How to Test Almost Anything Electronic

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How to Test Almost Anything Electronic
How to Test Almost Anything Electronic

by: Delton T. Horn

Topics include: vertical oscillator circuit, horizontal output tube, flooding gun, practical electronics work, sync clipping, doubler capacitors, capacitance multiplier, rectangle wave, positive peak voltage, sync trouble, signal tracing, many digital circuits, negative peak voltage, white compression, capacitance tester, interconnected equipment, audio power output, horizontal oscillator, storage grid, focus voltage, hot chassis, afc circuit, good square wave, video detector, signal tracer

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Book Description
Staying away from hard-to-understand theory and mathematics, this practical handbook show you how common devices such as multimeters, frequency and logic probes, signal traces, and oscilloscopes are used. You'll pinpoint problems in everything from TV sets and computers to automotive electrical systems.

A practical, hands-on guide to troubleshooting with electronic test equipment - revised to include current testing techniques and new chapters on mechanical repairs and flowcharting.


I bought and read this book at a time when I wanted to understand electronics better. I also had an old shortwave radio made with vacuum tubes. I was eager to learn how to keep it and other things working. While I enjoyed reading it and it had some useful ideas, I never really used what I learned from the book on anything. The book will not hurt you and may even help you. How helpful the book ultimately is may depend on your own skills at reasoning out solutions to problems. It will not do that work for you.

Doesn't cover a whole bunch, but does make for good bathroom reading. Good beginnner book. The section on DIODE TESTING has a mistake. Horn has the diode discription and schematic symbol completely backwards. Good starter book nonetheless.

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