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Subj: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 4:19:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: KHashmi316@aol.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
I'm new to the list and am a bit
curious about other CRsociety members. I've
made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my curiosity. It would help me
with my own caloric restriction practices as well as those of family and
friends. So here goes...
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 32 [October 2002: 35]
(3) Occupation: elec. engineer tech/programmer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: not married
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: no children
(6) Geographic location: Toledo, OH, USA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Scientific American magazine, 1996
(8) How long on CR?: since Feb. 2000
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford's ANTI-AGING PLAN and DWIDP [Feb 2003: Have move towards a Sears-Zone/Albatross
(10) How many calories/day: 1600 - 1700 [Feb 2003: 2150 kcal]
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: no
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: hair loss...not
absolutely certain it's CR-related, though (see Michael Cooper's comments in
SA Presents) [Oct 2001: hair loss, if any, was minimal; severe libido reduction;
hunger; lack of fatty padding makes sitting on hard surface uncomfortable; need
extra layers of clothing in winter]
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: yes; cardiovascular
exercise on elliptical machine (3-4X/week; 20 min duration), and walking [As
of Feb 2003: yoga 20 min 3-4X wk; 35 push-ups + 30 squats 3-4x wk]
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: fruit: mango; recipe: Walford's sweet potato
pie [ Feb 2003: no longer have a sweet tooth; fav foods are: avocado, nuts,
whey and plain/nonfat yogurt or Kefir]
Feel free to add your own categories.
Subj: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 5:13:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: KHashmi316@aol.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
So here's PART 2:
(1) Your height: 6'
(2) Your current weight: 136 lbs [Feb 2003: 117.5lbs]
(3) Your weight before CR: 179
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 145 [Oct 2001: I think I was more like
139lbs in my late teens]
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: 130; should reach within the next three mos.; it took
4.5 mos to drop from 175 to current [Feb 2003: I am at my target weight now;
went a bit lower than my original target]
(6) Your body fat: unknown [Feb 2003: 1%]
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
too early to tell but I have a lot more energy
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Phosphatidylserine (a soy-oil
product) for memory [Feb 2003: many supps including: LEF mix; AOR's Network
Synergy, K2, R(+)- Lipoic, carnosine, Total E, etc]
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
gingko biloba
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 1 cup coffee and/or
1 or 2 tea daily: coffee with a little honey and a teaspoon of Coffee-mate
lite, green tea plain; black tea made with skim milk, nutmeg, cardamom,
cinnamon, a little honey [Oct 2001: no more coffeemate! full of hydrog. fats!;
make a "chocolate tea" drink: 1c nonfat organic milk, organic grn
tea bag, 1T unsweetened cocoa pwdr, stevia, microwaved at med pwr for 2.5 min;
have this daily]; [Feb 2003: just green tea: capsules or infusion]
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: one 5 oz. serv. red wine
(Merlot) daily [Oct 2001: no longer consume alcohol; use basalmic vinegar]
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: no
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: yes; do use
fish/dairy daily, eggs 1-2x week [update: Oct 2001: No longer vegetarian; consume
organic/hormone and antibiotic-free bison, ostrich, chicken and turkey]
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Consumer Reports On Health;
Discovery Health News (e-mail service); InfoBeat (e-mail service). Scientific
American is a must. [Oct 2001: added LEF magazine]; [Feb 2003: ditched CR on
Health, added Science News, NewScientist]
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's
Anti-Aging Plan [Oct 2001: W's Beyond 120; Sears' AAZ; Austad's Why We Age;
Arking's Biology of Aging]
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7.5 hrs in one shot, rarely take naps [Feb 2003: sleep has fallen to
6 hrs...a CR effect??]
(18) Please describe your last meal: Walford's shake (see Anti-Aging Plan),
cup soy milk. 1 mango [Oct 2001: raw: broc sprouts, tomato, romaine lettuce,
cabbage; salt-free tuna in spring water; nonfat organic milk w/organic grn tea
and unsweetend cocoa pwdr],
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: CRing means a
lot more time in the kitchen -- and I don't like to cook/prepare meals!
Hopefully, someone will soon start a chain of CR restaurants! Also, I'm very
skinny by nature so I have to be careful about my bones. Lastly, I feel
colder...but less body heat retention means less A/C in summer (a cost
saving!).[Oct 2001: cook very little now, except eggs, boiling meat or slightly
steaming veggies]
Subj: CR Poll
Date: 6/8/00 1:56:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: krikorr@email.uc.edu (Robert Krikorian)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
(1) Sex: Male
(2) Age: 50
(3) Occupation: Neuropsychologist in academic medical center
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Separated - she never was on CR
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 2 children who practice the junk food
diet, although my 10 year old son spontaneously said he will begin eating
as I do when he is 26
(6) Geographic location: Cincinnati OH
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Reading Walford's 120-year diet -
happened on the book by chance
(8) How long on CR?: 3 1/2 years
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford's basic principles but not many of the specific recipes (although I
have introduced certain foods he has recommended). I have come up with
many of my own meals and foods (eg., muffins - not Sherm's). In essence I
try to reduce or eliminate high calorie, low fibre, low nutrition carbs (no
pasta, breads, grains, etc except for a little in the muffins), eat a high
proportion of quality protein (100 gm/day), augment with omega 3 and
monosaturated fats, and use vegetables and a few fruits to fill out my diet.
(10) How many calories/day: right now about 1400
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: almost never
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: affect on libido
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: I do free weights
once or twice per week for about 1 hour to maintain some muscle mass and
preserve bone and brief, interval sprinting twice per week to enhance
cardiovascular fitness through anaerobic exertion; very little aerobic
(long distance) running
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: my muffins, my omelets, salmon (fresh,
frozen, canned), tuna, plain fat-free yogurt with protein powder, fruit,
and nuts
Subj: CR survey, part 2
Date: 6/23/00 7:30:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: krikorr@email.uc.edu (Robert Krikorian)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
Sorry for the lateness of my reply with part two. I hope you can
use the data. I appreciate your undertaking this study and am interested
in the results. I, too, am interested in sleep and am trying to increase
the # of hours of sleep I get each night. By the way, I am slowly planning
a research study of my own for this list and perhaps another for
comparison. That may get under way in a few months.
(1) Your height: 5'10" (70")
(2) Your current weight: 133
(3) Your weight before CR: 157
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 146 - I think
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it:
Target weight is 128-130; it took about 18 months to reach current
point but then I voluntarily began a strength training program that added
muscle which has disrupted the process a bit; my initial target weight was
125-128 but I have revised that up, given a conservative estimate of an
additional two pounds of muscle acquired over the last 18 months; I am
still planning to reach the target range (128-130) over the next 6-9 month
- I prefer to go slowly - I think the one pound per month and one pound per
week rates that often are discussed on the list are much too fast
(6) Your body fat: 8-9% as measured by skin fold calipers; I have measured
for about 3 years and the measurements have declined consistently; also I
have used the same assistant to obtain the measurements
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Sorry, I have not used those markers. My basal body temperature is lower
than normal, although this probably is not a biomarker of aging.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Yes a bunch: multi vitamin;
vitamin C; vit E; tocotrienols; fish oil capsules; pycnogenol; quercetin;
saw palmetto; a little extra zinc (15 mg/day); chondroitin sulfate; MSM;
co-Q10; alpha lipoic acid; extra calcium/magnesium; ginger extract; aged
garlic extract. Also, the following for now, but I am considering stopping
these: DHEA; Deprenyl; acetyl-l-carnitine.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
A little ginseng in the tea I drink and a little gingko in the multi
vitamin but I don't pay much attention to these
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Yes. 5 cups/day of
caf-decaf mix each day.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Yes. 1 pack/day for 11 years
- quit almost 18 years ago
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: No chronic health problem before or since. The only problem I
have besides a slow recovery from knee surgery is migraines. They were
exceptionally well controlled until about one year ago but have returned
with a vengeance during the last several months. I'm not sure why, other
than the very high mold levels in my region - get me to Arizona!
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Not a
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: LEF; Men's Health;
occasionally to sci.life.extension or sci.med.nutrition but read all of
these intermittently. More consistently, I read stuff on evolutionary
lifestyle factors and science of health and aging.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: 120-year diet
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7-9 hours per night and I'm trying to increase to 9-10 consistently
(18) Please describe your last meal: this morning's breakfast (total = 300
cal): omelette composed of 3 egg whites; about 6 pieces or soy pepperoni;
about 12 gm Brick cheese; small bit of olive oil; small bit of walnut oil;
about 50 gm vegetables (green pepper, okra, carrot, sweet potato) topped
with picante sauce (about 150 cal altogether); 1 muffin - my own muffin
made with a lot of good stuff (75 cal); Kraft no fat cream cheese spread on
the muffin (about 50 cal).
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: increased
exercise to moderate level including both strength conditioning and
cardiovascular (the latter through high intensity, interval sprints rather
than long distance jogging)
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 11:10:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: trost@cloud.rain.com (Bill Trost)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Blast it, Sherm, would you please
quit talking about doughnuts? The
mushrooms in my refrigerator morphed into doughnut holes last night!
Alas, the morph failed as soon as I tried to take them out of the
fridge. (-:
Incidentally, this poll reminded
me of a question I have regarding the
Walfords' Manicotti recipe. I don't use even half of the pasta they
call for. How can that be, and should I be concerned? It seems like
omitting out on a little white-flour pasta can't be too great a loss...
KHashmi316@aol.com writes:
I've made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my curiosity. It
would help me with my own caloric restriction practices as well as
those of family and friends.
Could you please collect and summarize
the results, presuming that is
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 31
(3) Occupation:
forensic software analyst (in plain English, a computer geek who
talks to lawyers)
(4) Married: yes
is your spouse also CR: no
(5) Children: are you kidding? (-:
if yes, are they CR: are you kidding?
(6) Geographic location: Portland, Oregon, or so
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Alan Alda, "Never Say Die"
(8) How long on CR?: since March 2000
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walfords' & sherm's recipes; I try to make every meal "complete"
(10% RDA per 100 Cal)
(10) How many calories/day:
Collecting data now, but prefer to base progress on body fat,
estimating deviation by weight. Estimate <2000 Cal/day.
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: between every meal (-: no
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
pants keep falling down
squabbles about making dinner
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
45-minute walks every 4 times per week, sometimes bicycle
for variety, a few pushups and standing meditation after the walk
(14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Walford: chili, manicotti (actually use shells), supreme salad,
mega-nutrient stir
Sherm: megamuffins, fruit salad 400
(NEW): Supplements you take, and
how often:
day-and-a-halfly multivitamin, twice-daily saw palmetto (but
not consistently)
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL PART 2
Date: 6/12/00 1:48:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: trost@cloud.rain.com (Bill Trost)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 6'1''
(2) Your current weight: 190 lbs. Goal for this point in time is 203 lbs.
(3) Your weight before CR: 220 lbs.
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 165 +/- 10 lbs.
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how
long did it take you to reach it:
I aim to reach target weight in
March 2001, but will probably
be there sooner the way things are going. I have a temporary
target of 160 lbs, at which point I will evaluate by body fat et
al. and set a new target.
(6) Your body fat: unknown
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized? unknown
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? daily-ish multivitamin
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? saw
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
Partially decaffeinated green tea
during the day, full-caffeine
and other tea "as required."
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past
tense!)?: no
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
Occasional red wine with dinner,
very occasional heavy beer
(none of this wimpy light swill!).
(13) Did you have any health problems
PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
Computer-related pains -- none improved.
Hemorrhoids may have improved.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
No cow, tend to avoid pig.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: no
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walfords's's
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8.5 +/- 0.5 hours/day
(18) Please describe your last meal:
Homemade banana cheesecake with Earl Grey, hot.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
I keep a few megamuffins in my pocket on those occasions when I
expect to be confronted with lots of snack foods.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 10:04:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: sean@bpstudio.com (Sean Flemming)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex: MALE
(2) Age: 36
(3) Occupation: Owner/Recording Studio
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes/No
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: n/a
(6) Geographic location: New Hampshire, USA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford
(8) How long on CR?: 6 months +/-
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
(10) How many calories/day: 1700/1800
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: None to date
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
a. Weights, Martial Arts, Tennis, Walking, Mountain Climbing
b. Everyday
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Green Tea
Sean :)
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 7:26:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: sean@bpstudio.com (Sean Flemming)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 72 inches
(2) Your current weight: 165
(3) Your weight before CR: 195
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 155
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
take you to reach it: Another few months
(6) Your body fat: ? not much
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
stabilized? Cholesterol, blood pressure way down.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? C, A, E, B-Complex,
Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Calcium, TMG, Guggul, Flax
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so,
what? Dan Shen/Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? No
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Marijuana in college...I
inhaled :)
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: no
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
High cholesterol/Yes
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
No meat or dairy. Fish (Tuna) and eggs almost every day.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Medscape cardiology
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
Diet & Nutrition/Rudolph Ballentine, Glucose Revolution/Jennie
Brand-Miller, Walford
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
include naps?:
7 to 9 hours per night
(18) Please describe your last meal: Tuna with chopped cukes and celery,
soy mayo, on one slice of Mestemacher Whole Rye Bread (Toasted), Lemon Juice,
Tea, Apple.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Learning
how to say "no thanks" a lot.
Sean :)
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 9:44:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: sherm@symdyn.com (Michael Sherman)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Hi, KH. Welcome to the list.
I think your quick poll is a good
idea. I can't remember
one like this being done for a long time, if ever. I hope
everyone will respond (*briefly*, Warren :-) and that you
will summarize the results and post them for us.
Here's my info:
> (1) Sex: M
> (2) Age: 43
> (3) Occupation: software consultant
> (4) Married? Yes. if yes, is your spouse also CR: No.
> (5) Children? 2. if yes, are they CR: are you kidding!?
> (6) Geographic location: Silicon Valley
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: from a friend at work.
Then I read Walford's Anti-Aging Plan and 120 Year Diet.
> (8) How long on CR?: 3 years
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
I use a modified version of Barry Sears' Zone diet. Macronutrient
ratios are 45:25:30 C:P:F, 40-50g/day fiber.
> (10) How many calories/day: 1750
> (11) Do you fast; No. if so, how often?: Never.
I do occasionally reduce my calorie consumption for a few
days before a big food-oriented party like Thanksgiving
or Christmas day.
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Yes. The worst ones were irritability, depression,
and substantial reduction of libido. I have cured the
first two with chemistry (some might disagree about the
irritability, but my wife and kids say I'm fine now)
but the third has so far resisted repair.
Other mild negatives were: people thinking I had a
serious illness, my mother worrying about my health,
and excessive flatulence due to dietary changes. These
have all been resolved adequately.
> (13) Do you exercise; Yes. if so what type and how often?:
I run a par course once a week (about 40 minutes). I
ride my lifecycle once a week (48 minutes). I work out
with weights once a week.
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Well, let's see. Doughnuts, big macs, sausages, cherry pie, french
fries. Oh, did you mean foods I can actually eat? In that
case I am partial to the three staples I invented: megamuffins,
fruit salad 400, and fast fish n veggies. I also like
turkey avocado sandwiches (one slice of bread, double turkey,
extra veggies), chili, Una Mas burritos (don't eat the tortilla),
omelets with good stuff in them, and very big salad bars.
