![]() CLICK IMAGE for more info and price by: Whitaker Topics include: predigest grains, banaba leaf, sweetened with stevia, targeted nutritional supplements, drops stevia, sprouted grain bread, oral diabetes drugs, fasting glucose test, sulfonylurea drugs, brown rice syrup, nutritional supplement program, vegetable seasoning, treated with diet, diabetic condition, oral drugs, olive oil spray, diabetic drugs, patients with diabetes, salt substitute, vanadyl sulfate, patients with type, glycemic index, insulin sensitivity, insulin resistance, diabetes exercise CLICK HERE for more information and price Book Description: Since it was first published over a decade ago, REVERSING DIABETES has enabled hundreds of thousands of people with type 2 diabetes to control their condition, naturally and effectively, with diet and exercise. Now thoroughly revised and updated with new material, this classic guide will show you how to reduce, or even eliminate, your dependence on insulin or oral drugs-while losing weight and lowering your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and risk of heart attack. Easy-to-follow, with a step-by-step program to keep you on course for the rest of your life, REVERSING DIABETES offers: * An updated, flexible meal plan-includes new information on which types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you should be eating * More than 100 new kitchen-tested recipes-with full nutritional breakdowns * The latest findings on the dangers of insulin resistance-and how to correct it * Up-to-the-minute information on the pros and cons of insulin and oral diabetic drugs * New shopping lists and details on salt and sugar substitutes * Nutritional supplement suggestions that may reduce the need for drugs and help prevent eye problems and other diabetic complications ...all the lifestyle guidance you need to become as drug-free as you possibly can! TAKE CHARGE OF TYPE 2 DIABETES WITH... * A diet designed to improve insulin sensitivity * The right dietary balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat * Exercises that clear the blood of glucose, contribute to weight loss, improve blood flow, and strengthen the heart * Nutritional supplement suggestions such as fish oil, vitamins, minerals, and herbs * Additional therapies for diabetic complications including topical ointments, chelation, and hyperbaric oxygen REVERSING DIABETES Now completely revised and updated, this bestselling guide will arm you with safer-and equally effective-ways of treating diabetes than the popular drugs that have become first-line therapy. Through a sensible diet, exercise, and specific nutritional supplement suggestions, you can dramatically improve blood sugar control...reduce-if not eliminate-reliance on medication...and decrease your risk of the complications and other diseases associated with diabetes. Experience -- It truly does work: I was diagnosed with diabetes and was prescribed Glucophage starting at 500mg, then it went to 1000mg by the time I read the book the doctor wanted me to take 2000mg. Well, I read the book and let me tell you, my glucose level is totally normal today. My problem was high fat and protein diet without exercise. I picked up a recum bike started exercising and also started a diet of high fiber and low fat as recommended in the book. A month later my fasting glucose levels where consistently below the 126 considered to be normal. The scientific evidence presented and "the back pains I was suffering with the Glucophage" convinced me to make a lifestyle change. I am now medicine free and pain free. I find that I have more energy than the people around me. I lead a more active, enjoyable life thanks to this book. I strongly recommended this book for any person who has been recently diagnosed with non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes. Reviews: Experience Is Better Than Theory: I bought and read this book in 1994 having been diagnosed with Type II diabetes at the end of 1993. I was already seeing a physician who did his best to treat disease through diet and supplementation. Following HIS dietary guidelines (he was not aware of this book to my knowledge), which were similar in essence, I was able to achieve results similar to those who have given good reviews to this book. I did NOT have to follow the recipes given in this book. Sure, it can be a struggle to change our typical diet to one which follows the guidelines given in "Reversing Diabetes", but you can't argue with experience. It is easy to give Dr. Whitaker's "program" for treating Diabetes a bad review based on what the standard approach is because it IS different. But unless you have tried it to the best of your ability and failed, then I think, that criticism is shallow as opposed to critiques based on the experience of those who have not only read it but TRIED to follow. Based on my own experience, Type II Diabetics will get benefits to the degree they can follow the guidelines of high carbohydrate, high fiber, low fat. One must also realize that processed carbohydrates are NOT the same as complex carbohydrates, which should also be eaten as close to their natural state as possible (not necessarily raw but the more