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Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensors, and Communications
by: Jon Stenerson, Fox Valley Technical College
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Book Description
The third edition of Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensors, and Communications retains the previous edition's practical approach, easy-to-read writing style, and coverage of leading-edge technology. Chapters begin with a generic approach to PLCs and programming, followed by specific examples for major brands of PLCs. LogixPro programming and simulation software is included so that the reader can write and simulate PLC programs. New chapters have been added on safety and lockout/tagout, Rockwell Automation addressing, fundamentals of process control, instrumentation, process control systems, and fundamentals of robotics. Detailed information about the configuration and use of DeviceNet has been added. Information on ControlLogix PLCs and addressing has also been added. All chapters have been updated to incorporate the latest technology. Among the many important features of this book is its comprehensive coverage of the following: Safety/logout/tagout Major brands of PLCs Input/output modules and wiring IEC 61131-3 programming Communications, including industrial buses Sensors, sensor wiring, and applications Supervisory. Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Instrumentation and process control Fundamentals of robotics
The publisher, Prentice-Hall Career and Technology
The programmable logic controller has become an invaluable tool in industry. The use of programmable controllers is helping transform American industry. There is a huge need for trained personnel who can program and integrate programmable logic controllers. The integration of the programmable logic controller is the key.
From the Back Cover
The third edition of Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensors, and Communications retains the previous edition's practical approach, easy-to-read writing style, and coverage of leading-edge technology. Chapters begin with a generic approach to PLCs and programming, followed by specific examples for major brands of PLCs. LogixPro programming and simulation software is included so that the reader can write and simulate PLC programs.
New chapters have been added on safety and lockout/tagout, Rockwell Automation addressing, fundamentals of process control, instrumentation, process control systems, and fundamentals of robotics.
Detailed information about the configuration and use of DeviceNet has been added. Information on ControlLogix PLCs and addressing has also been added. All chapters have been updated to incorporate the latest technology.
Among the many important features of this book is its comprehensive coverage of the following:
* Safety/logout/tagout
* Major brands of PLCs
* Input/output modules and wiring
* IEC 61131-3 programming
* Communications, including industrial buses
* Sensors, sensor wiring, and applications
* Supervisory. Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
* Instrumentation and process control Fundamentals of robotics
* NEW - Three chapters addedOn safety and lockout/tagout, Rockwell Automation addressing, fundamentals of process control, instrumentation, process control systems, and fundamentals of robotics.
Makes process control and instrumentation practical understandable.
* Depth and breadth of coverage of PLC'sFrom basics to advanced I/O modules and wiring.
Provides students with complete coverage of programming through integration.
* Indepth coverage of industrial sensors wiring and applications.
Makes use and wiring of sensors understandable.
* Programming and simulation software (LogixPro) included.
Students can practice programming and simulate progams on their own computer.
* Coverage of industrial communicationsIncluding industrial buses.
Makes industrial communications networks understandable.
* Coverage of IEC 61131-3 programming.
* Coverage of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).
Table of Contents
1. Safety and Lockout/Tagout.
2. Overview of Programmable Logic Controllers.
3. Overview of Number System.
4. Fundamentals of Programming.
5. Rockwell Automation Addressing and Instructions.
6. Input/Output Modules and Wiring.
7. Timers and Counters.
8. Math Instructions.
9. Advanced Instructions.
10. Advanced Programming.
11. Industrial Sensors.
12. IEC 61131-3 Programming.
13. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
14. Overview of Plant Floor Communication.
15. Communications, Controllogix, and Devicenet.
16. PC-Based Control.
17. Fundamentals of Process Control.
18. Instrumentation.
19. Batch and Continuous Processes.
20. Embedded Controllers.
21. Introduction to Robotics.
22. Industrial Automation Controllers.
23. Installation and Troubleshooting.
Section A. Input and Output Device Symbols.
Section B. Control Logic Addressing and Project Organization.
I am excited about this edition. This text includes a wonderful software package that can be used to learn how to program PLCs. (This software is included courtesy of Mr. Bill Simpson of TheLearningPit.com.) The software includes simulators so you can program and then watch the results. It is based on Rockwell Automation PLC programming. Several programming problems are included that utilize the software and simulators. The software enables the reader to learn programming on a home computer.
I am also excited about three new chapters on process control and instrumentation. For years I searched for easy-to-understand, practical material on process control and instrumentation. I developed the process control material to meet that need. I found that students had trouble learning and understanding PLC addressing, so I completely rewrote the addressing material to make it easy to learn and apply. I also found that many students have difficulty wiring PLC modules, so I completely revised the chapter on PLC wiring to make it easy to understand and apply as well. I added a chapter on robotics. I added material on safety to the lockout/tagout chapter. The communications chapters and other chapters have been updated and improved.