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/11/00 5:07:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: sherm@symdyn.com (Michael Sherman)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
> (1) Your height: 5'5"
> (2) Your current weight: 122
> (3) Your weight before CR: 142
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: 142 (at ~3200 calories/day)
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your
> target, then how long before you will reach it;
> if your Current Weight is your target, how
> long did it take you to reach it:
I don't have a target weight. I have
a target calorie
consumption level. Weight is just a surrogate marker
for calorie consumption. I originally wanted to get
to 1600 calories per day, which would be about 50%
of ad lib (CR50). I am currently at 1750, 55% of ad lib
(CR45). I am not sure that going much lower will be
practical for me, so 1750 is my current target. It
took me about 18 months to reach this level and I have
been there for about 18 months now.
> (6) Your body fat: 10-12%
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers
tests in Walford's books,
> have any stabilized?
Health biomarkers all reversed direction:
blood lipids,
body fat, blood pressure, resting pulse. I'm not sure about
some of the aging biomarkers. Fasting blood sugar
did not change, white blood cell count dropped substantially.
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?
Yes. Basic stuff:
* 6 network antioxidants (details at www.networkantioxidants.com)
* Centrum Silver multivitamin
* 200 micrograms of chromium
* 330 mg magnesium
* 670 mg calcium
* fish oil: 720mg EPA, 480mg DHA* 15 mg DHEA
Exotic stuff:
* 2 LEF Cognitex (details at
includes 20 mg pregnenolone total)
* 4 LEF Super Mira Forte(details at
* 2mg Deprenyl
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
Not directly. But both LEF products
contain herbs and the network
antioxidant product contains gingko.
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
Yes. I have 3 or 4 cups of coffee
and 1 cup of green tea daily.
I make my coffee half decaf.
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:
Yes. I smoked in high school and early college but then quit.
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
Yes, a little. I drink a glass of
cognac about once a week,
and have red wine with dinner maybe twice a month.
> (13) Did you have any health
problems PRIOR to CRing -- has
> CR helped in ailment?:
Blood pressure, resting pulse, cholesterol
and love handles
were all in the normal range but had been moving in the wrong
direction. All of these were reversed promptly and substantially
by CR.
At my pre-CR physical, I had several
complaints which my
doctor conveniently documented at the time. Here are the
complaints I reported and what has happened since:
June, 1997 (pre-CR) June, 2000
Headaches twice a week Mild headache
very rarely (6 weeks?)
Mildly irritable bowel No symptoms now
Bad hemorrhoids several Had one minor hemorrhoid in last
times a year two years
Nagging ache in rt shoulder Gone
Very unpleasant greasy Nice firm stools for which wiping
stool texture; required a is more of a habit than a need.
lot of messy wiping (sorry I have to flush before I wipe,
if that's more than you though, and even then the toilet
wanted to know!) clogs sometimes!
I am not sure to what degree CR should
be credited with
this last batch of improvements. It may be just that my
higher-quality diet (more fiber, etc.) would have cured
them even if I were eating the same number of calories.
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to
Health/Medical periodicals,
> newsletters or e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
Nutrition Action Health Letter (CSPI),
LEF magazine,
sci.life-extension, sci.med.nutrition, Scientific American,
Consumer Reports (these last two are sometimes health related).
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
Walford's new 120 Year Diet, Sears' Mastering the Zone,
Simopoulos' The Omega Diet.
Brand-Miller's The Glucose Revolution (but ignore her diet
prescriptions), Khalsa's Brain Longevity
Aging theory:
Austad's Why We Age, de Grey's The Mitochondrial Free Radical
Theory of Aging.
> (17) How many hours of sleep
do you get in a 24-hr period --
> please include naps?:
6.5 but I would like it to be more.
Actually the ideal for
me is to get 8 hours every 26-28 hours. There has only been
one time in my life when I was sufficiently disconnected from
the rest of the world to achieve this pattern, however -- a
summer during college. I sure wish I could get back to
my home planet ...
> (18) Please describe your last
My Fast Fish N Veggies dish. Basically 1.25 pounds non-starchy
vegetables, 70g (2.5 oz) canned pink salmon, 1/2 cup pasta sauce.
> (19) Any other adjustments to
your lifestyle since going CR?:
I almost always wear an undershirt now, and often wear a
sweater indoors. My wife and I have reduced our sexual
frequency from approx. weekly to approx. fortnightly to
accommodate my lower libido. I had to buy a lot of new
clothes after my weight stabilized because I looked like
a clown in my old ones. I eat breakfast at home more often.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 11:39:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mjbung@netscapeonline.co.uk (Mike Young)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
KHashmi316@aol.com wrote:
I'm new to the list and am a bit curious about other CRsociety members. I've
made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my curiosity. It would help me
> with my own caloric restriction
practices as well as those of family and
> friends. So here goes...
> (1) Sex: M
> (2) Age: 41
> (3) Occupation: Military Analyst
> (4) Married? Yes if yes, is your spouse also CR: No
> (5) Children? 3 if yes, are they CR: No
> (6) Geographic location: Gillingham, Kent UK
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Scientific American 1996
> (8) How long on CR?: 2 years slowly increasing intensity.
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?
> Zone-ish eat Fish but otherwiseVegan (no meat little cheese)
> (10) How many calories/day: 1752 since 1/1/00
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: about once a fortnight for a day
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: lower libido
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: 4 times a week 30
> on treadmill/stairclimber 15 mins weight lifting
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes: Flax/sunflower pumpkin seed mix with raisins.
> Fresh salmon.
> Feel free to add your own categories.
Height 6 feet
weight 60 kg
Subj: Re: [CR] POLL part 2
Date: 6/15/00 12:03:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mjbung@netscapeonline.co.uk (Mike Young)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Poll part 2 for MJ Young
> (1) Your height:
> 6'0
> (2) Your current weight:
> 60 kg ( 9 stone 8)
> (3) Your weight before CR:
> 10 stone 4
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight:
> Don't believe in it
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> take you to reach it:
> Took about 6 months to reach it,
> (6) Your body fat:
> Estimate about 3%.
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
> n/a
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?
> Multivitamin. 1-3g vitamin C : zinc
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> Gingko + Siberian Gingseng.
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
> About 1 cup a week when I am socially cournered.
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:
> Never.
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
> About 1 unit (glass of wine) per week
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?:
> Allergy hay fever cured (but I think it was the vitamin C that did it,
not the
> CR.
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
> Eat Fish, otherwise vegan
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
> Fats that heal, fats that kill by Udo Erasmus.
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
> naps?:
> 6hours. .
> (18) Please describe your last meal:
> Raw stir fry out of supermarket packet, tin of sardines..
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Excercise 30 mins aerobic 15 mins strength
> (20) Efforts to encourage family
to join the CR lifestyle?
> Unsuccessful
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 12:04:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: David.Hanon@ulb.ac.be (David Hanon)
Sender: dh@ulb.ac.be
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
KHashmi316@aol.com wrote:
> I'm new to the list and am a bit curious about other CRsociety
> members. I've made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my
> curiosity. It would help me with my own caloric restriction practices
> as well as those of family and friends. So here goes...
Here we go ! > (1) Sex:M
> (2) Age:27 (for two more weeks)
> (3) Occupation:Teacher and PhD student (for two more weeks :-)
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:
No, but as good as. And no.
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR:
No. And Are you kidding ?
> (6) Geographic location:
Brussels, Belgium
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?:
News, when I was a kid. Then on the net, through Brian's pages.
> (8) How long on CR?:
12 months.
> (9) Which CR method/plan do
you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
> etc.)?:
Very Sherm-ish, more through convergent
decisions and experiences
than followship, but his ideas strike me as excellent.
Protein 20%, Fat 30-35%. Two meals/day.
Supplements: cheap Multivit. + calcium.
> (10) How many calories/day:
2200, down from 3300. I'll have to
reevaluate my ad-lib, though,
under the light of old data I've dug out this week. Probably
my al was even higher. More on that soon. I've had a go at 2000
for the last weeks but it results in too much muscle-loss.
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
No way, never.
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Shrinking frame.
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
Swimming, now about 6 km/week.
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Chocolate, Salmon, tuna, yoghurt,
bread'n'pasta, you name it,
I'll have it. You can pack all the nutrition in less than 1500 kcals
and pig out for the rest.
> Thank You!
All my clinical stats are in the
archives, or if you want them,,
I've got them somewhere...
Thank you !
David Hanon phone : 32-2-650.55.29
ULB - CP 231 fax : 32-2-650.57.67
B-1050 Brussels, e-mail: David.Hanon@ulb.ac.be
Belgium WWW :
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 7:39:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: David.Hanon@ulb.ac.be (David Hanon)
Sender: dh@ulb.ac.be
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
KHashmi316@aol.com wrote:
> Hello again,
> Thanks a lot to all the responses so far. I will summarize the results
> post them on them list.
How 'bout a little web page ?
> Someone felt that a poll would
overwhelm this list with responses. If you
> also feel this way, by all means mail the responses to my private email
> address.
Here I go again...
> Now on to the PART 2. I and others on the list have come up with some more
> questions that will help shed some more light and/or help with the
> statistical analysis. So here's PART 2:
> (1) Your height:
183 cm
> (2) Your current weight:
66kg, I'll go back to 67kg
> (3) Your weight before CR:
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight:
> (5) Your target weight; if you're
not at your target, then how long before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> take you to reach it:
67, two weeks should do.
> (6) Your body fat:
6 % ? Maybe less...
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
See, my earlier post attached...
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:
yes. DID.
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
Red wine, less than a bottle a week.
> (13) Did you have any health
problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?:
Colds and flus. Gone...
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to
Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
> (17) How many hours of sleep
do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
> naps?:
> (18) Please describe your last meal:
200g salmon
300g tomatoes
100g carrots
150g mushr.
4 walnuts
1gl. red wine.
20g old gouda cheese
1 apple
150g strawb.
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
quit smoking, changed my training
habits (a bit less swimming)
cut down chocolate consumption by 80% at least....
> Thanks again -- you will at least help me in my CR goals.
> Some questions above are off the beaten path...but pertain to health,
> nevertheless: Caffeine, as you may have heard recently, in the form of
> has been linked to lower risks of Parkinson's disease. Sleep is a particular
> interest of mine and it's role in longevity is too often overlooked. Again,
> I'll summarize the results once I collect enough data.
Can't wait !
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 6:27:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Warren.Taylor@trw.com (Warren Taylor)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Response to informal CR Poll:
(1) Sex: Male
(2) Age: 55
(3) Occupation: Aerospace Engineer
(4) Married? Spouse also on CR: Yes/No
(5) Children? Are they on CR: Yes/No
(6) Geographic location: Gardena, CA
(7) How learn about CR: Bookstore "The Anti-Aging Plan"
(8) How long on CR: Since Sep 98
(9) CR method followed: Barry Sears, Zone Style CR
(10) Calories/day: 1400
(11) Do you fast; how often: Yes, if not hungry. All meals small.
Eat twice daily; Sleep on empty stomach (but make sure I am not hungry).
(12) Negative effects CR: Cold; Loss of strength (now returning)
(13) Exercise and Type: Timed 5 mile run, every other day
(14) Favorite CR food: Canned Alaskan Salmon
Have enjoyed responses from others
on the list.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 9:24:37 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Warren.Taylor@trw.com (Warren Taylor)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(0) Name: Warren Taylor
(1) Your height: 66 inches
(2) Your current weight: 119
(3) Your weight before CR: 145
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 145 I define set point
as in Walford's book _The 120-Year Diet_, page 60:
"Set point weight is that weight toward which one
naturally drifts, if he neither over eats nor
under eats." Leibel's formulation gives this as
the average weight at age 20, plus 6 pounds for
each decade of life thereafter.
(5) Your target weight - Whatever is naturally achieved by a
sensible, fairly stringent CR diet, where I feel healthy,
and can maintain physical strength and timed running ability.
(6) Your body fat: 9 percent morning; 7 percent evening (Tanita Scale)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
stabilized? Per Barry Sears, a good CR biomarker is the
surrogate marker for fasting insulin, equal to the ratio of
fasting triglycerides to HDL cholesterol. CR improved
this biomarker by reducing it from a ratio of 2.5 down to
0.6 for me.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? A great many, as
previously posted on this list.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.)
A number of them previously posted, but not ginko or ginseng.
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? No. But
I do take LEF green tea extract in morning, which is
lightly caffeinated.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No. I over ate instead.
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No. I over ate instead.
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Many serious problems, due to a vegan diet pursued for
5 or 6 years. This included being too crippled to walk up stairs,
fractured ribs 3 times, osteomalacia, advancing osteoporosis
with need for an orthopedic chair at work, ravaged and wrinkled
skin, eye problems and light sensitivity, extreme joint aches
and pains, sensitivity and easy bruising of the skin, etc, etc.
Almost all of the standard vegan health problems (at least
10 or 15 of them), such as have been previously posted and
discussed at various times on this list.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
Not a vegan, vegetarian, or any other doctrinal dietary persuasion,
ever again. Do not eat eggs, because of my IgE ELISA blood chemistry
allergic reaction test results to albumin. Dairy - seldom eat,
because of the high glycosolating lactose milk sugar, and the
high calories that occur even in skim milk products.
Fish, I definitely eat (sardines, salmon esp), for the
rich protein, EPA fatty acids, trace minerals, and major
minerals (like calcium/magnesium).
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
Emailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Many
university health medical letters in the past, and still do
to a few (John Hopkins, UC Berkeley Wellness, Harvard Health Letter,
Univ. of Texas, Mayo Clinic). These are the top 5 in the US.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
All of Walford's CR books, Barry Sears _The Anti-Aging Zone_,
Austad's _Why We Age_, and a good book on fatty acids,
like Udo Erasmus's _Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill_.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
include naps?: 8 hours. I do not nap.
(18) Please describe your last meal: 2 quarts water 1 hour prior to
meal. Will not eat, unless drink 2 quarts water 1 hour beforehand.
Meal of sprouted sunflower, sprouted alfalfa, sprouted fenugreek,
with each sprout type sprayed with soy-based Bragg Liquid aminos
and sprinkled with brewers yeast. Big bowl consisting of 5-minute
lentil soup (125 g each sprouted lentils, and chopped onion,
spiced with 1/4 tsp Chile powder, 1/2 tsp sweet basil,
and 1 tsp Italian seasoning, boiled for 4 minutes, and then
cooled with 125 g frozen green peas), small avocado,
2 TBL LEF whey protein concentrate, and health supplements.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Food exclusions: No sugars of any kind (neither natural or processed);
no grains or grain products of any kind; no legumes or legume
products of any kind, with the exception of sprouted lentils and
sprouted alfalfa, no fruits of any kind, few if any dairy products
of any kind, no starchy vegetables like potatoes, and no commercial
oils or oil products of any kind. Meats eaten infrequently.
Four or five oz of canned salmon/sardines regularly. Nuts, avocado, and
cold pressed oils for fatty acids. Nutrients measured by using
DWIDP dietary planning software, to double or triple every essential
nutrient. Food scale to weigh protein and fat foods.
Body weight measured daily. Timed 5-mile runs every other
day. Keep a log book of weight and running times. Detailed
health tests every 2 years (as previously posted), to include
blood chemistry, lipid profile, hormones, DEXA bone scan, etc.
