Control Handbook

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Control Handbook
Control Handbook

by: William S. Levine

Topics include: stability robustness condition, blend chest consistency, tuning functions design, velocity vector roll, steam flow feedback, structurally fixed modes, friction model parameters, human operator dynamics, servomechanism controller, robust servomechanism problem, good command following, rigid robot model, blend chest area, direct fuzzy control, elementary switching theory, fuzzy model reference learning control, matrix design equations, reachable decompositions, rising static friction, singular value constraint, vehicle angular vibration, diagonal decoupling, passive force feedback, dissipative controllers, finite gain stable

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More than 1,400 pages packed with authoritative information on all aspects of control

More than 100 well-organized, peer-reviewed chapters

Hundreds of tables, figures, diagrams, and equations for control device and system selection, implementation, and application

Multidisciplinary treatment of topics for control engineers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, chemical engineers, and other users of control systems and concepts

Special sections on the important topic of digital control for computers, the unique features of aerospace controls, and the new field of robot control

Listings of the most important and interesting references

This is the biggest, most comprehensive, and most prestigious compilation of articles on control systems imaginable. Every aspect of control is expertly covered, from the mathematical foundations to applications in robot and manipulator control. Never before has such a massive amount of authoritative, detailed, accurate, and well-organized information been available in a single volume. Absolutely everyone working in any aspect of systems and controls must have this book!

Table of Contents


Mathematical Foundations

Ordinary Linear Differential and Difference Equations, B.P. Lathi

The Fourier, Laplace, and Z-Transforms, E.W. Kamen

Matrices and Linear Algebra, B.W. Dickinson

Complex Variables, C.W. Gray

Models for Dynamical Systems

Standard Mathematical Models

Input-Output Models, W.S. Levine

State Space, J. Gillis

Graphical Models

Block Diagrams, D.K. Frederick and C.M. Close

Signal Flow Graphs, N.S. Nise

Determining Models

Modeling from Physical Principles, F.E. Cellier, H. Elmqvist, and M. Otter

System Identification When Noise is Negligible, W.S. Levine

Analysis and Design Methods for Continuous-Time Systems

Analysis Methods

Time Response of Linear Time-Invariant Systems, R.T. Stefani

Controllability and Observability, W.A. Wolovich

Stability Tests

The Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion, R.H. Bishop and R.C. Dorf

The Nyquist Stability Test, C.E. Rohrs

Discrete-Time and Sampled-Data Stability Tests, M. Mansour

Gain Margin and Phase Margin, R.T. Stefani

Design Methods

Specification of Control Systems, J.-S. Yang and W.S. Levine

Design Using Performance Indices, R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop

Nyquist, Bode, and Nichols Plots, J.J. D'Azzo and C.H. Houpis

The Root Locus Plot, W.S. Levine

PID Control, K.J. Astrom and T. Hagglund

State Space - Pole Placement, K. Ogata

Internal Model Control, R.D. Braatz

Time-Delay Compensation - Smith Predictor and Its Modifications, Z.J. Palmor

Digital Control

Discrete-Time Systems, M.S. Santina and A.R. Stubberud

Sampled-Data Systems, A. Feuer and G.C. Goodwin

Discrete-Time Equivalents to Continuous-Time Systems, M.S. Santina and A.R. Stubberud

Design Methods for Discrete-Time Linear Time-Invariant Systems, M.S. Santina and A.R. Stubberud

Quantization Effects, M.S. Santina and A.R. Stubberud

Sample-Rate Selection, M.S. Santina and A.R. Stubberud

Real Time Software for Implementation of Digital Control, D.M. Auslander, J.R. Ridgely, and J. Jones