Each chapter begins with a generic approach to the topic and is explained clearly through the use of common, easy-to-understand, generic examples. Examples are then shown for specific controllers. The brands covered are AutomationDirect, GE Fanuc, Gould Modicon, Omron, and Rockwell Automation. There are many illustrations and practical examples. Each chapter has objectives and questions. Many chapters have programming exercises, and some also have programming exercises and assignments that utilize the included programming and simulation software. After completing the reading and exercises, the reader can easily learn any new industrial controller.
The text also covers new and emerging technologies, such as IEC 61131-3 programming, industrial automation controllers, ControlI,ogix, embedded controllers, supervisory control and data acquisition, fuzzy logic, and new programming techniques such as step, stage, and state logic programming. The book is not intended to replace the technical manual for any specific controller. The book does explain the common instructions, however, so that the reader can efficiently learn the use of new instructions from any technical manual.
* Chapter 1 examines safety and lockout/tagout. It covers safe work practices and lockout/tagout practices.
* Chapters 2-4 provide the basic foundation for the use of PLCs. Chapter 2 focuses on the history and fundamentals of the PLC; Chapter 3 covers number systems; Chapter 4 covers contacts, coils, and the fundamentals of programming.
* Chapter 5 focuses on Rockwell Automation addressing. Addressing can be a confusing topic and can inhibit progress in learning to program PLCs. This chapter takes a practical and understandable approach to the topic. Addressing for other brands of PLCs are covered in other chapters. (ControlLogix addressing is covered in Section B.)
* Chapter 6 examines 1/O modules and wiring and covers digital and analog modules. The chapter also takes a step-by-step approach to wiring 1/O modules. Practical examples make wiring understandable.
* Chapter 7 covers the programming and use of timers and counters for various brands of PLCs.
* Chapter 8 examines math instructions. Common arithmetic instructions, including add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare, are covered for various PLCs. More complex and versatile instructions are also covered.
* Chapter 9 explains special instructions such as copy, move, block transfer, PID, time stamp, diagnostic, sequencers, shift registers, and many others. Examples of the use of these instructions help the reader understand their use.
* Chapter 10 covers advanced programming. Sequential logic, shift registers, step logic, stage logic, fuzzy logic, and state logic are all covered.
* Chapter 11 looks at industrial sensors and their wiring. The chapter focuses on types and uses of sensors. Sensors covered include photo, inductive, capacitive, encoders, resolvers, ultrasonic, and thermocouples. The wiring and practical application of sensors are stressed.
* Chapter 12 is an introduction to IEC 61131-3 programming methods. IEC 61131-3 is the standard that covers programming languages for industrial controllers. It is becoming much more common in PLCs and other controllers. ControlLogix controllers can utilize IEC 61131 programming languages.
* Chapter 13 covers supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software. The fundamentals of SCADA are covered, and then a practical SCADA application is developed.
* Chapter 14 examines plant communication. Device communications are sure to increase in importance as companies integrate their enterprises. This chapter provides a foundation for the integration of plant floor devices.
* Chapter 15 looks at industrial networks. Industrial networks will radically change the way industry automates and integrates, and thus will change the demands on technicians and maintenance personnel.
* Chapter 16 considers PC-based control. PCs are gaining acceptance as industrial controllers. This chapter looks at some of the various approaches taken by software developers for PC-based control. PC-based hardware is also covered briefly. ControlLogix is examined.
* Chapter 17 begins the coverage of process control. This chapter examines open and closed-loop control. Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) is also examined. Tuning of PID systems is covered.
* Chapter 18 focuses on the topic of instrumentation. Various measurement input and control output devices are covered in practical detail.
* Chapter 19 covers process control systems. Batch and continuous processes are illustrated with two practical examples of systems: beer brewing and whiskey distilling.
* Chapter 20 examines embedded controllers. Examples of simple applications and programming are included.
* Chapter 21 covers the fundamentals of robotics.
* Chapter 22 looks at industrial automation controllers. Industrial automation controllers are a new breed of controller. They are aimed at special applications such as motion control. These controllers are powerful and can easily be used to develop machine and motion control applications.
* Chapter 23 focuses on the installation and troubleshooting of PLC systems. The chapter begins with a discussion of cabinets, wiring, grounding, and noise. The chapter then covers troubleshooting. The ability to troubleshoot effectively is vital for technicians. This chapter provides the groundwork for proper installation and troubleshooting of integrated systems.
* Section A shows some common I/O device symbols. Section B covers ControlLogix addressing and project organization. A glossary and index conclude the text to help the reader define and locate terms and concepts.
Too many errors and no errata The book is decent - better than a few I have purchased but suffers from a common failing in technical books - it is repleat with errors. Really, a book which is used by some in technical schools or colleges should have only a few errors at most. This book has scores of errors, which makes learning very difficult. Like most subjects if you intend to teach yourself, you will need three or four references including PLC manuals in order to resolve the many ambiguous diagrams and statements in the text...