Programmable Logic Controllers by Simpson

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Programmable Logic Controllers by Simpson
Programmable Logic Controllers by Simpson

by: Colin D. Simpson

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The publisher, Prentice-Hall Career and Technology
Designed to be relevant to the great number of users and potential users of PLCs, this book develops essential concepts while meeting or exceeding the requirements of the industry. Students do not need prior experience in relay systems or programming. This well-illustrated volume, with its numerous worked-out examples and chapter-ending questions, is sure to become indispensable in bridging the gap between hard-wired automation and modern computer-based technology.

From the Back Cover
This book provides a basic understanding of programmable logic controllers to people in all aspects of the industry. Covering the most popular PLC manufacturers, the book walks readers through a step-by-step introduction necessary to understanding ladder logic, peripheral devices, analog inputs and outputs, member systems and codes, and even programming languages. A useful guide for potential users of PLCs in any industry application.

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Programmable Controllers.
2. Central Processing Unit.
3. I/O System.
4. Programming Terminals and Peripheral Devices.
5. Installation and Maintenance of Programmable Controllers.
6. Relay Logic.
7. Ladder Logic.
8. Timers.
9. Counters.
10. MCRs, ZCL, and Force Instructions.
11. Sequencers.
12. Data Transfer.
13. Math Functions.
14. Process Control.
15. Data Highways.
16. Number Systems and Codes.
17. Digital Logic.


* provides a basic understanding of PLCs to persons in all aspects of the industry.
* covers the most popular PLC manufacturers: Allen Bradley, Gould-Modicon, Texas Instruments, and others.
* walks through a step-by-step introduction necessary to understand ladder logic.


Interesting and Unique treatment of PLCs
Although some of the material (such as discussion of the A/B PLC-2) is somewhat dated, the fundamentals of PLCs is covered so well that it more than makes up for this short-coming. Its a well-written book by an author who obviously has a lot of experience in the field. I particularly liked the chapter on sequencers and found the introductory chapters to be very useful as well.

Good basic text, but dated material
I've used Simpson to teach PLC basic at a community college in Vancouver, WA. It is a good solid text that covers much of the basics of PLCs and PLC applications. The book does not focus on one PLC brand, but uses programming examples from Modicon, Allen-Bradley and Texas Instruments controllers. Simpson has some good programming examples, but could use more. There are two issues I have with the text. The most important is that the information is dated. For example the Allen-Bradey information is all relevant to the PLC-2, a product that was obsoleted not long after the publication date, if not before. (Very confusing for my students who are trying to learn AB SLC-500 addressing which is completely different.) Second, there is very little about I/O types (AC, DC, triac, FET, etc.) and some of the important characteristics of each. If this book were revised with an eye to current industry practices, I would give it a much stronger recomendation.

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