Programmable Controllers, G. Olsson

Analysis and Design Methods for Nonlinear Systems

Analysis Methods

The Describing Function Method, D.P. Atherton

The Phase Plane Method, D.P. Atherton

Design Methods

Dealing with Actuator Saturation, R.H. Middleton

Bumpless Transfer, A. Ahlen and S.F. Graebe

Linearization and Gain-Scheduling, J.S. Shamma

Software for Control System Analysis and Design

Numerical and Computational Issues in Linear Control and System Theory, R.V. Patel, A.J. Laub, and P.M. Van Dooren

Software for Modeling and Simulating Control Systems, M. Otter and F.E. Cellier

Computer-Aided Control Systems Design, C.M. Rimvall and C.P Jobling


Analysis Methods for MIMO Linear Systems

Multivariable Poles, Zeros, and Pole/Zero Cancellations, J. Douglas and M. Athans

Fundamentals of Linear Time-Varying Systems, E.W. Kamen

Geometric Theory of Linear Systems, F. Hamano

Polynomial and Matrix Fraction Descriptions, D.F. Delchamps

Robustness Analysis with Real Parametric Uncertainty, R. Tempo and F. Blanchini

MIMO Frequency Response Analysis and the Singular Value Decomposition, S.D. Patek and M. Athans

Stability Robustness to Unstructured Uncertainty for Linear Time-Invariant Systems, A. Chao and M. Athans

Tradeoffs and Limitations in Feedback Systems, D.P. Looze and J.S. Freudenberg

Modeling Deterministic Uncertainty, J. Raisch and B.A. Francis

The Use of Multivariate Statistics in Process Control, M.J. Piovoso and K.A. Kosanovich

Kalman Filter and Observers

Linear Systems and White Noise, W.S. Levine

Kalman Filter, M. Athans

Riccati Equations and Their Solution, V. Kucera

Observers, B. Friedland

Design Methods for MIMO LTI Systems

Eigenstructure Assignment, K.M. Sobel, E.Y. Shapiro, and A.N. Andry, Jr.

Linear Quadratic Regulator Control, L. Lublin and M. Athans

H2 (LQG) and H8 Control, L. Lublin, S. Grocott, and M. Athens

Robust Control: Theory, Computation, and Design, M. Dahleh

The Structured Singular Value (m) Framework, G.J. Balas and A. Packard

Algebraic Design Methods, V. Kucera

Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) Technique, C.H. Houpis

The Inverse Nyquist Array and Characteristic Locus Design Methods, N. Munro and J.M. Edmunds

Robust Servomechanism Problem, E.J. Davidson

Numerical Optimization-Based Design, V. Balakrishnan and A.L. Tits

Optimal Control, F.L. Lewis

Decentralized Control, M.E. Sezer and D.D. Siljak

Decoupling, T. Williams and P.J. Antsaklis

Predictive Control, A.W. Pike, M.J. Grimble, M.A. Johnson, A.W. Ordys, and S. Shakoor

Adaptive Control

Automatic Tuning of PID Controllers, T. Hagglund and K.J. Astrom

Self-Tuning Control, D.W. Clarke

Model Reference Adaptive Control, P.A. Ioannou

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Systems

Analysis Methods

The Lie Bracket and Control, V. Jurdjevic

Two Time Scale and Averaging Methods, H.K. Khalil

Volterra and Fliess Series Expansion for Nonlinear Systems, F. Lamnabi-Lagarrique


Lyapunov Stability, H.K. Khalil

Input-Output Stability, A.R. Teel, T.T. Georgiou, L. Praly, and E. Sontag

Design Methods

Feedback Linearization of Nonlinear Systems, A. Isidori and M.D. Di Benedetto

Nonlinear Zero Dynamics, A. Isidori and C.I. Byrnes

Nonlinear Output Regulation and Tracking, A. Isidori

Lyapunov Design, R.A. Freeman and P.V. Kokotovic

Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Controller Design, R.A. De Carlo, S.H. Zak, and S.V. Drakunov