Participation on the CRS list, benefiting from much inspiration
from terrific list members who went the second mile to help
explain the basics for me.
-- Warren
Subj: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 5:34:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: salu@troi.cc.rochester.edu (Saul Lubkin)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Dear KHashmi,
(1) Sex: Male
(2) Age: nearly 62
(3) Occupation: Professor of Mathematics
(4) Married? Yes. if yes, is your spouse also CR: No.
(5) Children? Yes; two daughters, aged 8 and nearly 12.
If yes, are they CR: No.
(6) Geographic location: Rochester, NY
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Weindruch's article in Scientific
(8) How long on CR?: ca. 2 years; trhen off; now going back on.
Note: Originally, had an extremely low fat form of CR -- possibly
occasionally deficient in EFA's. Now, I have more fat (but not nearly as
much as the Zonies), and get my EFA's, always.
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?: See
above. Also, I don't use DWIP.
(10) How many calories/day: I don't count calories; I check my weight and
%bodyfat daily, using a Tanita scale.
(11) Do you fast; No. if so, how often?:
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: My wife dosesn't
like it. At the heght of my original CR attempt (very low fat), there was
decreased libido. So far, hasn't happened again, on my current low fat CR
attempt--but my weight isn't down as far as it had been, yet.
(13) Do you exercise; Yes. If so what type and how often?: 2/3 of a mile of
vigorous lap swimming, almost every weekday (i.e., usaully five days a week).
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Sugar free, aspartame sweetened Jello; red,
yellow and orange bell peppers; plum tomatoes; yellow fin tuna steaks; smoked
whitefish; also, maybe, roamaine lettuce (all veggies raw, water-washed a-la-
Sherm :)
Sincerely yours,
Saul Lubkin
Subj: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 7:05:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: salu@troi.cc.rochester.edu (Saul Lubkin)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Dear KHashmi,
So here's PART 2:
(1) Your height: 5' 5"
(2) Your current weight: 132.5 lbs
(3) Your weight before CR: recently, 136 lbs; before I started 3 yrs. ago,
ca. 165 lbs or so -- maybe more!
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 138-140, is my best guess
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: < 124; hard to say -- about 1.5-2.5 months, I think,
get to 126 -- my previous -- definitely CR -- last low.
(6) Your body fat: Tanita scale, adult mode, says 15%; but, my pulse is always
in the 50's, usually low 50's; I work out five days a week; so some average
with "Tanita athletic" is probably appropriate.
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
At my previous lowest, I had reduced DHEA-S, cold hands (even Raynaud's
syndrome -- nearly gone now -- ) and a body trainer claimed that her caliper
measurements gave the lowest bodyfat reading she'd ever had for a male (it was
difficult for her to get a reading above zero).
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? A general multivitamin/mineral
supplement, containing all the Ca and Mg needed for the day, high in B vitamins
-- Natrol, no iron (requires four pills a day). Plus, 1000mg Vitamin C, 400IU
extra (over the ca. 400IU?) over the Natrol; plus four fish oil capsules a day,
that supply a little over a gram of long chain omega 3's.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements Essentailly, no. -- if so, what? But, the
Natrol multivitamin/mineral supplement has some ginseng, garlic, rose hips,
etc., which I hope are harmless.
(10) Do you use caffeine: good quality Indian imported Darjeeling tea -- how
many cups? ca one pot per day (ca. 8 cups?). Plus, low caffein tea (Victoria
brand, packaged in Canada -- a pure Orange Pekoe variety, imported from
tropical Africa, where it is naturally (mostly) decaffeinated, by roasting in
the blazing tropical sun), and decaffeinated tea (Salada -- also a pure Orange
Pekoe, "thoroughly" decaffeinated by the more traditional Swiss water
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no
(12) Do you consume alcohol: almost never -- if so, what drink?: four cups of
wine, at the Passover Seder, twice a year; plus rarely drinking, a wine-glass
full or less, of alcoholic wine, maybe ca. 6 other times a year; and maybe,
one ounce of Vodka, about six times a year.
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: no
(14) Are you a vegetarian; I would say "no"; a vegearian to me means,
, a vegan. But, judging by the rest of your question, you might want a
qualified "tyes": I do eat a little turkey breast or chicken to be
on appropriate occasions; but otherwise, my protein sources are fish (the
principle one); plus egg whites; and a rare bit of fat-free dairy. if yes, how
about fish, eggs, dairy?
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) No. (unless you include Science News and
Scientific American)
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's
Anti-Agin Plan
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: ca 7-7.5 hrs at night.
(18) Please describe your last meal: 1/2bagel (I almost never eat this -- I
had to, for the Jewish Sabbath) -- 1 1/2 broiled yellowfin tuna steaks (weighs
about 6-8 ounces uncooked?), very large bowl of raw salad (roamine lettuce,
plum tomatoes, orange and yellow peppers) that my wife had cut for the meal
(I usually make my own -- my usual is ca. 2/5 of a head of romaine, ca. 15 very
small plum tomatoes, maybe a large carrot -- but not this time), ca. three
large pots of decaffeinated tea. This meal, my wife roasted some veggies --
peppers, onions, I forget what else. I voraciously ate what the others didn't
eat of it -- maybe a medium-sized bowlful). Desert was typical: More decaf.
tea (much more), ca three raw small bell peppers (orange and yellow this time),
and one quart of Royal sugar-free, aspartame-sweetened Black Cherry Jello.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Making my own
meals most of the time; weighing myself on my Tanita every morning; following
my progress (or lack of it); getting the best cooperation I can at home. (AT
last, I've convinced my wife that "cx. carbs" is bunko; and my children
the food pyramid they've learned about in school is old hat, and needs
Sincerely yours,
Saul Lubkin
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 4:57:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mogara@concentric.net (Michael O'Gara)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here's my info:
> (1) Sex: Male
> (2) Age: 55
> (3) Occupation: Consultant - Computer Programmer
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Married, she's not on CR.
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR: One, he's not on CR
> (6) Geographic location: Near Los Angeles, CA
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: A relative
> (8) How long on CR?: 8 months
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
- Walford for # of calories, the Zone for type of foods eaten
> (10) How many calories/day: 1500
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: No
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: 30 minutes/day,
cutting brush, walking up/down hills.
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes: !! Chocolate !!
Mike O'Gara
Subj: Re: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 2:58:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mogara@concentric.net (Michael O'Gara)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 5' 10"
(2) Your current weight: 110 lbs.
(3) Your weight before CR: 123 lbs.
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: Roughly, 110 lbs.
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: Target weight: 108. Not there yet, been on CR for
about 7months so far.
(6) Your body fat: Don't know.
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
- I've not had any blood work done. Morning oral temperature seems stable
at 96.5 deg., blood pressure is at 120/85 but still dropping.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? It's varied as I've progressed
farther into CR. The latest set are these, taken every day:
- Multi-vitamin (no iron)
- One standard aspirin
- Folic Acid, 400 mcg.
- L-Lysine, 500 mg.
- Saw Palmetto
- LEF Chronoforte, 6 capsules/day
- Vit. C, 500 mg.
- Dolomite
- B-6, 50 mg.
- Sometimes Chromium Picolinate
(9) Do you take herbal supplements
(Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? None.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Nope.
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: Never touch a drop. I
grew up watching too many relatives being screwed-up by alcohol!
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: No known problems.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: I'm an
omnivore. "I didn't crawl up to the top of the food chain just to..."
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: LEF magazine.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's, of
course. The Zone books are useful in implementing CR.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 6.5 hrs - and I wish it were more.
(18) Please describe your last meal:
A glass of water and 10 Ritz crackers, each topped with cracker-sized slices
of swiss cheese and low-fat turkey pastrami.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
- I keep fans running circulating cold floor air up to ceiling.
- I dress warmer (else I get cold ankles and in general).
- Other than generally feeling colder, no significant problems or anything
to adjust to.
- I've always been "too thin" according to my relatives, and that's
continuing on as before. But now I've got reasons for it to tell them.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 11:56:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PabloMelendez@usa.net ("Pablo F. Meléndez")
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: KHashmi316@aol.com, crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
>(1) Sex: Male
>(2) Age: 31
>(3) Occupation: Report Analyst
>(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:
>(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:
>(6) Geographic location:
Long Beach, California
>(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:
TV (PBS ageing documentary), also,
always had a cult for variety in food
and a distrust of any excess.
>(8) How long on CR?:
6 months.
>(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford's book. Religious delectation. Experimentation.
>(10) How many calories/day:
Fewer than before? Not definite.
>(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
Only when I consider I have indulged too much. Twice so far.
>(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Less libido, yes. Moodiness (This
is not exactly a negativity all the
time. It has also meant an increased decisiveness.) Some lethargy.
>(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
No. Not often.
>(14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Edamame. Plain millet (small grain,
Korean, unhulled). Steamed
yams. Salmon sashimi. Broiled mackerel. Sauced black beans eaten with
warm tortillas. Frozen blueberries in yogurt. Mustard greens with miso,
butter and crushed dry chile. Grapefruit eaten with walnuts. Shiitake in
spaghetti sauce. Green tea. Mangos.
>Feel free to add your own categories.
CR makes my life more interesting.
I feel myself becoming a radical
crusader of sorts, hoping to show how feasible and achievable this great
boon is. How it could be a significant and meaningful part of one's
lifestyle. I keep looking at people and imagine how they should look,
live, if they should give their bodies a perfect sufficiency of what they
need, all of it, and nothing more. How trying to achieve such a balance
should never be a static, staid process, how it can be achieved differently
and surprisingly each day. It has become somewhat of an aesthetic outlook,
really, a mysterious and evolving and rather wonderful outlook on what
human living could be, and also, too, how you can improve your
possibilities of dying a dignified, undeceased, aware, conscious death.
>Thank You!
You're quite welcome.
Subj: [CR] re: mailing list POLL
Date: 6/8/00 4:03:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: smiscall@earthlink.net (SM)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu (crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu)
Hi All.
I have been trying to post a profile
of sorts for awhile and this is
still just a basic over view of my info/diet.
I plan on posting my before and after blood work as well sometime in the
near future.
I have to live an extra 50 years
because there is just not enough hour
in the day to do everything I want to do.
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 25
(3) Occupation: Self Employed / Medical Billing
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: No
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No
(6) Geographic location: I am originally
from New Zealand but have been
living in Brentwood/Los Angeles for the last 4 years
(7) Where did you first hear about
CR?: I had known about Roy Walford
for a while but I didn't really get into CR until I saw Brian Delaney
on 48 hours.
(8) How long on CR?: 1 year
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow
(Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: Hard to say I have my own method. I use DWIDP a lot and I make
sure I get the RDA from food over a 2-3 day period.
(10) How many calories/day: 1700 but 1900 on fridays
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: Sometimes on sunday.
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair
loss, libido, etc.)?: Sore joints,
low libido, insomnia, cold hands and feet. I am also more sensitive to
coffee and wine.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what
type and how often?: Lift weights 3
times a week and do some cardio.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: The
food I Enjoy the most is my late
night snack which is:
1 scoop Designer protein + 8oz skim milk + 1/2 Cup of blueberries with
a slice of whole grain bread with a tsp of almond butter.
(Other Stuff)
I supplement with the following:
4-6 Caps Bio Enhance by Life Enhancement
3 Caps of Total EFA by Health from the Sun
30 mg of Co Q10
100 mg of Lipoic Acid
--Pre CR--
Age: 24
Height: 5.7
Weight: 190 (I was bodybuilding)
Body fat: 16%
Resting pulse: 59
Blood pressure: 139/68
Total Cholesterol: 204
--CR 1 year later--
Age: 25
Weight 150
Body Fat: 9%
Resting Pulse: 44
Blood Pressure: 104/49
Total Cholesterol: 130
My basic diet:
Breakfast: 9:00 am
I slice of whole grain bread with low 1/4 cup fat cottage cheese with 1
brewers yeast & two slices of tomato and 8oz of grapefruit juice.
1/2 Cup fiber one or all bran with skim milk + 3 apricots + 1 or 2
brazil nuts
and 8oz of grapefruit juice
Lunch: 3:00 pm
3-4oz of Chicken in a mixed salad plus 1 apple
5 soy nuggets with salsa and some baby carrots
Dinner: 7:00 pm
3-4 oz of Salmon or Tuna with 1/2 pound of mixed veggies
1/2 tin of Shelton's Chicken Chilli with Black Beans with 1/2 pound
mixed veggies.
1 scoop Designer protein + 8oz skim milk + 1/2 Cup of blueberries and
1/2 bran muffin
1 scoop Designer protein + 8oz skim milk + 1/2 Cup of blueberries with
a slice of whole grain bread
with a tsp of almond butter.
Date: 6/8/00 6:24:39 AM Pacific Daylight
From: deanp@assistware.com (Dean Pomerleau)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 35
(3) Occupation: Entrepreneur / Computer programmer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes, wife not on CR
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: Yes, 2 children not on CR
(6) Geographic location: Pittsburgh, PA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Scientific American Frontiers in
November '99
(8) How long on CR?: 5 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford, Sears Zone
(10) How many calories/day: Was at about 2200 for first 4 months, now
stabilized at 2600 (around CR10)
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: Substantially
reduced libido
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Yes, 6x per week, 10
minutes treadmill (1.3 miles) and 20 minutes resistance workout per day.
About 2000 calories / week in exercise.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Salad, baked chicken, Pritikin (low sodium)
pasta sauce, Bumble Bee high fat pink salmon, strawberries and blueberries.
Comment: Keep your eyes open for
a feeling of lethargy on your program. It
sounds like you are loosing weight quite quickly, and are on pretty severe
calorie restriction for someone your size. Having been through a similar
(although not quite as severe) weight loss trajectory, I found that for the
first few months I could pretty substantially restrict calories and still
feel great, because my body was supplementing my meager calorie intake by
burning fat. But once I started running out of body fat (down around 6-8%),
I started to really feel the effects of my relatively low calorie intake, in
the form of listlessness and lethargy. Of course, I'm a data point of one,
and you may not encounter anything similar. But if you do, I recommend you
add on at least 600-700 calories per day, which should stabilize your
By my calculations, you've lost about
40 lbs in 4 months, or about 1/3 of a
lb per day on about 1650 calories per day. If you are loosing about 70% fat
and 30% muscle (as I have found I have on CR, with exercise), than loosing
one pound corresponds to a shortfall of about 3000 calories. So you are
eating about 1000 calories / day less than your body is burning. At some
point soon, I predict that as I did, you'll run low on fat to burn, and your
body will start cannibalizing your muscle and/or protesting by reducing your
energy level. Watch for the signs and don't be afraid to increase your
calorie level SUBSTANTIALLY when they occur. CR is a lifelong commitment,
there isn't any hurry.
Please keep me posted on your progress,
and let me know the results of your
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 6:31:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: deanp@assistware.com (Dean Pomerleau)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
Here are my responses to the second
part of the poll. I've included my
responses to the first part as well, so they will be in one place (to make
your life a little easier). I'm sending it directly to you since I don't
want to overcrowd the list (I've been taking up enough bandwidth lately).
