Electrical Motor Control Systems: Electronic and Digital Controls Fundamentals and Applications

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Electrical Motor Control Systems: Electronic and Digital Controls Fundamentals and Applications
Electrical Motor Control Systems: Electronic and Digital Controls Fundamentals and Applications

by: Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo

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A systematic overview of electrical motor control for industrial automation is presented in Electrical Motor Control Systems. This comprehensive text presents key concepts to students using a systems or big picture approach for effective learning. Throughout the book, real-world applications, procedures, and operations are stressed. A simplified approach to mathematical operations is used, with problems solved through the use of basic operations. To reinforce the real-world orientation of the text, a practical laboratory activity is presented at the end of each chapter. More than 100 additional activities are contained in the accompanying Laboratory Manual. Beyond motor control, the text provides coverage of such supporting areas as electrical distribution systems, electronic control, and computer control systems.


1. Introduction to Electrical Systems
2. Electrical Tools and Safety
3. Electrical Components, Symbols, and Measurement
4. Review of Electrical Circuits
5. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
6. Distribution Systems
7. Electrical Distribution Equipment
8. Single-Phase and Three- Phase Distribution Systems
9. Direct-Current Motors
10. Single-Phase Alternating- Current Motors
11. Three-Phase Alternating- Current Motors
12. Special Purpose Motors and Motion Control Systems
13. Electrical Control Basics
14. Motor Control Systems
15. Electronic Devices
16. Electronic Sensing Systems
17. Industrial Timing Systems
18. Optoelectronic Control
19. Basics of Digital Control
20. Computer Systems and Microprocessors
21. Programmable Logic Controllers
22. Industrial Robotics
23. Preventive Maintenance and Troubleshooting


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