Control of Bifurcation and Chaos, E.H. Abed, H.O. Wang, and A. Tesi

Open-Loop Control Using Oscillatory Inputs, J. Baillieul and B. Lehman

Adaptive Nonlinear Control, M. Krstic and P.V. Kokotovic

Intelligent Control, K.M. Passino

Fuzzy Control, K.M. Passino and S. Yurkovich

Neural Control, J.A. Farrell

System Identification

System Identification, L. Ljung

Stochastic Control

Discrete Time Markov Processes, A. Schwartz

Stochastic Differential Equations, J.A. Gubner

Linear Stochastic Input-Output Models, T. Soderstrom

Minimum Variance Control, M.R. Katebi and A.W. Ordys

Dynamic Programming, P.R. Kumar

Stability of Stochastic Systems, K.O. Loparo and X. Feng

Stochastic Adaptive Control, T.E. Duncan and B. Pasik-Duncan

Control of Distributed Parameter Systems

Controllability of Thin Elastic Beams and Plates, J.E. Lagnese and G. Leugering

Control of the Heat Equation, T.I. Seidman

Observability of Linear Distributed Parameter Systems, D.L. Russell


Process Control

Water Level Control for the Toilet Tank: A Historical Perspective, B.G. Coury

Temperature Control in Large Buildings, C.C. Federspiel and J.E. Seem

Control of pH, F.G. Shinskey

Control of the Pulp and Paper-Making Process, W.L. Bialkowski

Control for Advanced Semiconductor Device Manufacturing: A Case History, T. Kailath, C. Schaper, Y. Cho, P. Gyugyi, S. Norman, P. Park, S. Boyd, G. Franklin, K. Saraswat, M. Modehi, and C. Davis

Mechanical Control Systems

Automotive Control Systems

Engine Control, J.A. Cook, J.W. Grizzle, and J. Sun

Adaptive Automotive Speed Control, M.K. Liubakka, D.S. Rhode, J.R. Winkelman, and P.V. Kokotovic

Aerospace Controls

Flight Control of Piloted Aircraft, M. Pachter and C.H. Houpis

Spacecraft Attitude Control, V.T. Coppola and N.H. McClamroch

Control of Flexible Space Structures, S.M. Joshi and A.G. Kelkar

Line-of-Sight Pointing and Stabilization Control Systems, D.A. Haessig

Control of Robots and Manipulators

Motion Control of Robotic Manipulators, M.W. Spong

Force Control of Robotic Manipulators, J. De Schutter and H. Bruyninckx

Control of Nonholonomic Systems, J.T.-Y. Wen

Miscellaneous Mechanical Control Systems

Friction Compensation, B. Armstrong-Helouvry and C. Canudas de Wit

Motion Control Systems, J. Tal

Ultra-High Precision Control, T.R. Kurfess and H. Jenkins

Robust Control of a Compact Disc Mechanism, M. Steinbuch, G. Schootstra, and O.H. Bosgra

Electrical and Electronic Control Systems

Power Electronic Controls

Dynamic Modeling and Control in Power Electronics, G.C. Verghese

Motion Control with Electric Motors by Input-Output Linearization, D.G. Taylor

Control of Electric Generators, T. Jahns and R.W. De Doncker

Control of Electrical Power

Control of Electrical Power Generating Plants, H.G. Kwatny and C. Maffezzoni

Control of Power Transmission, J.J. Paserba, J.J. Sanchez-Gasca, and E.V. Larsen

Control Systems Including Humans

Human-in-the-Loop Control, R.A. Hess


"there is a need for good books that explain the questions and results of control theory in a way that mathematicians can understand while doing justice to the engineering side and giving many examples of real application. The Control Handbook is an ambitious and spectacularly successful effort to respond to this need. It is a most welcome addition to the literature in the field."

- Hector J. Sussmann, Rutgers University

"clearly sets a standard by bringing together a reference which will equally well serve the scholar, the practitioner, and the student in one volume."

-IEEE Control Systems, December 1998

The Control Handbook is the AAP winner of best engineering handbook of 1996

--IEEI Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 45, No. 8


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