this way the better). In the end, it is a matter of choice as to whether you want to follow the standard approach or to at least try an alternative. I began with insulin injections and I don't consider the standard approach any less unpleasant than making a change in the way I define the role of food in my life. Readers' Results Prove the Value of Contents: I am surprised to read the negative reviews of this book. My husband weighed over 300 pounds when he was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes; his A1C count was 8.7 (about a year ago). Shortly after that, we bought this book and he has followed the plan outlined in it since. He now weighs 211, his A1C is 5.6, he has more energy than he's had in years and feels great. His fasting blood sugar has gone from 131 to 88, cholesterol from 227 to 163, triglycerides from 224 to 103. Anyone following the book's advice can see the effect on their blood sugar by their various test results, and as for the recipes being too much to make for a single person, making the whole recipe and freezing the surplus portions for another day's meals is an easy solution. We have known others with Type II Diabetes who did not follow a program like that outlined in this book and the impact the disease had on their bodies was frightening. This book can truly be a life-saver. Mostly good advice, some commercialism: In this book Dr. Julian Whitaker makes recommendations for the diabetic who wants to try to lessen his/her complications and get off or reduce medication. He starts off by explaining what diabetes is and its complications. He then discusses commonly used drugs and why he feels they are less than desirable solutions. Instead of drugs Whitaker recommends a diet high in carbs which don't affect blood sugar that much, moderate protein, low in fat (with emphasis on "good" fats), and high in fiber. He also advocates exercise and lots of nutritional supplements. I bought this book for my husband's health. He's a newly diagnosed diabetic. I can't say whether or not it works since he already was eating the way the book recommends for the most part, and he already exercised, too. And we haven't started supplements yet. However, I can say that I have read quite a few books lately on nutrition and heart disease, and the most of the literature agrees with Dr. Whitaker. I have also heard that the glycemic index system which is advocated in this book is widely used in Europe for weight control. There are a couple of flaws which prevented me from giving the book 5 stars. The first is that Whitaker recommends some therapies which I have heard are controversial. For example, chelation therapy is recommended. I have heard elsewhere that while chelation is good for removing heavy metals from your system, there is no proof that it is good for other medical conditions. The therapies which I considered questionable were a very minor part of the book. The second flaw is that the book is very lightly sprinkled with commercialism trying to get you to go to Whitaker's Wellness Institute, his private clinic/medical resort or use some of his formulated products. Kind of a like an infomercial. Although this happened very little, it just started getting to me. If I had to guess I would say that most diabetics would benefit from the diet, supplementation, and exercise guidelines in this book (Check with your doctor first, of course!). Use your common sense, however, and don't give the stamp of approval to everything Whitaker recommends. Research it and decide, fully informed. Informative but don't misread the carb-focused part: I found alot of the facts in this book very informative and interesting, especially the part about how the presence of insulin prevents the release of fat mobilizing(weight loss) hormones. I was determined after reading a good part of the book to start eating lots of low glycemic carbs and stop eating a high protein and fat and low carb diet. Well, I soon found myself starving with high blood sugars. (I started out high.) I found my blood sugar didn't take a negative slope unless I restricted my caloric intake to 1300 calories. (For an active 6'2" guy that's starving.) I then read Syndrome X by Burkeson and it balanced and helped me better understand the facts in this book. This book is great for understanding how you became and stayed overweight, and the ins and outs of insulin resistance and diabetes. This is definitely a must read, just balance it with other literature. Reversed My Diabetes: I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in December 2003 with a fasting blood glucose of 220. By following much of the advice in this book, my fasting blood glucose now averages around 80. In April 2004, my lab results showed a fasting blood glucose of 82 and a glycated hemoglobin of 5.8 percent. Exercise is very important. I lift weights and walk on a treadmill. I generally eat a low glycemic diet, and I take lots of supplements. The most important supplements for me are alpha lipoic acid, vanadyl sulfate, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, magnesium citrate, gymnema sylvestre, and the Chromate form of chromium. I recommend this book to everyone who has Type 2 diabetes. |