![]() Modern Industrial Electronics by: Timothy J. Maloney, Monroe County Community College Topics include: Description
Preface Modern Industrial Electronics, Fifth Edition, provides a total-system view of the world of manufacturing and automated production for students of electrical and electronics technology. It maintains the original commitment, intact since the first edition, of showing how the devices of modern electronics are applied in realistic industrial applications. New topics covered in this edition are: Chapter 3, PLCs * Program branchingJump instruction * SubroutinesPassing parameters to a subroutine and returning parameters from a subroutine Chapter 8, Op Amps * Voltage signal degradation caused by: (1) IR drop; (2) capacitively coupled electric noise, including switching transients; and (3) magnetically coupled noise * Electric and magnetic shielding * Proper grounding * Current-loop signal transmission A WORD TO STUDENTS The capabilities of industrial manufacturing systems have expanded at a startling rate since the first edition of Modern Industrial Electronics was published in 1979. Part of the new capability has to do with more precise control over machines and processes, and part has to do with our greater ability to measure and make records of production variables. This expansion has two direct effects on you. First, it makes your work more demanding. Second, it gives you the opportunity for even greater satisfaction and personal reward, because anyone who can learn and master today's high-technology industrial controls is sought after by employers. As a technician or engineering technologist working in modern industry, you are a member of a select group, indispensable to your company's productivity and profitability. In fact, your work contribution has obvious impact on our entire society's productivity and economic security. What a compliment to you that you are entrusted with that responsibility. In this fifth edition, as in the previous four editions that your predecessors used to launch their careers, I have made every effort to help you reach the skill level needed for carrying out your job responsibilities. Toward that goal, this edition features a "Troubleshooting on the Job" exercise at the end of every chapter. These troubleshooting exercises require you to apply the knowledge that you have gained from that chapter to solve a problem. By carrying out the troubleshooting exercises individually or as a team, you will find yourself exercising your technical understanding, thinking imaginatively, and solving realistic problemsin other words, making the transition from classroom student to on-the-job technician or technologist in the industrial arena. My best wishes for your working career. FEATURES OF THE TEXT Chapter-Opening Photograph Each chapter begins with a photograph and explanatory caption that depicts some modern industrial practice. Figure A shows the opening pages of Chapter 17. Use these presentations to get a feel for some of the interesting opportunities and work responsibilities in the field of industrial electronics. Descriptive captions and credits for the photographs are listed on page vii. Objectives The first edition, published in 1979, was the original college technology textbook that explicitly stated the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter. That precedent is continued, naturally, in this fifth edition. As you are reading and studying, try to perform the task that each objective calls for. If you can perform these tasks, then you are learning what the book and the course have to offer. If you find that you cannot satisfy the objectives, ask further questions in class or consult in private with your instructor. Troubleshooting on the Job The final section of each chapter gives a "Troubleshooting on the Job" exercise that is representative of the duties that you will be performing when working as a technician or engineering aide. Figure B shows the Troubleshooting on the Job in Chapter 6, from pages 242-243, which requires you to devise a procedure for testing and troubleshooting a large-scale electrostatic ash precipitator. These assignments invariably require you to use the knowledge that you have learned from that chapter in an imaginative way. Your instructor may ask for your written or drawn solution to be done individually, or you may be placed in a two- or three-person team to work on the problem. Various solutions are possible in most cases; therefore you and others in the class will present your solutions to the entire class so that everyone can share the differing thoughts and approaches that were brought to bear on the problem. Examples When trying to understand new ideas, especially the use of new mathematical formulas, all people are helped by examples. In this text, examples are provided for all situations where numerical calculations are required. Summary At the end of each chapter, there is a list of the main ideas that were developed within that chapter. The chapter's mathematical formulas, if any, are also collected for your ready reference in solving the homework. Questions and Problems Numerous questions and problems, organized by chapter section, are provided to sharpen your understanding and exercise your problem-solving skills. Your instructor will assign some of them for homework. You may wish to tackle additional problems for your own satisfaction. The more you practice, the more you learn. Glossary Definitions of hundreds of terms used in industrial electronics are listed in the glossary. Most of these terms were introduced in this text, but some come from earlier course work in electricity and electronics. Use the glossary to refresh your memory or to verify your understanding of a word's meaning. Table of Contents Features Reviews: |
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