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Combat pistols, including semi-automatics and revolvers, are discussed. Readers will learn what to look for in a used handgun, how to build and test necessary skills, and where to find additional training. Combat handgun controversies are thoroughly discussed such as revolvers versus semi-automatics and point shooting versus aimed shooting. New combat handgun tactics and techniques are evaluated and demonstrated including close quarters battle, and combat scan. Enthusiasts will also learn about common mistakes and accidents and how to prevent them. Contains essential information on concealed carry. • Learn about the latest combat handgun techniques, handguns, and accessories • Build and test necessary combat handgun skills • Tactics and techniques are evaluated and demonstrated back to top back to top Best Sellers and Special Deals: Navy SEALS Gear --Get The Gear That SEALs Use. Handcuff Nylon Handcuff Case Law-Enforcement and Military-Approved Boots! Upgrade Your Helmet with SKYDEX PASGT Retrofit Kit Shop Closeout Prices on Military Apparel and Accessories Buy Military Medals & Ribbons Delivering the Goods for this Hunting Season -- more info here! More Best Sellers:CWU-45 Flight Jacket (USA Made) ATLANTA ARMY NAVY-made productsThis site is dedicated to supplying you with the finest-quality military surplus, law enforcement, Homeland Security, field equipment, and adventure gear equipment. As an online consumer, you may know what an overwhelming task it is to sort through all the listings on the Internet -- given the sheer quantity of products that are available from countless online merchants. We do the homework for you by carefully hand-selecting each merchant (also known in the industry as a vendor), and sometimes even each individual products. Although this type of research is time consuming, it is the only way we know to filter out bad vendors -- leaving only those that offer quality products. Our final two criteria for vendor selection are that their products are reasonably priced and backed by superb customer support. A word from our merchant partner... "We are the world's leading authority offering the finest quality military and adventure gear. Now in our 31st Year, we stay committed to product and service excellence through our catalog, retail, and contract sales divisions. We have 2 great retail stores. Our headquarters is located in Radcliff, Kentucky, near the Fort Knox military installation. Our stores, catalog and website are all Open To The Public. You don't have to be military to shop with us! The best way to shop with us is right here....online! Be sure and bookmark us now and return often to see what's new at uscav.com! Feel free to browse our site and find out how we can equip you for your adventure equipment needs. Whether you are a career or reserve service member, in law enforcement or security, or a outdoors adventurer looking for the best, we have what you need!" LC-12 Machete |
Updated: Monday, 2023-06-12 12:30 |