Electrical Contacts: Principles and Applications

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Electrical Contacts: Principles and Applications
Electrical Contacts: Principles and Applications

by: Paul G. Slade

Topics include: contact resistance behavior, deion plates, electroplastic effect, softening voltage, electrical contact phenomena, static contact force, silver metal oxides, arced area, connector contact materials, frictional polymerization, fritting voltage, molten metal bridge, cathode brush, counterface surface, graphitic brushes, mechanical contact devices, reignition voltage, arc mobility, based contact materials, interdiffusion bands, melting voltage, tungsten skeleton, contact resistance characteristics, different contact materials, electrical contact theory

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Covering the choice, attachment, and testing of contact materials, Electrical Contacts introduces a thorough discussion on making electric contact and contact interface conduction, presents a general outline of, and measurement techniques for, important corrosion mechanisms, discusses the results of contact wear when plug-in connections are made and broken, investigates the effect of thin noble metal plating on electronic connections, relates crucial considerations for making high- and low-power contact joints, details arcing effects on contacts including contact erosion, welding, and contamination, and contains nearly 2800 references, tables, equations, drawings, and photographs.

Table of Contents

Part 1 Contact interface conduction: basic principles

introduction to contact tarnishing and corrosion

contact corrosion. Part 2 Non arcing contact technology: high power distribution and transmission connections

low power commercial wiring, automotive and appliance connections


materials, coatings and plating. Part 3 Arcing and switching device technology: the arc and interruption

the consequences of arcing

reed switches

low current switching

medium to high current switching. Part 4 Arcing contact materials technology: material types and fabrication technology

contact construction and attachment

material performance evaluation test methods

arc interactions with contaminants. Part 5 Sliding electrical contacts: sliding electrical contacts fundamentals

illustrative modern brush applications

slip ring contacts for instrumentation

fibre contacts



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