I would be interested in your digested
version of the responses as well as a
compendium of all the complete responses concatenated together (including
ones already posted to the list). I'm fascinated to read them all in
detail, and I would like to archive them all in one file. I would suggest
you post the following suggestion to the CR mailing list:
1) Everyone sends their responses
directly to you
2) You will combine them and then post a synopsis on the CR list
3) You will make available a single file containing all the responses, that
you can either post to the list if there is enough interest, or email
individually to those who want to see all the details
Part 1:
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 35
(3) Occupation: Entrepreneur / Computer programmer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes, wife not on CR
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: Yes, 2 children not on CR
(6) Geographic location: Pittsburgh, PA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Scientific American Frontiers in
November '99
(8) How long on CR?: 5 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford, Sears Zone
(10) How many calories/day: Was at about 2200 for first 4 months, now
stabilized at 2650 (around CR10)
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: Substantially
reduced libido, at 2200 calories for two months I had substantially reduced
energy, which has returned now that I'm at 2650 calories (about CR10).
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Yes, 6x per week, 10
minutes treadmill (1.3 miles) and 20 minutes resistance workout per day.
About 2000 calories / week in exercise.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: The following are my staple CR foods (not
necessarily my favorite tasting food, but a pretty complete list of
everything I eat):
* Salad (broccoli, cauliflower, radish, mushrooms, sugar snap peas,
tomatoes, hot and red peppers, carrots, spinach)
* home grown sprouts (sunflower, broccoli, radish, mustard)
* steamed broccoli and cauliflower
* Asparagus (sautéed in olive oil with tomatoes, onions, red pepper and
* brewer's yeast
* wheat germ
* All-bran cereal
* Rice Bran (in morning cereal)
Other Carbs:
* Fat-free, sodium-free black beans
* Pritikin (low sodium) pasta sauce (on salad w/ olive oil, and mixed with
* fresh and frozen berries (straw, blue, black and rasp)
* Cantaloupe
* Fresh whole oranges
* almonds (some w/ nearly every meal)
* Extra virgin olive oil
* fresh salmon (in restaurants)
* baked chicken (w/ breadcrumb on top)
* Bumble Bee canned pink salmon
* Fresh white fish (cod, orange roughy)
* non-fat cheese
* Plain, non-fat yogurt
* Skim milk
Other Beverages:
* low sodium V8 juice
* water w/ lemon
* caffeinated green tea
* Balance bars
* Fat free sugar free ice cream (once/week at local ice cream parlor, 80
* Low sodium lite popcorn (10 cal / cup)
* Garlic (minced packed in water)
* Spices: curry powder, chili powder, dried minced garlic, black pepper, hot
Part 2:
> (1) Your height: 5' 8.5"
> (2) Your current weight: 140
> (3) Your weight before CR: 170
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: 162
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how
> long before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> take you to reach it: target = 135, another 12 months to reach it
> (6) Your body fat: 6% (tanita scale on athletic mode and skin calipers
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Centrum Silver multi, 400 IU
E, 200mcg selenium, 50mg zinc, 500 mg calcium + vitamin D, 2 grams fish oil
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 3 cups green tea
per day (w/ caffeine)
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No, never
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?: No health problems prior to CR
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Not
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Healthcentral.com email
health updates
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: The usual,
Walford and Sears
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period --
> please include
> naps?: 6 hr
> (18) Please describe your last meal:
Here is what I am currently eating
every day (with occasional
Morning Snack (after working out)
before breakfast: (274 cals, 35F:22P:43C)
Food #1: Whey Protein Powder 7 grams
Food #2: Nuts, Almonds,Dried 20 grams
Food #3: Orange, Raw Florida 1 orange(151 g)
Food #4: Milk, Skim,No Added Vit A 6 oz
Breakfast: (588 cal, 33F:20P:47C)
Food #5: Milk, Skim,No Added Vit A 6 oz
Food #6: V8 Juice, low sodium 8 oz
Food #7: berry mix (straw, blue, rasp, black) 100 grams
Food #8: Cereal Mix (all-bran, rice bran, almonds, Whey Protein powder) 100
Food #8: Fish Oil, Salmon 2 capsules (20 cal)
Lunch: (624cal, 34F:24P:41C)
Food #9: Apricot,Dried,Sulfured 30 grams
Food #10: Strawberry, Raw 150 grams
Food #11: Cheese, Cheddar, non-fat 1 slice
Food #12: salmon mix (canned pink salmon, black beans, olive oil, pasta
sauce) 270 grams
Food #13: Salad Mix (lots of veggies + almonds) 1 bag (300 grams)
Afternoon Snack: (200cal, 27F:28P:44C)
Balance Bar (Almond Brownie) 1 bar (200 cals)
Dinner: (667cal, 37F:29P:34C)
Food #14: Milk, Skim,No Added Vit A 8 oz
Food #15: Chicken Breast,N/skin,Roasted 3 oz
Food #16: Pasta Sauce, Pritikin 120 grams
Food #17: Oil, Olive 15 grams
Food #18: Broccoli, Boiled, no salt 70 grams
Food #19: berry mix (straw, blue, rasp, black) 120 grams
Food #20: Salad Mix (lots of veggies + almonds) 1 bag (300 grams)
Yogurt Snack: (308, 34F:23P:44C)
Food #21: Yogurt,Plain,Skim,13gramprotein/8oz 4 oz
Food #22: Nuts, Almonds,Dried 20 grams
Food #23: Brewer's Yeast 10 grams
Food #24: Wheat Germ, Crude 10 grams
Food #25: berry mix (straw, blue, rasp, black) 100 grams
Total calories: 2650 (about CR10
I believe). This is a test calorie level,
to verify that my weight will stabilize at this calorie level. To vary my
calorie level (I'm up from 2200 now) I eat the same foods, just vary the
> (19) Any other adjustments to
your lifestyle since going CR?: More energy,
more rigorous and regular exercise. More interested in food in general, and
its taste in particular, since starting CR. Like strong tastes a lot more
now (e.g. spices, garlic, hot peppers).
Subj: [CR] survey
Date: 6/8/00 2:29:03 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: gravesp@spot.colorado.edu (Philip E. Graves)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here are my answers (would love to
see the summary--number of responses,
means and s.d., etc. for the variables):
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 54
(3) Occupation: Professor of Economics
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Divorced
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 2 (age 32 &28), not on CR
(6) Geographic location: Boulder, CO, USA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: came across it browsing on web somehow
(8) How long on CR?: since June, 1999
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
modified Sears, I suppose.
(10) How many calories/day: Don't really know, probably 2,000 or so (used
to be a real pig)
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: All positive
effects so far. I take many supplements, however, that might be offsetting
negative effects that I otherwise would have experienced.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Varies by time of
year, getting in quite good running shape for first weekend in December (10
mile race). Normally, something aerobic for 30 minutes or so three times a
week and weights (dumbbells currently) one day a week.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: filet mignon (3-4 times a week), shrimp,
eggs, dried berries, raisins and nuts. Eat lots of vegetables but wouldn't
really call them "favorite foods."
Subj: [CR] Part II survey
Date: 6/10/00 9:40:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: gravesp@spot.colorado.edu (Philip E. Graves)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here's my info, Part II:
(1) Your height: 6' 0"
(2) Your current weight: 145
(3) Your weight before CR: 162
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 162
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: 140-145 (want to stay in this range...am so far)
(6) Your body fat: 5-6%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? *Huge* number of
supplements--virtually everything imaginable...am moving toward a simpler
system, though, of complete vitamin pill, calcium-magnesium pill, and the
Packer Antioxidant recommendations, plus a few other things (TMG, CLA,
etc.). Additionally: deprenyl, centrophenoxine, hydergine, piracetam,
aminoguanidine, GH3, DHEA alternating with pregnenolone, SAMe, vinpocetine
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
Gingko biloba, Ginseng, Natural Prostate Formula (lef--saw palmetto,
stinging nettle, pygeum), green tea extract, pycnogenol
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 32 ounces of
green/black tea each day, sometimes more. Occasional coffee
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: never
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: yes, mostly red wine
(largely cabernet sauvignon), some chardonnay
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: never had any health problems
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No,
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Whitaker Wellness, Life
Extension, rec.drugs.smart, Berkeley Wellness
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Packer's
Antioxidant Miracle, Sears AntiAging Zone
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8-9
(18) Please describe your last meal: filet mignon and lots of asparagus,
lightly steamed with "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" near-zero cal
"fake butter."
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Buying new
pants, having lost three belt sizes.
Best, Phil
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 4:30:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: nahmt@cip.physik.uni-bonn.de (Torsten Nahm)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
KHashmi316@aol.com wrote:
> I'm new to the list and am a bit curious about other CRsociety members.
> made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my curiosity. It would help
> with my own caloric restriction practices as well as those of family and
> friends. So here goes...
> (1) Sex: M
> (2) Age: 23
> (3) Occupation: student
> (4) Married? no
> (5) Children? no
> (6) Geographic location: Germany
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Article on longevity in New Scientist
> (8) How long on CR?: 27 months
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
I basically just restrict my calories,
adding up the totals every day
and rolling over any additional or missing calories (which I try to
avoid). Michael Sherm uses the basically the same method. I watch out
for good nutrition. I do keep track of macro- and micronutrients, but
they´re always a good part above my target levels even without any
special effort; note however, that my calorie level is relatively high.
> (10) How many calories/day:
At the moment, 10300 KJ (2460 kcal),
down from 12400 KJ (2962 kcal) ad
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how
often?: never
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Libido was markedly reduced for some
time, but has now returned to
pre-CR levels. Last time I went further down, I suffered from severe
fatigue, so I raised the calories again and am going down very slowly
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
I don´t voluntarily exercise
(I hate it), but I have about 30-40 minutes
of bicycling per day.
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes:
I prepare a large variety, and while
I do have some favorite recipes,
they´re all in German and even the names don´t translate well.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL PART 2
Date: 6/11/00 4:20:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: nahmt@cip.physik.uni-bonn.de (Torsten Nahm)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
KHashmi316@aol.com schrieb:
> Hello again,
> Thanks a lot to all the responses so far. I will summarize the results
> post them on them list.
> Someone felt that a poll would overwhelm this list with responses. If you
> also feel this way, by all means mail the responses to my private email
> address.
> Now on to the PART 2. I and others on the list have come up with some more
> questions that will help shed some more light and/or help with the
> statistical analysis. So here's PART 2:
> (1) Your height: 181 cm
> (2) Your current weight: 77 kg
> (3) Your weight before CR: 84kg
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: 84kg
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> take you to reach it: don´t know yet. I´ll go further down
and see how I feel
> (6) Your body fat: unknown
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
I haven´t yet done extensive analysis on my blood check-ups
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? general multi-vitamin/multi-mineral;
fish oil
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? no
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: seldom
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?: no
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: no
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: not of relevance
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: no
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
> naps?: on average, maybe 7 to 7 1/2 hours
> (18) Please describe your last meal: --
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: no
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 5:36:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: JBSmitherman@aol.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
In a message dated 6/8/00 6:11:44
AM Central Daylight Time,
KHashmi316@aol.com writes:
<< (1) Sex:
(2) Age: 41
(3) Occupation: Chemical Engineer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: yes, yes (most of the time)
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: yes - 3, yes
(6) Geographic location: Houston, TX
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:
(8) How long on CR?: 2-1/2 years
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?: I
follow the Zone. Prior to joining the CR Society mailing list I tended to ad
lib more as long as balanced protein and carbohydrates according to the Zone.
Now, I'm more inclined to maintain a total calorie count as well as the p/c
ratio. As a result I've lost another 3 lbs which I didn't want to happen.
(10) How many calories/day: 1800
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: no
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: yes, libido
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: yes, 30 minute walk
every day
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: >>
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 9:09:30 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: JBSmitherman@aol.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
In a message dated 06/09/2000 6:47:08
AM Central Daylight Time,
KHashmi316@aol.com writes:
> (1) Your height: 6'2''
> (2) Your current weight: 160 lbs
> (3) Your weight before CR: 198 lbs
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: 162 lbs
> (5) Your target weight; if you're
not at your target, then how long before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> take you to reach it: 162, I'm at target, it took 9 months which was
around a 1 lb per week loss.
> (6) Your body fat: 15% based
on Dr. Sears tables and confirmed with skin
calipers and a digital scale.
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers
tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Weight, blood pressure.
> (8) Do you take supplements
-- if so, what? multi vitamin, 500mg Vit C,
400 mg Vit E, Brewer's Yeast, Fish Oil.
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements
(Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee,
tea) -- how many cups? yes, 2 cups tea
or coffee, 1 diet cola.
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no.
> (12) Do you consume alcohol
-- if so, what drink?: yes, 1 - 7 oz Miller
lite, 4 - 8 oz red wine.
> (13) Did you have any health
problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?: yes, frequent sinus infections, aches and pains, headaches,
dizziness and sweating during my blood sugar troughs.
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: no
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: no.
> (16) Any CR or health books
that you consider fundamental?: Mastering the
Zone, The Anti-Aging Plan, Protein Power (Ignore the PP diet).
> (17) How many hours of sleep
do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
> naps?: 6 hours, no naps.
> (18) Please describe your last
meal: Water, chicken fajita salad with
tomatoes, onions and bell peppers and of course a liberal amount of guacamole
on the side.
> (19) Any other adjustments to
your lifestyle since going CR?: My wife
says that I quit snoring. Finally, at 41 acne is no longer a problem. My
dentist and dental hygenist say that my gums are in much better condition.
My digestive system used to be quite
chaotic - frequent heartburn and
diarhea. All of this has disappeared.
Subj: [CR] CR Poll 1 and 2
Date: 6/10/00 2:14:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: SML27@btinternet.com (Sarah Latham)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Part 1
(1) Sex: Female
(2) Age: 50
(3) Occupation: Music Teacher
(4) Married? Yes, spouse not onCR:
(5) Children? if yes, 3, aged 19, 17 and 14, not on CR but 19 year old
(6) Geographic location: Northamptonshire, England
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: On TV, Brian Manning Delaney being
(8) How long on CR?: 6 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow : Walford's book, sadly DWIDP not
available for Macs.
(10) How many calories/day: Probably 1200 - 1500
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: Chocolate
craving on occasions, more sensitive to cold, but investment in thermal
underwear has largely cracked this problem
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Run 3 miles 4x/week,
walk daily
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Largely vegetarian with fish 1 - 2 times a
week, lots of fruit and veg, few grains, beans, home made bread,
Part 2
1) Your height: 5' 4"
(2) Your current weight: 112 lb
(3) Your weight before CR: 124 lb
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: ?118lb
(5) Your target weight; 108 lb aim to reach in 3 months.
(6) Your body fat: Don't know
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Don't know
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? I multivitamin supplement for
vegetarians per day
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? NO
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 3 cups/tea/day
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: NO
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: Maybe 2 glasses red
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: NO/NA
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Yes,
+fish, eggs,dairy
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: NO
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7 - 8 hours
(18) Please describe your last meal: (Breakfast) Strawberries, fresh
apricots, all-bran cereal, plain yogurt, tea
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
A committment to some exercise daily.
Sarah Latham
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/10/00 7:24:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: tripelo@ticnet.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Response to KHashmi316@aol.com, poll request.
> (1) Sex: Male
> (2) Age: 51
> (3) Occupation: Student
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Spouse not on CR
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No Children
> (6) Geographic location: Dallas, Texas
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?:
"Maximum Life Span" by
Dr. Walford. That is a good book.
