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Industrial Electronics
by: James A. Rehg, Pennsylvania State University; Glenn J. Sartori
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Description This direct, easy-to-read text provides comprehensive coverage of industrial electronic topics, exploring the many processes used in the production of all goods and services. The book contains abundant worked example solutions, problems tied to actual industrial electronic examples, and troubleshooting techniques. It makes use of the Technology Pyramid to logically develop topics and maximize students understanding of them.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Industrial Control Systems.
2. Discrete Control Input and Output Devices.
3. SolidState Devices in Industrial Applications.
4. Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs.
5. SCRs, Triacs, and Other Thryristors.
6. Discrete Automation Sensors and Devices.
7. Analog Processes Control Devices and Sensors.
8. Safety.
9. DC Motors and Control Circuits.
10. AC Motors and Variable Speed Drives.
11. Special Purpose Motor and Control Devices.
12. Programmable Logic Controllers.
13. Embedded Microcontrollers.
14. Open and Closed Loop Process Control.
15. Industrial Robots and Automation Systems.
16. Data Communication between Intelligent Machines.
17. Glossary.
Career Tasks Introduced at the start of each chapter.
~Illustrates and describes an industrial electronics career area keyed to the topic covered in the chapter - includes a typical job activity that a person in that task would be required to perform.
Use of the Technology Pyramid An innovative concept, used for the first time in this text, guides the introduction of topics so that students are never presented concepts that require topics covered in a later chapter.
~Presents students with an evolution of concepts from basic electronics and devices in early chapters to industrial machines and systems in later chapters; this focus builds student knowledge in the industrial electronic concepts incrementally so chapters can be used in printed sequence.
Coverage of a broad range of industrial electronics topics.
~Discusses all the traditional areas plus complete coverage of safety, troubleshooting, motors, PLCs, robots, process control, controllers and industrial networks.
Chapter covering operation and programming of programmable logic controllers.
~Provides students with a complete treatment of the new IEC 61131 programming languages.
A systematic process and approach to troubleshooting Features chapter-end troubleshooting examples and problems related to the instructional content of each.
~Teaches students how to maneuver through a difficult process vital to a career in engineering and technology.
Over 660 figures, numerous tables, and 200 worked examples.
~Supplies students with examples and problems at varying levels of difficulty, and problems that require use of company web sites.
Key concepts and chapters summaries - Presented in bullet format for easy reading and comprehension.
~Enables students to review their understanding of important information in each chapter before moving on.
Internet URLs related to chapter content.