Shipping Included The TIB EXERCISER works opposing muscles like no other. It's unique ability to isolate and strengthen the anterior tibialis muscles sets it in a league of its own. Additionally, the TIB EXERCISER, a dorsiflexion exercise device, provides the stretching exercise necessary to treat shin splints. The act of raising the toe area of the foot toward the shin is used extensively in all forms of running and walking, as well as most sports. When used regularly, the TIB EXERCISER will improve your running and jumping abilities, and toe-off. In order to obtain a complete workout, you must work opposing muscles. If you work your quads, you must work your hamstrings. By the same token, if you work your calves, you must work your tibs. One of the most important characteristics of this machine is its role in the treatment and prevention of shin splints, which are most common in runners. No other machine on the market works like the Tib Exerciser. Only the TIB EXERCISER: Improves shin splints (in most cases). Reduces stress fractures and ankle injuries. Improves "toe-off". Extends vertical jump. Increases running endurance. Strengthens tibialis anterior. Isolates the tibialis muscle and ankle. Is a MUST in workout programs for lower leg training. Enhances stability and sports performance. Is used for physical and rehabilitation training. Has swiveling heel plates for comfort & complete isolation of the shin muscles. Adjustable to different sized feet. Portable, weighs only 33 pounds. Made of high-impact steel. Heavy-duty and durable. Of the highest Quality Construction.