I am grateful for the effects that it had on me.
> (8) How long on CR?: ~14.5 years
> (9) Which CR method/plan do
you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
My Plan, mostly echoes intent in Max Life Span, 120-Diet, and others.
> (10) How many calories/day: 1200-1800 depending on activity & sleep
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: twice in a lifetime, so far <G>
> (12) Any negative effects of
CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Some hair loss, probably genetic,
Colder than normal people, thats OK,
Some digestive problems a few years ago.
> (13) Do you exercise; if so
what type and how often?:
Walk ~ 2miles daily. Strength training weekly.
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Have lots of simple recipes.
I like everything that seems to have health potential.
Whatever is it that is good for me, that is what I like <G>
> Feel free to add your own categories.
CR has been good for me. Whatever
the outcome, I believe that it has
paid off handsomely in both physical and mental health.
Michael Cooper
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/10/00 12:27:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DavidMandow@hotmail.com (David Mandow)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex:Male
(2) Age:34
(3) Occupation:Accountant
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Long-term girlfriend, not on
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No
(6) Geographic location:London, England
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:Television program (QED possibly)
with Roy Walford
(8) How long on CR?:3 years
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
(10) How many calories/day:1800-2000
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
(i) Initial complaints from others including my girlfriend about being too
thin. I think that initially a lot of fat was lost from my face and so I
looked very anorexic. Once my weight stabilized (at a lower level) my face
filled out again (and to an extent people got used to the new weight) and
the complaints stopped.
(ii) Initially constipation (rather surprisingly given the high-fibre diet).
I found that drinking 1/2 litre of water on waking cured this completely.
(iii) For a time, stomach distension. I eventually traced this to the
multi-mineral/vitamin suppliments I was taking. On ceasing to take any
suppliments the distension disappeared completely.
(iv) For a time (after about a year of being on CR), IBS symtoms. Finally
traced this to a sensitivity to sulphur dioxide preservatives (E220-E227).
Now I avoid these additives as well as eggs that are not absolutely fresh
and have no more problems. I don't think I had this sensitivity before
starting CR although it's hard to be sure.
(v) Some hair loss, although I was at that sort of age anyway, alas.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Gentle jogging 2-3
times a week. About 1 hour's walking a day. Some stretching occasionally.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: I regularly eat a sort of museli/fruit
salad concoction I make myself made of the following ingredients, chopped
- 1 citrus fruit, generally an orange
- about 5 'fibrous' fruits (I don't know the proper classification) eg
apples/peaches/plums -that sort of thing
- about 3 sweet fruits eg blueberries/melon/mango
- a raw carrot
- a raw corgette or raw button mushrooms
- a few nuts I roast myself esp brazil nuts, almonds, cashews
- some chopped dried fruit (without sulphur dioxide) eg dried figs or
preservative-free dried apricots
- some normal museli
It's very tasty and nutritious and usually puts my work colleagues into a
state of shock when they see me eat it.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/10/00 12:26:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: DavidMandow@hotmail.com (David Mandow)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 5' 8" (1.7m)
(2) Your current weight: 9 st 4 lb (59 kg)
(3) Your weight before CR: 10 st 6 lb (66 kg)
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 10 st 6 lb
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: 9 st 4 lb. Considering going to 9 st 2 lb
(6) Your body fat: 10 %
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Don't know
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? No
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Sometimes some
green tea (once per week ish)
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: Red wine, whisky.
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: No
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: No. Used to subscribe to
Mens Health before it became pappy.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8
(18) Please describe your last meal:
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Subj: [CR] POLL
Date: 6/11/00 4:29:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mshields@teleline.es (Michael Shields)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
1. Sex: Male
2. Age: 60
3. Occupation: LAN Administrator
4. Married: Yes, On CR: No
5. Children: 2, On CR: No
6: Geographic location: Madrid, Spain
7: Where did you hear about CR: 120-Year Diet
8: How long on CR: 8 years
9: Which CR method do you follow: Walford's
10: How many calories per day: 1500 (bit more on weekends)
11. Do you fast?, between 8PM one day to 4PM the next, during week days
12: Any negative effects of CR: No
13: Do you exercise: run 6 Km., 1 hour squash, 2 hours of weights and gym, every
14:Favorite foods: coffee, dark chocolate and Indian
1. Height: 171 Cm.
2. Current weight: 65 Kilos
3. Weight before CR: 75 Kilos
4. Set Point: ?
5. Target weight: ?
6. Body fat: ?
7. Biomarkers: ?
8. Supplements: Lots
9. Herbal supplements: some
10. Caffeine: a least two cups of black expresso per day
11. Smoke: never
12: Alcohol: 2 glasses of wine per day
13:Health problems prior to CR: sciatica, cholesterol, blood pressure, BPH
: CR helped: all except BPH
14.Vegetarian: No
15: Health medical mags: several
16: Books: ?
17: Hours of sleep: 8
18: Last meal: fajitas
19. Adjustments to life style since CR: ?
Subj: CR Poll
Date: 6/11/00 8:47:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: daboul@SG.tau.ac.il (Daniel Daboul)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
(1) Sex:
(2) Age:
(3) Occupation:
Physicist, Circuit Design Engineer
(4) Married? Spouse also on CR:
(5) Children? Are they on CR:
(6) Geographic location:
(7) How learn about CR:
(8) How long on CR:
2 years
(9) CR method followed:
near vegetarian, but including fish, and whatever is
offered at social gatherings. low fat, moderate protein diet.
(10) Calories/day:
1600, not strict
(11) Do you fast; how often:
(12) Negative effects CR:
Cold; reduced strength and libido, frequent urination
(13) Exercise and Type:
bicycling 2h/week, hiking 2h/week
(14) Favorite CR food:
Mixed Salad
(1) Your height:
(2) Your current weight:
(3) Your weight before CR:
(4) Your "Set Point" weight:
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it:
No real target, may go down to 52kg in 1 year
(6) Your body fat:
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?
Vit E, Calcium, Vit D, Melatonin, sometimes Vit C,
Beano digestive Enzymes when eating beans
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
1 cup/day
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
Acne: CR helped
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
not in principle, but approximately 90% of Calories from plants
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
sci.life-extension, sci.med.nutrition, (others occasionly)
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
(18) Please describe your last meal:
big mixed salad, with a 6g of olive oil, 2 peaches.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
I cook more. I don't eat out often. I dress warmer.
Subj: Re: [CR] Re: CR mailing list
Date: 6/11/00 7:07:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Accuallan@aol.com
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
6)Location:Bucks County,Pennsylvania
7)Where did you first hear about cr? Not sure. Remember reading longevity
research about 20 years ago showing cr consistently extended lifespan of
animals starting with first experiments in the 30's.
8)How long on cr? About 18 years
9)Which cr method /plan do you follow? Closest to Walford
10)Calories per day:1600-1800
11)Do you fast?no
12)Any negative effects of cr? Increased acid reflux(gerd)
13)Do you exercise? Walk 3-5 miles every day
14)Favorite foods:Chocolate,blueberries, cashews
Subj: [CR] poll
Date: 6/12/00 11:53:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: effiesmom@usa.net (Arlen Kimmelman)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
1) Sex: F
(2) Age: 37
(3) Occupation: High school Language Arts teacher
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes and no way!
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No children, luckily :o)
(6) Geographic location: Philadelhia, PA area
(7) Where did you first hear about
CR?: ??? - a book while drinking coffee ant
Barnes & Noble ??? then Alan Alda's show
(8) How long on CR?: December 1999
knowing it was CR, but maybe July 1999 in
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow
(Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: Hard to say; I have my own method. Not even sure how anally CR I am.
A mix of old food exchange ideas, mixed in with smatterings of list
suggestions, peppered with good old fashioned calorie counting.
(10) How many calories/day: 1600
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
don't, can't, omigosh - what? No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair
loss, libido, etc.)?: low estrogen > low
(13) Do you exercise; if so what
type and how often?: 45-60 minute walk with
my dog as often as possible being a teacher :o)
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: mixed berry smoothies, mmmmmmmmm
Subj: [CR] poll 2
Date: 6/13/00 12:12:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: effiesmom@usa.net (Arlen Kimmelman)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 5'3"
(2) Your current weight: 124-ish
(3) Your weight before CR: 164
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 145
(5) Your target weight: 112
if you're not at your target, then how long before you will reach it:
currently on a 5 week plateau *ACK* maybe in 3 mo. at 1 lb/wk, or 12 months
1 lb/mo.
(6) Your body fat: Yep, it's still there :o)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? multi, potassium, magnesium,
chromium, fish oil, evening primrose oil, ginseng, calcium
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? see
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 1-2 cups/day while
teaching - basically caffeine-free over the summer
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: from 12-19 years old
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: red wine, maybe 1x/wk.
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing impaired glucose
tolerance (i.e., diabetes) -- has CR helped in ailment?: WITHOUT A DOUBT!
IGT, I think, is a disease of quantity; ain't no quantity on CR
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: would like
be (w/ fish, eggs, & dairy), but hubby does all of the cooking
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Discover magazine, SciAm,
WebMD, Diabetes This Week (e-mail)
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Whatever is being
talked about on the CR list at the moment :op
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7-7.5 at night and sometimes 1-3 in naps, therefore 7-10.5 hrs.
(18) Please describe your last meal: 2 oz. (1 c.) whole wheat pasta with pesto
and sauted radicchio with freshly grated romano and seltzer (caught me -
non-CR, hi-fat & yummy dinner :o> )
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: none immediately
come to mind
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 8:30:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: dchristilaw@fcpa.fujitsu.com (David Christilaw)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here's my input.
KHashmi316@aol.com on 06/08/2000 04:10:07 AM
Please respond to crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
cc: (bcc: David Christilaw/HB/FCPA/Fujitsu)
Subject: [CR] mailing list POLL
I'm new to the list and am a bit curious about other CRsociety members. I've
made up a little CR poll that would satisfy my curiosity. It would help me
with my own caloric restriction practices as well as those of family and
friends. So here goes...
(1) Sex:M
(2) Age:53
(3) Occupation:Failure Analysis Engineer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:Yes and Yes
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:No
(6) Geographic location: Portland, Oregon area
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:PBS special before Alan Alda
(8) How long on CR?: approx. 6 mos.
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:DWIDP
and Walford's books
(10) How many calories/day: ~2000
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:None
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: 30 min. aerobic 5 days/wk.
and resistance training (push ups and
sit ups) twice/wk.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes:Indian cooking
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/12/00 1:04:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: dchristilaw@fcpa.fujitsu.com (David Christilaw)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here is my reply to part 2:
(1) Your height:5'8"
(2) Your current weight:150 lbs.
(3) Your weight before CR: 185 lbs.
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: ? 180 lbs.
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: 125 lbs.
(6) Your body fat: 15% (by Tanita scale)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Too many to list
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? Too
many to list
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Green tea
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Yes, for over 25 years
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: Not any more
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Yes, occaisional
eggs and dairy.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Dr. Weil's newsletter, VRG
Journal, Vegetarian Times.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: 120 Year Diet, Antiaging
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7-8 hrs.
(18) Please describe your last meal: (breakfast) An orange followed by: Oatmeal
w/chopped walnuts, raisins, protein
powder, wheat germ, and stevia
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:More time spent
preparing meals.
Subj: Re: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 8:46:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: ashoori@electron.mit.edu (Ray Ashoori)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
> (1) Sex: Male
> (2) Age: 36
> (3) Occupation: Physics Professor
> (4) Married? No if yes, is your spouse also CR:
> (5) Children? No if yes, are they CR:
> (6) Geographic location: Cambridge, MA
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: A friend convinced me to try it.
> (8) How long on CR?: 6.5 months
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Zone, Omega Diet (thanks to Sherm)
> (10) How many calories/day: 1700-1800
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: Never
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Initially, followed Walford method (Anti aging plan). Then, I noticed
increased irritability and impatience. Probably due to high cortisol. Zone
eating fixed this. Now, I make sure to eat something each 4-6 hours, whether
I'm hungry or not. Some definite libido loss.
Positive Effects:
Have male pattern baldness, but it
just looks as though I now have more
hair. Consistently higher energy. Run faster. Can do gymnastic exercises
about as well as when I was in optimal shape at age 17 and weighed the same
as I weigh now.
> (13) Do you exercise; if so
what type and how often?:
Every day. Run 5 miles every other day. On other days, do exercises using my
body weight - pull-ups (18), push-ups (50), dips (12), handstand push-ups
(10-12), and sit-ups (50).
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes:
Fish, Fish, and more Fish. Sashimi (not sushi!). Egg-white omelets. Lean
meats. Low fat cottage cheese and nonfat yogurt. Stir-fry vegetables.
Fruits. Lots of nuts, avocado, and olive oil. Cod liver oil. Tea.
No bread, potatoes, pasta, or rice. Rarely drink juices.
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/14/00 7:42:47 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: ashoori@mit.edu (Ray Ashoori)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here's my Part 2 contribution.
(1) Your height: 5'8''
(2) Your current weight: 146
(3) Your weight before CR: 176
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 165
(5) Your target weight; if you're
not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long
it take you to reach it:
I'm not sure about my target. I'll keep eating 1700-1800 Calories per day
and see where it leads me. My weight seems to have stabilized around 146. It
may be dropping at a pound per month, but who knows? I started CR seven
months ago. I didn't expect to drop down to this weight so quickly, but I
have not experienced any ill effects from the rapid weight loss. In fact,
the CR diet instantly energized me.
I lost weight very rapidly at first
(something like 15 pounds in 6 weeks),
and the remaining 15 pounds came off at a few pounds per month.
(6) Your body fat: Several measurements point to 7%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests
in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Fasting blood sugar fell after first 2.5 months (from 93 to 78). Other
markers (e.g. fasting TG/HDL=0.62) look great.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if
so, what? B complex, C, E, iron-free multi
(with minerals), Co Q10
(9) Do you take herbal supplements
(Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee,
tea) -- how many cups? Weak Tea - 4-5 cups
a day. Coffee sporadically.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Never
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: rarely - socially only.
(13) Did you have any health problems
PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: I had very bad springtime allergies. I've been taking allergy
shots for the last 20 months. My allergies completely disappeared this year,
and my best guess is that this came about from a combination of shots and
CR. Who knows?
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical
periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: sometimes I look at the LEF
(16) Any CR or health books that
you consider fundamental?: Walford, Sears,
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period ?: typically 7.
(18) Please describe your last meal: lunch - Sea bass and vegetables.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Subj: [CR] Re: CR mailing list POLL
Date: 6/9/00 10:07:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: ulf.rasmusson@wwf.se (Ulf Rasmusson)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here*s my info:
1 Sex: Male
2 Age: 53
3: Occupation: Tropical Forest Advisor
4: Married: Divorced
5: Children: Two, not on CR (although some CR-influence on the diet of in
particular one of them)
6: Geographic location: Stockholm, Sweden.
7: Where did you first hear about CR? Onboard an airplane, in the Financial
Times. By contacting the journalist, I got Walford*s e-mail address and thru
him this list address.
8: How long on CR? 10 months.
9: Which CR method/plan do you follow? Sears Zone plan.
10: How many calories per day: Have not counted for a long time. Probably in
the 1800-2000 range. I eat close to ad-lib CR in my two big meals.
