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Electronic and Electrical Servicing: Level 3
by: Ian Sinclair, Long-standing technical author, U.K.; Geoff Lewis BA. M.Sc. MIEEE. MRTS.MIEIE., Information Technology and Satellite Television consultant.
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voltage across the whole circuit, hfe values, signature analyser, servicing environment, suitable test equipment, logic pulser, electrostatic damage, reservoir capacitor, perfect transformer, collector voltage, logic probe, meter resistance, electrostatic voltages, analogue meter, switched mode power supply, regulator circuit, mutual conductance, analogue instrument, microprocessor circuits, voltage gain, circuit under test, potential divider, bias resistor, steady voltage, volts drop
Electronic and Electrical Servicing Level 3 is the key to success in City and Guilds / Electronics Examination Board courses in electronic servicing, providing a thorough grounding in the electronics and electrical principles required by service engineers.
Ian Sinclair and Geoff Lewis have been the leading authors of books for electronic servicing courses for over 20 years, helping thousands of students through their college courses and NVQs into successful careers.
This textbook is designed to provide complete coverage of the four core units of the new Level 3 Progression Award from EEB / C&G (6958): Electrical and Electronics Servicing (Consumer / Commercial Electronics). It also remains appropriate for City and Guilds 2240 Part 2 and ideal to provide underpinning knowledge for Level 3 NVQs from C&G and EMTA.
Electronic and Electrical Servicing Level 3 is the new title replacing Servicing Electronic Systems: Basic Principles and Circuitry, Volume 2 Part 1 (ISBN: 1-85628-167-1).
It complements the new Level 2 core text: Electrical and Electronic Servicing Level 2 (ISBN: 0-7506-5423-6) which is the successor to Volume 1 of the Servicing Electronic Systems series.
Unit 1: Sine wave driven circuits: Transformers and power transfer: Transistors and other semiconductor devices
Unit 2: Test and measurement I: Oscilloscopes: Test and measurement II: Using the PC: Reliability and SM repairs: Safety testing and EMC
Unit 3: DC power supplies: Amplifiers: Oscillators and waveform generators
Unit 3: Logic families and terminology: Digital communications: Sequential logic: Test equipment and fault finding