SHIPPING INCLUDED Strength Training for Women is written by experts with firsthand knowledge of womens needs and preferences in a strength training program. This practical guide provides technique instruction for strength training exercises using a variety of equipment, sample workouts, and specific training programs for many popular sports. The muscle conditioning program readers design from this book will produce optimum results, require a minimum amount of time, and place a premium on personal safety. Best of all, Strength Training for Women helps readers make their fitness goals a reality. Part I clears up 15 common myths and misconceptions that have discouraged women from strength training. It also provides the facts women need to help them set goals, design a program, and enjoy the benefits of their efforts. Readers will learn how to assess their strength from the beginning so they wont become discouraged by jumping in too hard, too soon. Part I also includes special training considerations for senior, adolescent, pregnant, and postpartum women. Part II is an illustrated guide to performing basic strength training exercises, including 21 free weight exercises, 16 multistation machine exercises, and 20 variable resistance machine exercises. There are also detailed instructions for training without equipment, including 11 buddy exercises and 4 "negative-only" exercises designed to develop strength both quickly and safely. And readers will find tips on achieving quick results with 9 exercises by using low-cost equipment such as stretch bands and sticks. Part III shows how to select a specific program at the right level of difficulty to produce the desired result. This section details specific strength training workouts for more than a dozen sports, along with 24 exercises for firming up the parts of a womans body that typically experience losses in muscle tone. About the Author James A. Peterson, PhD, FACSM, was a faculty member of the U.S. Military Academy for 19 years, where he directed the remedial physical conditioning program for the corps of cadets and authored a report of guidelines for the admission and physical training of women cadets. He has performed extensive research into physiological differences between men and women and their effect on performance. Jim is director of sports medicine for StairMaster Sports/Medical Products, Inc., in Kirkland, WA. He has served on the board of advisers of the Womens Sports Foundation since 1982 and is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He has also authored 37 books and numerous articles on sports medicine and fitness. Jim lives in Woodinville, WA with his wife, Susan. In his spare time, Jim enjoys writing, reading, and jogging. As assistant strength and conditioning coach at Penn State University, Cedric X. Bryant, PhD, FACSM, designed and implemented strength condi