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by: Ian Hickman
Topics include: lower stable point, timebase speed, phosphor target, main timebase, analogue scope, passive divider probes, upper stable point, enhance pulse, sine interpolator, timing ramp, internal graticule, digital sampling scope, unwritten areas, retention threshold, secondary emission ratio, chopped mode, staircase generator, basic oscilloscope, trigger circuitry, inductive peaking, signal repetition rate, trigger level control, glitch capture, timebase trigger, sampling gate
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First Sentence: The cathode ray oscilloscope is an instrument designed to display the voltage variations, periodic or otherwise, that are met with in electronic circuits and elsewhere.
'provide a definitive, up-to-date guide to choosing using and understanding more about osilloscopes.'
What's New in Electronics, January 2001
'The readers appreciation of how to use their scope is enhanced by thorough explanations. Ian Hickman explains the practical use of the oscilloscope and supports with examples.'
Electronics Manufacture and Test, February 2001
Book Description
Oscilloscopes are essential tools for checking circuit operation and diagnosing faults, and an enormous range of models are available. But which is the right one for a particular application? Which features are essential and which not so important? Ian Hickman has the answers.
This handy guide to oscilloscopes is essential reading for anyone who has to use a 'scope for their work or hobby: electronics designers, technicians, anyone in industry involved in test and measurement, electronics enthusiasts... Ian Hickman's review of all the latest types of 'scope currently available will prove especially useful for anyone planning to buy - or even build - an oscilloscope.
The science and electronics of how oscilloscopes work is explained in order to enhance the reader's appreciation of how to use their 'scope. The practical use of oscilloscope is explained with clarity and supported with examples, encouraging the reader to think about the application of their oscilloscope and improve their use of this complex instrument.
The advance of digital technology makes this timely revision of Ian Hickman's well known book an essential update for electronics professionals and enthusiasts alike.
The only fully up-to-date guide to oscilloscopes available
A practical guide to getting the most out of an oscilloscope
Essential reading for anyone planning to invest in an expensive piece of equipment
Book Info
A text for anyone interested for using oscilloscopes for work or hobbies, including those in industry doing test and measurement. Shows how to use oscilloscopes to their greatest advantage, including which features are the most essential, and which oscilloscope is right for any particular application. Previous edition: c1995. Softcover.
From the Publisher
This new edition covers the latest improved models, including digital storage oscilloscopes, digital sampling oscilloscopes, time-domain reflectometers for use on metallic and optical transmission systems, and ultra high-speed single-shot event recorders. Other topics mentioned include the use of x/y and x/t plotters, thermal and dot matrix printers etc (whether built in or otherwise) as oscilloscope hardcopy output devices, and the use of personal computers with expansion cards providing oscilloscope or logic analyzer facilities. Ian Hickman is one of the pen-names used by a professional electronics engineer of many years experience. Ian Hickman, BSc Hons, CEng, MIEE, MIEEE, is a present and sometime member of various national and international standards committees concerned with equipment and systems level applications of electronics and communications. He is also the author of numerous articles in the technical press, and has written a number of books including 'Analog Electronics', 'Practical RF Handbook', 'EDN Designer's Companion' and 'Analog Circuits Cookbook', all of which are available from Butterworth-Heinemann. -
About the Author
EUR.ING, BSc Hons, C. Eng, MIEE, MIEEE, Electronics author and freelance journalist --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.