11: Do you fast? No
12: Any negative effects of CR: Have to pee a lot (not a major effect!).
13 Do you exercise? Fast walking, to and from my work, total 50 minutes on
most days. Ten days of exercise at home or at office on most days (back pain
prevention, push-ups, sit-ups etc)
14 Favorite foods or recipes: Trying out soy protein stewed in olive
oil/tomato paste/paprika, tastes great. It tastes best with really tiny pieces
of soy. Chicken tenderloin is another favorite. Both with a big pile of
veggies (mainly broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, carrot) , either steamed or
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/12/00 5:37:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: jabehrendt@hotmail.com (Jeffrey Behrendt)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Here's my info:
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 30
(3) Occupation: barrister
(4) Married? Yes. if yes, is your spouse also CR: No, she is quite anti-CR
(5) Children? No
(6) Geographic location: Ottawa, Ontario
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: from LEF (no kidding!)
(8) How long on CR?: 1 year
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?: a
low-carb, high protein approach; experimenting with some Zone-style meals
(10) How many calories/day: 1500
(11) Do you fast; No. if so, how often?: Used to, but found it
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: Irritability,
depression, reduced libido, cold extremities.
Cold extremities mostly remedied by high-dose ginkgo biloba.
Irritability the most difficult thing to control.
A lot of social disapproval.
(13) Do you exercise; Yes. if so what type and how often?: Walk to and from
work 5-6 times per week, 45 minutes in each direction.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: chocolate, nut butter, berries, salmon
Jeffrey Behrendt
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/12/00 5:51:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: jabehrendt@hotmail.com (Jeffrey Behrendt)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Your height: 6' 0@
(2) Your current weight: 118 lbs
(3) Your weight before CR: 140 lbs
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 140 lbs
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: No target; concentrate on number of calories eaten.
(6) Your body fat: unknown
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Yes -- LEF Mix, LEF booster,
Alpha Lipoic Acid, Biotin, Calcium, CoQ10, Tocotrienols, TMG, Gingkgo,
Phosphatidyl Serine, Greens drink.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
See above
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Lots! Isn't
coffee one of the food groups?
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Had IBS -- however, cutting out grains seems to be what helped
this, rather than CR per se.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Strict
vegan (for 15 years) until went on to CR; found it necessary to incorporate
animal products to practice CR successfully.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: LEF magazine, LEF forum,
sci.life-extension, sci.med.nutrition
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's books
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7, but I need more!
(18) Please describe your last meal: Tasty! Oh, you mean what did I eat...
Salmon with lots of veggies.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Mostly
dealing with social pressures. Think about food a lot more! Spend a lot
more time shopping, preparing and eating food.
Subj: [CR] Poll 1 and 2
Date: 6/13/00 12:13:39 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: sstubsjo@online.no (Sigurd Stubsjoen)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Sigurd Stubsjoen.
Reply-To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 39
(3) Occupation: Clinical Psychologist
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse
also CR: I am married but she is not
practicing CR.
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:
Two teenage daughters, they think I'm
a little strange weighing all my food.
(6) Geographic location: Norway, Oslo area.
(7) Where did you first hear about
CR?: Maximum Life Span, actually in
'83. Forgot about it until I saw the article in Scientific America.
After reading that article it took me about 4 years to get serious
enough to start following the CR lifestyle.
(8) How long on CR?: Since April 2000
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow
(Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: Use the DWIDP and compose my own meals.
(10) How many calories/day: I am
quiet leniant and go for a target range
between 1500 and 1800 calories. If I overshoot one day then I just cut
back the next day. I figure it is the average number of calories
consumed over time which is important.
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
No, but sometimes I may eat as
little 1100 or 1200 calories.
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair
loss, libido, etc.)?: I notice
that I am loosing my hair, even more so since I started CR. This could
also be normal for a man of my age.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what
type and how often?: 30 - 40 minute
walk the dog daily. Aspire to do a moderate weight training programe but
haven't started yet.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: well, I like diet soda.
Poll 2.
(1) Your height: 174cm
(2) Your current weight: 77 kilos
(3) Your weight before CR: 79-81 kilos
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: I think it's around 73 kilos
(5) Your target weight: Haven't decided yet, but initially down to 70
if you're not at your target, then how long before you will reach it: I
plan on using at least 3 or 4 more months.
(6) Your body fat: Not measured, but not a pretty sight when looking in
the mirror. Love handles you know.
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
Not available but did do some blood tests a couple of years back.
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? 500mg calcium, 15 mg zinc,
60 mg vitamin E, vitamin D, 15 gm cod liver oil.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so,
what? 900 gm garlic powder, and Ginseng 10 mg???
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? I get some
caffeine when I drink diet pepsi.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: Nope.
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: a couple of drinks
every two months or so.
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing impaired glucose
tolerance (i.e., diabetes) -- has CR helped in ailment?: No health
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) --
if so, what?: No
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's
books and this CR list.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
naps?: 7 hours.
(18) Please describe your last meal: I ate about 5 corn tortillas with
homemade bean fill, with a little salsa on top. Very tasty,
unfortunately the corn tortillas are high in saturated fat. Won't be
eating that again.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: None.
Subj: [CR] Poll
Date: 6/13/00 11:32:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: jcotton-cr@excite.com (Joseph Cotton)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex:
(2) Age:
(3) Occupation:
Consultant - Computer Programmer
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:
Married, she's not on CR.
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:
Four, not on CR
(6) Geographic location:
Baltimore, MD
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:
I was interested in health, and found Dr. Walford's site from search engines
(8) How long on CR?:
I am not yet really on a strict CR diet. I am moving in that direction,
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
I am moving towards the Walford plan
(10) How many calories/day:
Gawd, must be at least 3000 now. Maybe four grand.
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
Five times per year. Religiously.
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
I wouldn't know.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:
30-60 minutes per day, usually closer to 60. 2-3 hours on Sunday. I love
the stepper machine. I set it at the highest or near highest setting and go
for an hour. The readout says that I burn 1200 calories in the hour
session. The machine exersizes both arms and legs, and both push and pull.
I only add a few situps.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Meat. I am a member of P.E.T.A. (People for
the Eating of Tasty Animals) There is nothing better than a broiled steak
or chicken. But I love salads, too. You know, I don't crave sweets
anymore. I have started putting only a half teaspoon of sugar in my Postum.
(15) Usual diet:
Breakfast: 2 eggs with peppers, onions, garlic, tomatoes and whatever, fried
in a bit of olive oil. Add fresh rosemary and dill. Go easy on the salt.
Lunch: Big heaping salad with lettuce, tomato, pepper, onion, mushroom,
cheese, tofu, beans. A dressing of vinegar, olive oil and chopped fresh
Dinner: What ever my wife makes for me. This is why I am not on a full CR
diet. Married men live longer than un-married. I figgur that I will live
longer if we keep Shalom Bayis. She is a good cook, and like m and m's, it
is hard not to eat more than I intend.
Subj: [CR] POLL interupted
Date: 6/13/00 11:47:37 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: jcotton-cr@excite.com (Joseph Cotton)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
So here's PART 2:
(1) Your height:
5' 10"
(2) Your current weight:
230 lbs
(3) Your weight before CR:
250 lbs
(4) Your "Set Point" weight:
Probably 160 lbs
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it:
I'll be happy to hit 180. 160 would be nice.
(6) Your body fat:
24% Measured by calipers. BTW that makes my "lean" body mass at 173
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?
Multivitamin "Dr. Ben's" I know Dr Ben personally.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?
I used to down 6-8 cups per day. Now I stick to Postum or de-caf, mostly
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:
I smoked 11 cigarettes when I was in fifth grade. Took a few tokes in
college. Did nothing for me.
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
Two or three cups (4 oz) on Saturdays, one beer (12 oz) occationally
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
BP is still too high for me. Cholestorl is borderline normal. I would like
to improve both these numbers.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
I am a member of PETA, thus eating tasty animals.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
Yes. Prevention. I also surf the net for info.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
Dr. Walford's. His is the only one that consistantly applies scientificly
obtained information. All of the others are just speculation. And I do
mean ALL of the others.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
6-7 hours. 2 hour nap on Saturday.
(18) Please describe your last meal:
1.5 eggs fried in a bit of olive oil, onions peppers and garlic.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
(20) Efforts to encourage family to join the CR lifestyle?
Subj: CR mailing list poll
Date: 6/13/00 6:55:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: dparker@bru-hub.dhl.com (Deirdre Parker)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
I am sending this to you off list
because the moderator, Brian Delaney,
suggested that in one of his mails. Not because I am shy - I will be
proud to be part of this excellent project and I can't wait to see the
It will be be great contribution in the field.
I enjoyed reading about the other list members.
All the best
mailing list POLL PART 1
(1) Sex: F
(2) Age: 53
(3) Occupation: IT consultant
(4) Married? No, single since 1985.
(5) Children? One son age 30 not on CR
(6) Geographic location: Brussels Belgium
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: March 2000, The book 'Fountains
of Youth', by the editors for Ronin Publishing (purchased on a whim from
Waterstones, Brussels)
(8) How long on CR?: 2 weeks
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: Sears
(10) How many calories/day: 1400
(11) Do you fast; No. I have a tendency to hypoglycemia, so I eat little
and often
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: None so far
(13) Do you exercise; Yes. Hatha
Yoga about 30 min/day on average
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: don't know, confused since I started
the diet, but I tend to crave High Glycemic Carbs
mailing list POLL PART 2
(1) Your height: 167.5 cm (5ft 6in)
(2) Your current weight: 154lb
(3) Your weight before CR: 156 lbs
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 122 lbs at age 20, 156 these days
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long
you will reach it; Target 126 lbs or less, in about 2-3 years
(6) Your body fat: not measured, guess about 28-30%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
stabilized? I guess not so far
(8) Do you take supplements Yes -- , CoQ10, Vit E, Flax seed oil,
Spirulina, Vit C, BetaCarotene, Multi-vit with iron and vit B,
Glucosamine Sulphate with Chondroitin. Quantity varies - I take more if
the day ahead is likely to be stressful. (Irrational, maybe)
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) Occasional
Ginseng, considering Gingko
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? About 4 cups
coffee/day, not after 4pm
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: wine at weekend
about 75cl, might stop
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- None I am aware
of, pre-CR tests Ok so far, not all results in yet.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No,
but did follow Yogic Vegan diet for a few years age 22 - 30 or so
(weighed less, felt great), also a spell on Raw Energy diet (little
animal food, also felt great)
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) No,
just this group
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Sears, for
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
naps?: 6-9, I take what I want, no alarm
(18) Please describe your last meal: 100gm Steamed turkey breast in
light sauce with spinach and 2teasp half-fat butter. For dessert, no-fat
cream cheese with low-cal chocolate drink powder stirred in plus one
sweetener and 7.5gm concentrated milk. Delicious, tastes like chocolate
cheesecake without the pastry. Probably doesn't need the milk. Had
plenty almonds and olives in the daytime so fat count was already high
for the day.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: No. I
live alone, take my lunches to work, and have not lost enough weight for
people to get anxious about me.
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/14/00 7:20:41 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: c2_karp@hotmail.com (Charles Karp)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 53
(3) Occupation: screenwriter
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: No, but I think she's getting
interested in the Zone version.
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: are you kidding?
(6) Geographic location: middle of nowhere
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford's 120 year diet
(8) How long on CR?: 5 years
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow
(Walford's books DWIDP, etc.)?: first
4.5 years Walford, last 6 mo Zone CR
(10) How many calories/day: 1650
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair
loss, libido, etc.)?: When I used a
strictly low fat, high carbo approach (1st 4.5 years), I experienced a fair
amount of hunger, joint aches and pains, less vim and vigor in general.
Since going to a Zone style CR, things are much better. I feel stronger,
younger, skin is better. Hunger is still a challenge, just not as much.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what
type and how often?: I walk 45 minutes a
day; 40 push ups and a little barbell work every other day. A little yoga.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: (very)
dark chocolate, coffee, red wine;
recipes... egg white omlette with spinach and goat cheese (a dab) filling; 1
cup skim yogurt with 1 cup blueberries & 1 tsp wheat germ & a toss of
(1) Your height: 67.5 inches
(2) Your current weight: 126 lbs
(3) Your weight before CR: 145 lbs
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 145 lbs(age 48), 132 lbs(age 25)
(5) Your target weight; 121 lbs.
if you're not at your target, hen how long before you will reach it; I don't
know. My plateaus can last a long time. Motivation to lower caloric quota is
if your Current Weight is your target,
how long did it take you to reach it:
Walford scared me in the "120 year diet" with his admonition to lose
very gradually. I took his advice to heart, losing the weight over five
years (lots of plateaus).
(6) Your body fat: 10-13% (not sure)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
I'm afraid to measure them
(8) Do you take supplements -- if
so, what? Centrum Silver, C, E, selenium,
Sears' fish oil, aspirin
(9) Do you take herbal supplements
(Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
bilberry, green tea (extracts)
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee,
tea) -- how many cups? 1 skim latte (caf
expresso) plus 1 additional cup regular
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: yes, very occassionally
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: 4-8 oz red wine a day
(13) Did you have any health problems
PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: No, I'm just afraid to die. With CR I figure I can have additional
years of fear.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes,
how about fish, eggs, dairy?: no
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: no
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford,
medline, some Sears
(17) How many hours of sleep do you
get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: approx 6-7 (need 8-9)
(18) Please describe your last meal:
2 scrambled eggs + 1.5 oz turkey breast
on 1/2 bagel with lettuce & tomatoe plus skim latte.
(19) Any other adjustments to your
lifestyle since going CR?: withstanding
my family's ridicule has improved my defense mechanisms
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/14/00 7:22:55 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mrvitamin_c@yahoo.com (BRIAN WIDEMAN)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
> PART 1:
> (1) Sex: M
> (2) Age: 57
> (3) Occupation: Systems Analyst
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: No
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No
> (6) Geographic location: middle of nowhere
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford's
> 120 year diet
> (8) How long on CR?: 3 years
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's
> books DWIDP, etc.)?: first
> Walford
> (10) How many calories/day: Don't know. Just lose
weight gradually.
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido,
> etc.)?: I have had some irritable bowel problems,
probably from eating to much bulk. Also, I have
problems with nuts and too much raw fruit.
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how
> often?: I walk 30 minutes a
> day;
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes: My soybean chili and
vegetables with Good Seasons Italian dressing made
with flax oil. Of course, my favorite food is ice
cream, but I rarely eat it.
> PART 2:
> (1) Your height: 5'9 inches
> (2) Your current weight: 153 lbs
> (3) Your weight before CR: 180 lbs
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: 163 from young
adulthood until age 50
> (5) Your target weight; 139 lbs.
> if you're not at your target, hen how long before
> you will reach it; I've been in the low 150s for
about a year. I've recently eliminated most fruit,
and traded spinach for sweet potatoes, and restricted
all oils but flax. I'm hoping to push a little lower.
> if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> it take you to reach it: I dropped from 180 to the
mid 150s in around 2 years. I've only dropped
slightly in the last year.
> (6) Your body fat: around 12% with calipers.
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's
> books, have any stabilized? Haven't been very
careful in monitoring them. Other tests, like
cholesterol, HDL/LDL, blood sugar, and blood pressure
have significantly improved, though my diet was
careful before.
