Get all the nutrition of a healthy diet in one convenient and powerful formula. The nutrients in All One are formulated for optimal balance, by using a unique amino acid bonding process with pure vitamins and minerals. The All One formula is designed to be completely digestible for gradual absorption?????no more pills and bottles?????one formula, one scoop, once a day, 30-Day supply. Derived from the sweet milk of pasture-grazed, New Zealand dairy cows, these high quality, lactose and fat-free proteins are certified to be free of synthetic growth hormones. ALL ONE is a one hundred percent pure, multivitamin/mineral dietary supplement in powdered form. Every molecule is nutritive: a complete whole food with high-potency antioxidants, stress-B complex, chelated mineral, and a broad spectrum of vitamins and essential trace elements?????all in optimal balance including a complete profile of amino acids to ensure the proper assimilation of nutrients. The nutritional wisdom of ALL ONE?????s original creators is demonstrated by the importance they gave to certain nutrients that, only today, are proving necessary for optimal health. ALL ONE includes a full gram of vitamin C plus significant amounts of vitamin E and folic acid?????three nutrients vital to the maintenance of healthy nervous and circulatory systems. For more than two decades, ALL ONE has set the standard for nutrition and convenience, providing health-conscious people of all ages with a complete combination of perfectly balance nutrients.