--caloric restriction, minimal consumption of bad grains, restricted amounts of saturated fats--and blend it into a usable, realistic program. Even if one tries other "diets" on the market, there are still take-aways from the Zone that will help optimize the value of other programs, there is that much information available. His new book provides new insights on his Zone prescription with updated research and information for the reader.
For "Love to Read", just a couple of suggestions:
- Canola Oil is extracted from rapeseed and there is some controversy as to the safety of this product. Rapeseed byproducts are used for fuel, soap, lubricants and synthetic rubber base, and in magazines to make the pages "glossy". Hence the concern over safety for human consumption. This book made a lot of sense when it was talking about eating more vegetables and less heavy starchy foods. But then when he started talking about oils and suggested olive oil, I wondered why he didn't mention Canola oil because I've heard it's better than vegetable oil too. Then he has a chapter about how the olive oil you find in the store isn't any good, in fact, he says none of the good stuff leaves Italy. It's as if no oil is good except one brand, which ends up being the one he sells on the internet. Then I read about the fish oil supplements. The book says they are all very poisonous except the ones listed on a website, which happens to list ones sold by him. He doesn't mention other ways of getting Omega-3 fatty acids, such as flax oil or evening primrose oil. I started to wonder whether this book singles out some foods as the ONLY healthy brands of food because the author sells them. On the other hand, it could be that he just went out of his way to make them available because he believes in them. Wish I knew. |
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