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? I have
taken 5 grams of Vitamin C/day for 25 years. Also,
long term E, beta-carotene, and selenium. Now, taking
lipoic acid and tocotrinals, after reading Packer.
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng,
> etc.) -- if so, what?
> Gingko, Pycnoginol
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many
> cups? No
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense)
Occasionally, plus used "snuff" for 10 years.
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:
> Rarely, I drink a beer.
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing
> -- has CR helped in
> ailment?: I have a continual ringing in my ears,
called Tinnitus. I believe it has not gotten any
worse, and may have improved.
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; I am getting more and
more vegetarian. I eat an occasional egg and daily
yoghurt. Otherwise, I concentrate on high protein
vegetables: soy, wheat germ, and brewer's yeast.
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to
> periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
Prevention for 20 years, but no longer.
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider
> fundamental?: Besides Walford, "Vitamin C, the
Common Cold, and Flu" (Pauling), "Fats that Heal and
Fats that Kill" (Erasmus), "Stop Aging Now" (Carper),
"Anti-Oxidant Miracle" (Packer), and "Let's Get Well"
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr
> period -- please include
> naps?: 8
> (18) Please describe your last
meal: Yoghurt and
wheat germ, cabbage with flax oil Italian dressing,
and salad
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since
> going CR?: My daughter feels my upper arm and says I
don't have any flesh.
Subj: RE: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
Date: 6/15/00 10:00:43 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: morphy@alumni.caltech.edu (Quantum Mechanic)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu ('crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu')
These are poll responses from my
daughter, who has just started into CR now
that school is out.
On Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:29
AM, joanne nova [SMTP:joco@ozemail.com.au]
> Someone asked for the questions for the poll. Here they are all
> together. ----Joanne
> PART 1:
> (1) Sex:F
> (2) Age:13
> (3) Occupation:kid
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:Not married!
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR:Are you kidding
> (6) Geographic location:New York, NY
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?:dad
> (8) How long on CR?:Just starting
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?:DWIDP plus Zone
> (10) How many calories/day:1600(ad lib was about 2000)
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:No
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:N/A
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: running(on track
team at school, varies but average about 10 miles per week), weight
training once a week(will switch to 3 times now that school is out)
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes: seafood
> PART 2:
> (1) Your height:5'9"
> (2) Your current weight:130lbs
> (3) Your weight before CR:130lbs
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight:130lbs?
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long
> before No target weight
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> it
> take you to reach it:
> (6) Your body fat:~18%
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?vitamins
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so,
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups?Soda..now diet
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?:No
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?:No
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?:No
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:No
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:No
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:No
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
> include
> naps?:9
> (18) Please describe your last meal:all bran extra fiber with skim milk
and grapes
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Subj: RE: [CR] mailing list POLL
Date: 6/15/00 9:44:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: LINETTEE@bes.ci.portland.or.us (Ellis, Linette)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu ('crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu')
-----Original Message-----
From: KHashmi316@aol.com [mailto:KHashmi316@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 4:10 AM
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Subject: [CR] mailing list POLL
I'm new to the list and am a bit curious about other CRsociety members. I've
made up a little CR poll that would
satisfy my curiosity. It would help me
with my own caloric restriction practices as well as those of family and
friends. So here goes...
(1) Sex:female
(2) Age:43
(3) Occupation:civil engineering tech
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR:yes and also practices cr
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:no children
(6) Geographic location:Portland, Oregon
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?:spouse
(8) How long on CR?:6 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:use
120-Year Diet, Anti-Aging Plan, and DWIDP
(10) How many calories/day:about 1600
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:no
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:use supplement,
found that UDO's Blend (omegas) revitalize hair. Why are men concerned with
libido, isn't finding the right partner more important?
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?:yoga, aerobic 3x/week
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: stuffed green peppers (Walford's recipe),
Indian food, and Eastern foods
I mostly stay away from sweets other than eating fruit.
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/15/00 4:56:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: coryb@nc.rr.com (Cory Brooks)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
I've overcome my bashfulness. Here'e
my data.
> PART 1:
> (1) Sex: M
> (2) Age: 51
> (3) Occupation: DBA
> (4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes / No
> (5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 3 (only 1 still at home) No
> (6) Geographic location: RTP, NC
> (7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Sci Am article on longevity in
> (8) How long on CR?: Hard to say - no definitive turning point and not
on strict CR
> (9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Not strict enough to warrent this much effort
> (10) How many calories/day: No idea
> (11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: Once / yr - three days of apples
> (12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: No
> (13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: swim 1 mi
5x/week;weights 3x/week; cycle 1 hr 4x/week (not strict cr :-)
> (14) Favorite foods or recipes: Salad usually w/ salsa dressing. (Salad,
as prepared by my wife, consists of at least 15 different ingredients e.g.,
anchovies, peanut flavored tofu, flax seeds, so not just lettuce)
> PART 2:
> (1) Your height: 5' 8.5"
> (2) Your current weight: 147
> (3) Your weight before CR: Max weight 170
> (4) Your "Set Point" weight: Don't know
> (5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long
> before
> you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did
> it
> take you to reach it:
> (6) Your body fat: 7% (Tanita)
> (7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Don't know
> (8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Never touch the stuff
> (9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
> (10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Occasional cup
of tea
> (11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
> (12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
> (13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
> ailment?: No
> (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Yes,
fish 1-3x/week, eggs2-4x/month, 8oz nonfat yogurt/day
> (15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
> e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Scan reuters health
> (16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: I probably
ought to read one :-)
> (17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please
> include
> naps?: 8hrs
> (18) Please describe your last meal: Salad w/ glass of grapfruit juice
> (19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Lunch
less frequently w/ co-workers
Subj: [CR] Poll
Date: 6/16/00 8:43:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mnearing@purdue.edu (Mark Nearing)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex: m
(2) Age: 44
(3) Occupation: Research Scientist
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Y and N
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 3 and N
(6) Geographic location: Lafayette, IN
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford's books
(8) How long on CR?: 2 mo.
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
(10) How many calories/day: 1950 - I presume that this will decrease over
time. Waiting to read Walford's new book for advice on this.
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: N
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: N
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Yes - Hiking and
regular but not-heavy weight lifting just for basic muscle tone
(14) Favorite foods or recipes:
(1) Your height : 68in
(2) Your current weight: 183
(3) Your weight before CR: 198
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: Good question, wish I had an answer.
When I
was 25 years old I weighed ~160
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: Don't know really for sure, but I have in mind 140 in
the long term.
(6) Your body fat: ??
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? C, E, Selenium, aspirin
(80mg).. I'm going to wait for Dr. Walford's new book and just follow his
suggestions. I read a lot, but reports are often contradictory. C, E,
aspirin, and selenium appear to be safe and potentially beneficial.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 5-10 c green tea
per day, occasional diet coke - OK, I know, its a bad habit, one of my few
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: N
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: 5 oz red wine a day (110
empty calories)
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Arthritis prior to green tea, rarely flares up now.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: N, but most
days I don't eat.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: N
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: 120 Year Diet
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8
(18) Please describe your last meal: Wheat Germ (1/2 c), Skim Milk (1c),
Grape Juice (1 c)
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Don't eat out
much, saves money. More importantly, I guess, is that I feel more energetic
and better in general. But hey, its only been a few weeks.
Dr. Mark A. Nearing
National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
1196 SOIL Building
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1196
Subj: RE: Poll Results
Date: 6/19/00 3:22:01 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: matthews@xertex.com (Martha Matthews)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com ('KHashmi316@aol.com
1) Sex: F
(2) Age: 45
(3) Occupation: Office/Systems Administrator
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: No
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 2 boys - oldest son starting a Zone-based
(6) Geographic location: Boulder, CO
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: The PBS series "Stealing Time"
(Walford and CR was
(8) How long on CR?: April, 1999 - Pre-CR / Zone-based caloric reduced diet
(not currently
near or below my adlib weight)
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: A Zone-based plan with emphasis on adequate nutrition and caloric restriction/use
DWIDP occasionally
(10) How many calories/day: approximately 1500
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: None
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: weekly: 3-6 hrs. strenuous
dancing, 2-3 hrs. volleyball,
2 hrs. drumming, some weightlifting, stretching and yoga
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: tuna, salmon, low glycemic fruits, chocolate
Here is my reply to part 2:
(1) Your height: 5'6"
(2) Your current weight: 185 lbs.
(3) Your weight before CR: 200 lbs.
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 150 lbs.
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: Target weight: 138 lbs. / 8 months
(6) Your body fat: 36% (a guess per my estimated LBM)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized? Don't
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Regularly: B-6 & B-12, E, CoQ10,
Oil supplements,
Omega 3 and 6 Supplements, L-5-HTP, Enzymes, Occasional multi-vitamin
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? Gingko,
Ginseng, St. John's Wart,
Green Tea, Occasional Cascara Sagrada
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? Green tea: average
1/2 cup/day
Pepsi: average 1/8th cup/day
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No (o.k. one day when I was 15;
trying to be cool while
playing pool with a few friends)
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing? -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Yes: grip was weak, jammed finger would not heal, fingernails weak,
severe lower backaches,
'carbohydrate blues' and jittery, less mental focus, occasional difficulty breathing
at night,
occasional skin rash,
and difficulty stretching and bending. Yes: the higher protein, less empty-calories
and less high-GI
foods have all helped with each of the above conditions. My skin is much healthier,
my fingernails are
MUCH stronger, my moods have stabilized, my outlook is far more positive, my
desire to live a long and
energetic life is strengthened, my grip is MUCH stronger, my energy level is
higher, I require less frequent
and shorter naps, the sever lower backaches have disappeared, I am more limber
and am beginning to regain my
former youthful vigor. (14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs,
dairy?: Not really, I don't
think most vegetarians think that those of us who eat fish, eggs and dairy are
vegetarians! But, if that is
what we are calling vegetarians on this list, then I still am one. (Was almost
vegan for 3 years up to about
a year ago; but then added fish and eggs - previously consumed limited dairy)
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Read LEF's and Walford's websites
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: 120 Year Diet (even
though I haven't read it yet!),
Sears' books
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7-9 hrs.
(18) Please describe your last meal: (breakfast) 1/3 bell pepper, 1/2 can tuna,
1 tbsp mayo, 6 crackers.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: More time spent
preparing meals,
more exercise (more energy), more reading about CR and Zone-favorable eating
I look forward to the synopsis of all the responses!
Subj: Re: [CR] Poll 1 and 2
Date: 6/22/00 8:09:02 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: markmd@home.com (Mark Emdee)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Mark Emdee's answers:
If any questions, then just ask.
Poll 1
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 37
(3) Occupation: Telecommunications Techical Service Operator
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: No
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: No
(6) Geographic location: USA, Southern California, Lake Forest
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford's first book nine
years ago
(8) How long on CR?: On (70%) and
off (30%) for 11 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP,
etc.)?: P:F:C of 20:35:45 and 100 gm protein
(10) How many calories/day: Average 2300
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?:
About every 2 months for a day
after a big meal
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
Sometimes colder and time goes by slower when working nights when it
is slow going
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Run 5 miles
three times each week and weight lift once each week during the
non-warmer 4 months
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: My daily 800 Kcal smoothie of mixed
frozen berries, flax seed, almonds, kale, garlic, ginger, parsley,
broccoli, whey protein powder, cinnamon, dried cranberries,
psyllium, and one raw egg
Poll 2.
(1) Your height: 179 cm (5'10.5")
(2) Your current weight: 64 Kg (141 lb)
(3) Your weight before CR: 67 Kg (148 lb)
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 70 Kg (154 lb)
(5) Your target weight: I balance it with stress and life enjoyment
(6) Your body fat: 10%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests
in Walford's books, have any
stabilized?: What tests?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?: 4500 dollars each year
(9) Do you take herbal supplements
(Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so,
what?: About 10 kinds
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee,
tea) -- how many cups? Take about
100 mg caffeine each night I work, or about 50 mg average each day
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past
tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: One drink on
average each 20 days, beer or wine
(13) Did you have any health problems
PRIOR to CRing impaired
tolerance (i.e., diabetes) -- has CR helped in ailment?: Raynaud's
(cold hands and feet), has not help or hurt
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes,
how about fish, eggs, dairy?: No,
I try following a Paleolithic diet with raw eggs and fish
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical
newsletters or e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: No,
read off the net 30 minutes each day
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford
(17) How many hours of sleep do you
get in a 24-hr period -- please
include naps?: Zero to 10, average 7.0 in summer and 7.5 in winter
(18) Please describe your last meal:
My daily 800 Kcal smoothie, and
that's it for yesterday and today.
(19) Any other adjustments to your
lifestyle since going CR?: Flax
seed and less fish oil
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions" - (Both parts) for people who
wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/28/00 8:41:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: petervoss1@msn.com (petervoss1)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Better late than never?
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 46
(3) Occupation: AI Researcher/ Retired
(4) Married? N if yes, is your spouse also CR: Girlfriend is
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR:
(6) Geographic location: LA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Extropians
(8) How long on CR?: 3 yrs
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Simplified 120 Year Diet
(10) How many calories/day: 1800 +-50
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: occasional
hunger, being cold, get used to sitting & lying differently
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Fast walks (6mi),
push-ups, chin-ups, etc 300-400cal worth/ day
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: many new foods
(1) Your height: 5' 10"
(2) Your current weight: 129
(3) Your weight before CR: 155-160
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: about 155
(5) Your target weight; 129 if you're not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long
did it take you to reach it: 2 yrs
(6) Your body fat: 2.5%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Seem to still be improving
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Various: E, B, Calcium, CoQ10,
fish oil
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 12 cups tea
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Fewer mouth ulcers & virtually no colds
(14) Are you a vegetarian; No - if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Nutrition Action
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: 120 Year Diet
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 7-8
(18) Please describe your last meal: Broccoli with Marinara sauce
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Eat many small
meals - Seek out appropriate restaurants/ meals
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/28/00 10:54:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: mr-x@escapeartist.com (Mr- X)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 31
(3) Occupation: Artist/Musician/Data Processing (the proverbial day job...)
(4) Married? N if yes, is your spouse also CR:
(5) Children? N if yes, are they CR:
(6) Geographic location: Houston, Texas
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: "Stealing Time" program on
(8) How long on CR?: about 2 months
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?: Walford's
(10) How many calories/day: 1650 +-50
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: get cold easier
than before CR
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: 160 push-ups, 100 squates,
160 stomach crunches, twice daily
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Broccoli slaw (shredded broccoli, carrots, and
purple cabbage), 8 ounces of slaw made with 4-5 Tbsp fat free onion dip, 1 Tsp
peanut oil and 2 Tbsp wheat germ
(1) Your height: 5' 7"
(2) Your current weight: 125
(3) Your weight before CR: 185
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: around 150
(5) Your target weight; 125 if you're not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long
did it take you to reach it: I lost the weight before I discovered CR, went
from 185 to 130 in 7 months, then dropped to 125 within a month after beginning
CR, have sustained 125 for about a month
(6) Your body fat: roughly 5%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized? Haven't
tested yet
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?: 1 a day multivitamin
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what? Gingko,
Ginseng, and St. John's Wart
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 2-4 cups coffee
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: yes, for 10 years, quit 31/2
years ago
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: No
(14) Are you a vegetarian; No - if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: No
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Not yet, waiting
for "120 Year Diet" to arrive
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 6-7
(18) Please describe your last meal: 8 ounces raw broccoli with (roughly 100
calories worth of) fat free onion dip, 2 slices light wheat bread, 4 ounces
canned pink Salmon with 2 Tbsp yellow mustard, 8 ounce glass of carrot juice
(Odwalla fresh squeezed)
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: I eat 5 times
a day now (in much smaller quantities) instead of 2 large meals; MUCH more raw
vegetables and fruits than before; MUCH more active than before
"...it is necessary for us to destroy some other
thing or person in order not to destroy ourselves..."
-Sigmund Freud
Subj: Fw: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people who wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/29/00 9:57:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: drstern@ix.netcom.com (David Stern)
To: KHashmi316@aol.com
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 52
(3) Occupation: Engineer/Software Developer
(4) Married? Y if yes, is your spouse also CR:N
(5) Children? N if yes, are they CR:
(6) Geographic location: Chicago
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: PBS several years ago
(8) How long on CR?: 1.5 years
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
(10) How many calories/day: 1750
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: surface nerve
compression when sleeping, lower libido
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: run/walk 40 min every
other day, 80 situps/day, chin ups&pushups every other day
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: cereal(fiber one+Golden Flax+Wheat Germ+
Rice Bran+Soy Milk), salmon, lunch salad (3 1/4 lbs chopped veg + berries +
cool-aid + equal/stevia)
(1) Your height: 5' 8"
(2) Your current weight: 129
(3) Your weight before CR: 175
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: around 175
(5) Your target weight; 129 if you're not at your target, then how long
before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long
did it take you to reach it: 1.5 years
(6) Your body fat: roughly 9%
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what?: centrium silver, C,E,Fish
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 2-4 cups green tea
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: N
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: N
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Hypertension- CR helped, High Cholesteral/Triglycer - CR lowered
to normal and eliminated the need for lipitor
(14) Are you a vegetarian; No - if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: LEF magazine
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: "120 Year Diet"
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8
(18) Please describe your last meal: cereal(fiber one+Golden Flax+Wheat
Germ+ Rice Bran+Soy Milk),
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Regular
more Supplements
David Stern
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions" - (Both parts) for people who
wan to fill them in.
Date: 6/30/00 4:57:11 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: lwalford@we.mediaone.net (Lisa Walford)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Better late than never?
Lisa Walford
(1) Sex: F
(2) Age: 45
(3) Occupation: Diet Planner software producer, Yoga teacher
(4) Married? N
(5) Children? N
(6) Geographic location: LA
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Father
(8) How long on CR?: 12 yrs
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
low calorie
(10) How many calories/day: 1200 - 1500
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: cold, loss of
libido (may be from overwork)
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Yoga (aerobic,
isometric/isotonic, and relaxation response all rolled into one)
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: any greens (kale, chard, spinach, muatard
greens mixed with a little bit of Indian spiced greens), tempeh, steamed
vegetables with nutritional yeast, liquid aminos and hemp seed, Roy's salad
(1) Your height: 4'10.5"
(2) Your current weight: 79lbs
(3) Your weight before CR: 95lbs
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 95lbs
(5) Your target weight; it took me around 5 years to drop to 85lbs, and
another 7 years to drop lower
(6) Your body fat: 16% (according to the Tanita, seems high for my stature)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized? yes
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Various: E, multi-vitamin,
Calcium, CoQ10, Flax seed oil
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
Gingko, Cayenne
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 2 cups tea
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: No
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: none
(14) Are you a vegetarian; Yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: I am a vegan,
no dairy, fish or eggs
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Nutrition Action, Harvard
Health Letter, Science News, Tuft's University Healthletter
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?:
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 6
(18) Please describe your last meal: I prepared Roy's birthday dinner on
June 29, last night: Sweet corn and red pepper soup, grapefruit, greens and
avocado salad with a grapefruit vinegrette, and baked alaska (once a year,
you just have to it!); I used the chocolate cake recipe from the Anti-Aging
Plan, fat-free ice cream and egg whites)
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: quite
drinking coffee, wine, chocolate, etc...
Lisa Walford mailto:lisa@walford.com
http://www.walford.com longevity, nutrition, diet software
Subj: Re: [CR] The Poll "Questions"
- (Both parts) for people whowan to fill them in.
Date: 7/2/00 8:30:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: b-delaney@uchicago.edu (Brian Manning Delaney)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
Lisa Walford wrote:
> Better late than never?
Yes, let's hope so! Meant to get
to this earlier. (Since List
members seem not to have minded having responses sent directly
to the List, here it is for public consumption. Hope it's not
too dull!)
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 37
(3) Occupation: graduate student (not for much longer);
philosophy teacher; writer; guitar-instructor.
(4) Married? No.
(5) Children? No (though I've heard rumors).
(6) Geographic location: Oregon, USA.
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Medline, ~9 years ago,
then learned much more from the _120-Year Diet_.
(8) How long on CR?: ~8 years.
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or
DWIDP, etc.)?: Walford's books -- I go by weight target.
(10) How many calories/day: ~1600
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: No.
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?:
slightly reduced libido, yes, though I'm not sure I would call
it "negative"; scrawniness; sensitivity to cold; hunger.
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: yes; I run
~two miles 2-3 times/week, lift weights for 15 minutes/every
three days.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: in decreasing order of
preference: 1) chocolate, 2) chocolate, 3) chocolate. But you
probably mean foods I can actually eat a lot of now! In that
case: cruciferous veggies, and I love my breakfasts: whole
multi-grain cereal (Nature's Path "Heritage" cereal), with
non-fat yogurt and legume milk (I make it by grinding up cooked
beans: soy beans have too much fat), with some blueberries
and/or currents.
(1) Your height: ~5' 11".
(2) Your current weight: 135 lbs.
(3) Your weight before CR: Not sure. 150-160 lbs?.
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: Really not sure. Might be quite a
bit higher than my pre-CR weight, since I was exercising a lot.
Also, set point is often defined as one's stable weight during
one's 30's. I've been on CR throughout my 30's.
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how
long before you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your
target, how long did it take you to reach it: 129; took around
two years to reach it, was at it for a few years, went back up
to a target weight of 137, then have been slowly going back down
towards 129. Should reach it within the next six months.
(6) Your body fat: unknown.
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any
stabilized? At 129 lbs my fasting glucose was in the high 60s.
At 135-8 it's high 70s or low 80s. Others follows a similar
pattern (though pulse rate only changed slightly when I went up
to higher target: from high 40s to low 50s).
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? a
multi-mineral/vitamin, some CoQ10, folic acid, NAC, chromium
when I eat more sugar than normal, gingko.
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if
so, what? gingko biloba.
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 1 cup
coffee/day, 2-4 cups green tea/day.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no.
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: 2-3 glasses
of wine or beer, 1/week, on average (sometimes much more
frequently, sometimes a month goes by with no alcohol -- depends
almost entirely on social needs).
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR
helped in ailment?: possible Crohn's disease (might just have
been food poisoning). CR might have helped, but can't know.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?:
near-vegetarian. Fish: only when eating away from home; eggs:
no; dairy: fat-free yogurt in the morning.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals,
newsletters or e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?:
Subscribe, no, but I go to the medical library on a regular
basis to read current journal articles.
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: All
of Walford's, and Walford and Walford's, books.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period --
please include naps?: 5-7.5 hours/night, rarely take naps.
(18) Please describe your last meal: My normal breakfast (see
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?:
Eating out less. Eating separately from any mate(s), since a
common meal with uncommon food is sometimes awkward.
Thanks for your advice. I have filled in the answer to your questions as
best I can.
(1) Sex: F
(2) Age: 34
(3) Occupation: Accountant
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Yes, and currently no, but I am
bullying him into it
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: 2, and both not on CR
(6) Geographic location: Norfolk, UK
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Found Walfords book whilst browsing
(8) How long on CR?: 2 months, but previously macrobiotic for over a year
(which is loosely CR by its vey nature, if you follow it strictly)
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
Walford. Sears does not have much scientific data (figures) that I can find.
(10) How many calories/day: 1500
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: Never
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: Libido and mood
swings (moods probably due to my incorrect controlling of diet...I am
learning !)
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: Gardening, plus
running around after 2 young kids.
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Cooked brown rice, sultanas, lighly sauteed
celery, onions and mushrooms with basil.
(1) Your height: 5 feet 6 inches
(2) Your current weight: 117 lbs
(3) Your weight before CR: 150 lbs prior to macro diet
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: Didn't decide on one
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it:112 lbs ...hopefully will reach it inside the next
couple of months
(6) Your body fat: No idea yet.
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Haven't done this yet
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Currently one seaweed capsule
per day
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? I'm in the UK and
we are big tea drinkers here, so probably around 8 cups of black tea (+
goats milk) a day.
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: No
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: Oganic cider, probably
half a glass once every couple of days (my only vice). will give this up
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Brain tumour in 1999. Macro diet definitely helped me recover very
fast...it was fun astounding the doctors with the speed at which I returned
to work.
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: Used to be
veggie but it did me no favours (i.e. resulted in brain tumour). I now don't
eat cows milk or cow products, although I do drink goats milk. I eat turkey
sometimes, and fish often. All food must be gluten-free and organic if
possible, and I never ever touch processed food or anything with additives
in it.
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Macro biotic list
Cybermacro main forum http://www.cybermacro.com/main/index.cgi
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Walford's of
course. Michio Kushi's Cancer Prevention diet is great too, although it
lacks good quantifiable evidence that the macrobiotic diet will work.
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 5-7 hours (depending on how much kids will let me get (this is not
enough !)
(18) Please describe your last meal: Supper...slice of homemade gluten-free
low fat raspberry fruit cake.
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: See item 14.
Subj: Re: CR Poll Results
Date: 2001-06-01 1:42:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: ds.pollock@erols.com (David S. Pollock) To: KHashmi316@aol.com
Hello Khurram,
Here is my poll response. Thanks for getting back to me.
(1) Sex: M
(2) Age: 54
(3) Occupation: Social Worker
(4) Married? if yes, is your spouse also CR: Married, spouse not on CR
(5) Children? if yes, are they CR: no children
(6) Geographic location: Silver Spring MD (Wash DC suburb)
(7) Where did you first hear about CR?: Walford, 120 Year Diet in a used
bookstore, 1993
(8) How long on CR?: Since 1997
(9) Which CR method/plan do you follow (Walford's books or DWIDP, etc.)?:
(10) How many calories/day: 1800
(11) Do you fast; if so, how often?: no
(12) Any negative effects of CR (hair loss, libido, etc.)?: feel colder in
(13) Do you exercise; if so what type and how often?: yes; 25 minute run
M,W,F; Slow Push-ups & chin-ups, Th,Su; Sit-ups & 20 minute walk Tu,
(14) Favorite foods or recipes: Greens as well as most veg, fruit, beans and
some whole grains like Amaranth, Oats, unhulled Barley, Quinoa, Rye &
So here's PART 2:
(1) Your height: 5' 10"
(2) Your current weight: 141 lb
(3) Your weight before CR: 155 lb
(4) Your "Set Point" weight: 140 lb
(5) Your target weight; if you're not at your target, then how long before
you will reach it; if your Current Weight is your target, how long did it
take you to reach it: 135 lb probably if wife agrees
(6) Your body fat: 12% (Tanita, non-athletic mode)
(7) Based on the Biomarkers tests in Walford's books, have any stabilized?
Good skin elasticity, blood lipids OK but HDL & Trig could be better,
balance unimproved
(8) Do you take supplements -- if so, what? Multi Vit-Min (1/2), B-12, B-6,
Folic Acid, Vit C & E (Homocysteine level a little high)
(9) Do you take herbal supplements (Gingko, Ginseng, etc.) -- if so, what?
(10) Do you use caffeine (coffee, tea) -- how many cups? 2 cups green tea
(11) DID you ever smoke (notice past tense!)?: no
(12) Do you consume alcohol -- if so, what drink?: occasionally a little
wine or whiskey at a party
(13) Did you have any health problems PRIOR to CRing -- has CR helped in
ailment?: Yes, prostatitus and some fatigue: both improve w CR
(14) Are you a vegetarian; if yes, how about fish, eggs, dairy?: yes, Vegan
(15) Do you read/subscribe to Health/Medical periodicals, newsletters or
e-mailing lists (other than CR) -- if so, what?: Center for Science in the
Public Interest, Physicians for Socially Responsible Medicine, Dr Andrew
Weil's Newsletter, Vegetarian Resource Journal, Vegetarian Nutrition Update
(16) Any CR or health books that you consider fundamental?: Beyond the 120
Year Diet, Becoming Vegan, The Vegetarian Way (last 2 books are research
cited texts written by vegan RDA's that are essential in a vegan approach to
(17) How many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hr period -- please include
naps?: 8 - 8.5 (7.5 at night, 30 - 60 min daily meditation)
(18) Please describe your last meal: 1/2 microwaved butternut squash (350
grams), 1 Cup pinto beans (chili style) 1 Cup unhulled Barley
(19) Any other adjustments to your lifestyle since going CR?: Weighing food
(which I have come to enjoy) and conflict w others over restaurant meals,
planning a week of meals ahead.
Subj: Re: [CR] Latest Test Results
Date: 2002-03-09 6:28:34 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: danthman@cox.net (Dan Manes)
Sender: crsociety-admin@lists.uchicago.edu
Reply-to: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu
To: crsociety@lists.uchicago.edu (CR List)
Khurram wrote...
>Hi Dan!
>Thanks for posting this data. A few questions -- all optional, of course!
Be happy to...comments welcome/encouraged. Note my current weight is 125 lbs
(reached 121-122 at some point but I was not comfortable at that weight).
Also, I take supplements about 2/3 into breakfast and dinner. I've always
wondered if this was appropriate--have seen a lot of differing opinions on
this issue.
Thanks for putting this together Khurram.
>1. Your age: 29
>2. Your Height: 5'9.5"
>3. Your set point weight: Weighed 135-140 lbs from age 18-28 (but that
includes some extra bulk from weight lifting)
>4: Weight just prior to starting CR: 138 lbs
>5. Body Fat: 3% or less (according to caliper and impedance methods)
>6. Macronutrient Ratio (C:P:F) of your meals/snacks: 48:25:28
>7. If you use DWIDP, your average daily SAFA (g): 9.1
>PUFA (g): 15.5
>MUFA (g): 29.9
>Carbohydrates (g): 264.2
>Protein (g): 118.8
>8. # of Meals/Snacks per day: 3 meals, no snacks (generally)
>9. Do you take supplements? If yes, briefly describe what they are: 1
serving Trader Joe's Iron-Free Multi (2 pills, almost every day), 1 50-mg
Trader Joe's CoQ10 softgel (4 days/wk)
>10. Any caffeine in your diet? Not routinely, but I do have the occasional
piece of chocolate, cup of tea, or (for migranes) Excederin tablet
>11. Any alcohol in your diet? Not routinely, but I'll have a glass or two
of wine occasionally
>12. Did you ever smoke? No
>13. Are you a vegan? If so, are you lacto/ovo? No
>14. Hours of Sleep/24hrs: Between 7 and 7.5